Honda Cars Rifu - Miyagi District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda Cars Rifu

住所 :

Keshozaka-74-2 Kamiyasawa, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0121, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 981-0121
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM

Keshozaka-74-2 Kamiyasawa, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0121, Japan
徳田宏晴 on Google

The parking lot is large and the store is bright and spacious. Wi-Fi is fully equipped and there are magazines and newspapers, so the waiting time is comfortable.
m oya on Google

I have been with you for many years, but the staff is very friendly and will continue to do so.
阿部昭彦 on Google

The greetings were well done and the work that made me feel good was also polite.
おく on Google

購入する気満々で伺ったのに、初来店だったからなのか、営業努力をしなくても売れるからなのか、営業担当の方の対応がいまひとつ…売る意欲が無いというか… 結果他のメーカーさんから購入しました。
I asked him about buying it, but maybe because it was his first visit to the store, or because he could sell it without making sales efforts, or because the sales staff didn't respond well ... he didn't want to sell it ... As a result, I bought it from another manufacturer.
丸柴犬 on Google

施設が新しくなったホンダカーズさん、ウェルカムドリンク付? 利府街道片側からしか入れないので反対車線の時はヨークベニマル交差点から、Uターン怖いと感じるならヨークの駐車場裏通って街道出ると出入口近くて入りやすい そこそこ時間かかる時は店内のTV見るなりWi-Fi繋ぐなり、はたまた歩ける距離にあるブックオフと吉野家で時間つぶし 最後までお見送りは嬉しいが街道入るの時間食うときあるから程々で切り上げていいですぜ 応対にも悪い印象は特に感じないので改めて星4
Is Honda Cars having a new facility with a welcome drink? Since you can enter only from one side of Rifu Kaido, when you are in the opposite lane, from the York-Benimaru intersection, if you feel scared of a U turn, it is easy to enter near the entrance by exiting the street through the parking lot in York When it takes some time, you can watch TV in the store, connect to Wi-Fi, and kill time at Book Off and Yoshinoya, which are within walking distance. I'm happy to see you off until the end, but it's okay to round up because there's time to eat on the road 4 stars
Jack Shepard on Google

Free wifi is available in the store, which is convenient.
茂木純一 on Google

親切丁寧な対応で気持ち良くなりました。 機会があればまた利用したいと思います。
The kind and polite response made me feel good. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
阿部裕一 on Google

息子と来店しました 子供に優しいスタッフさんです(*^^*)
I came to the store with my son Child-friendly staff (* ^^ *)

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