Honda Wing Port - Kai

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda Wing Port

住所 :

1700-8 Tomitake Shinden, Kai, Yamanashi 400-0113, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 400-0113
Webサイト :

1700-8 Tomitake Shinden, Kai, Yamanashi 400-0113, Japan
直子 on Google

It's a good relationship between the customers. If you say that you bought it at another store but didn't fix it, I'm sure it will work!
蜘蛛頭 on Google

この店以外で買ったバイクを修理してもらおうとしたら「このバイクを買った店で修理してもらえ!」と、高圧的な態度で追い出された。 はっきり言って身内贔屓の最低な店
When I tried to repair a bike I bought outside this store, I was kicked out with a high-pressure attitude, "Please have it repaired at the store where I bought this bike!" To be clear, the store with the lowest relatives
Nana Takasaki on Google

しっかりメンテナンスしてもらえるので安心してバイクに乗れます。 元気な店長も面白いです。
You can ride on your bike with peace of mind because you can maintain it firmly. The cheerful manager is also interesting.
on come on Google

Although it is a craftsman, he is a friendly person when I talk about it. Thank you very much for your major repair of your old bike.
隼人桜季 on Google

I was very grateful that he was very kind to repair it, but after that, I was in trouble again and called for repair. However, I thought a little and was able to deal with it myself, so I told him the cause of the failure and said that it was okay. When I hung up the phone, I was told that it would be a problem if I got a call back and complained, and I complained. I didn't mean anything, but I felt very sick.
kenji sss on Google

お世話になります(*^o^)/\(^-^*) バイク修理と言ったら ここ! 経験豊富な社長が 対応してくれる‼️ 安心してお願いできる処!!
(* ^ O ^) / \ (^-^ *) If you say motorcycle repair, here! An experienced president will respond ️ A place where you can ask with confidence! !
dora 0117 on Google

長年お世話になっています。いつも我儘を聞いてくれるショップです! 初めはとっつきにくい所も有りましたが、行きつけてくると他のショップには無い良さがあり離れられません! 皆さんも通いつめて良さを感じ取って下さい。 お店で出会うバイク仲間も最高に楽しい方たちばかりです。 修理の腕も勿論! 安心してお願い出来ます…また奥様の入れてくれるコーヒーが美味しくて、お店で知り合った方々とバイク談義に華が咲いてしまい、ついつい長居をしてしまいます。(仕事の邪魔はしてませんよ! たぶん…) 社長さん、奥さん、これからもお世話になります!
I have been taking care of it for many years. A shop that always listens to you! At first there were places that were hard to reach, but once you arrive, you can't leave without the goodness that no other shop has! Please come and feel good. The bike friends I meet at the shop are also the most fun people. Of course the skill of repair! I can ask you with confidence ... The coffee that your wife can put in is also delicious, and the flowers that you meet at the shop will be blooming in motorcycle discussions, and you will stay long. (I'm not disturbing my work! Maybe ...) President, wife, I'll take care of you!
T. kawa on Google

古いバイクを直してもらいました。 適正価格で親切に対応してもらい感謝です!社長さんが優しくて良かった‥ おすすめのお店です。 (追記)その後、違う車両(不動状態)で修理を依頼しましたが、最初の電話で断られました。 がっかりです。
I fixed my old bike. Thank you for your kind support at a reasonable price! It was nice that the president was kind ... This is the recommended store. (Appendix) After that, I asked for repair in a different vehicle (immobilized state), but was refused by the first phone call. I'm disappointed.

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