Honda - Fujioka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda

住所 :

390ー8 Nakakurisu, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 375-0015
Webサイト :

390ー8 Nakakurisu, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0015, Japan
GUN MAN on Google

I moved and came here.
須野原真奈美 on Google

とても丁寧な接客で親身に相談にのてくれるところも とても好感が持てました。 これからのメンテナンスなどながくお付き合いさせて頂きたいと思います。
I was very impressed with the very polite customer service and the kindness of the consultation. I would like to keep in touch with you for future maintenance.
みたすなお on Google

店舗が移動して、さらに会社の体制も含めて新しくなっています。 私は古くなった走行20万キロ弱のホンダ車を所有していて、半年先の車検前にそろそろ買い替えか、継続の判断を迫られています。 ただ今回は別の車の車検の打合せのお供で寄りましたが、まだ店舗が地について活動しているように見受けられず、販売に関する提案等の情報を得る所までは、話をできませんでした。 たまたまか、訪れている人が少し多めで、対応している営業の数を上回っていたのかなと思いました。
The store has moved and the company structure has been renewed. I own an old Honda car that runs less than 200,000 kilometers, and I have to decide whether to buy a new one or continue it before the vehicle inspection six months later. However, this time I stopped by at a meeting for another car inspection, but it did not seem that the store was still active on the ground, and I could not talk until I got information such as sales proposals. .. It happened that the number of visitors was a little higher, and I wondered if it exceeded the number of sales that were supported.
黒澤良子 on Google

Today, I have signed a wagon car of 3.7 million yen considering that my daughter's couple will have more families ? It will be a long relationship with a salesman again ☺️ I love it at a cozy shop ✨
針谷孝誠 on Google

今はまだメイン道路から奥まった所ですが 近々店舗前に広い道路が開通予定です、便利場所に成るでしょう、
It's still deep from the main road right now A wide road will open in front of the store soon, it will be a convenient place,
影森明敏 on Google

It is a new shop with improved service and a good atmosphere.
如月十夜 on Google

ホンダ車を購入してから、かなり年数がたっているのでそろそろ部品交換が多く出てるであろうと思い、いつもの整備工場ではなくホンダディーラーを信用して車検に出しました。 ところが車検後、1週間で不具合発生。ブレーキランプと横滑り防止ランプが点灯し消えなくなり、何事かと思い取り扱い説明書を読みました。 ブレーキ液が足りない、もしくはブレーキに異常が起きると点灯すると書いてあり、まさかと思いボンネットを開けて確認したところブレーキ液の液面が見えない位入っていませんでした。 ブレーキパッド交換も行ったので、その際「ブレーキ液の足し忘れが原因かもしれない」とのこと。一番再確認しなくては、いけない場所ではないでしょうか。命に関わる保安部品なので、家族に何かあったらと考えたら気が気ではありませんでした。 お店にこの事態を伝えたところ、細かく何度も点検して頂き、ありがとうございました。何日か預けること数回ようやく問題なくなったようです。 また何かあったら、すぐ声をかけてくださいとのこと。整備士さんは、たくさんの車をみて大変な時期であったと思いますが見落としがないように今後対応して頂けるとありがたいです。
It's been a long time since I bought a Honda car, so I thought that it would be time to replace many parts, so I trusted the Honda dealer instead of the usual maintenance shop and sent it to the car inspection. However, a problem occurred one week after the vehicle inspection. The brake lamp and the anti-skid lamp turned on and did not go out, so I thought something was wrong and read the instruction manual. It says that it lights up when there is not enough brake fluid or when something goes wrong with the brakes, and when I opened the hood and checked it, I couldn't see the level of the brake fluid. I also replaced the brake pads, so at that time, he said, "It may be because I forgot to add the brake fluid." Isn't it the place where you have to reconfirm the most? It's a life-threatening safety component, so I wasn't worried if something happened to my family. When I told the shop about this situation, thank you for checking it in detail many times. It seems that the problem has finally disappeared several times after depositing for several days. If something happens again, please call me immediately. I think it was a difficult time for the mechanic to see a lot of cars, but I would be grateful if you could take care of it in the future so that you do not overlook it.
剣道部副部長 on Google

I had a contract for a car here before, but the information on the contracted car is still posted on Goo-net, and it was written that two people are considering it. Even though I signed the contract, I still posted it, and after all, other people have considered it without knowing it. Based on this, I gave it a rating of 2. (Excuse me for the long sentence.)

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