(株)ナックプランニング 埼玉本社

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Contact (株)ナックプランニング 埼玉本社

住所 :

Honcho, Toda, 〒335-0023 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87979
Webサイト : https://www.nackplanning.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Honcho, Toda, 〒335-0023 Saitama,Japan
まめぷー on Google

This time, I was kind enough to get a consultation and it was really helpful! I was convinced that the word-of-mouth evaluation was high due to the polite response. It was said that not only the prefecture but the entire Kanto area is OK, so I would like to ask if there is a remodeling at my parents' house.
koba papa on Google

お見積もり時から施工完了時まで、担当の方、職人さん共にとても丁寧に応対頂きました。 工事の途中で追加工事をお願いしましたが、追加の工事をご承諾頂き、施工頂いたおかげでとても満足できる仕上げになりました。 次回、施工をお願いする機会がありましたら、是非、もう一度貴社にお願いしたいと思います。 これからも宜しくお願い致します!
From the time of estimation to the time of completion of construction, both the person in charge and the craftsmen responded very politely. We asked for additional work in the middle of the work, but thanks to your consent for the additional work, the finish was very satisfying. Next time, if you have a chance to ask for construction, I would like to ask your company again. Thank you for your continued support!
cha Tomo事務局 on Google

We at chaTomo (Chatomo) are an organization that organizes a childcare refreshment event for moms and children, mainly in Saitama City (^ ^) As a sponsor for Nack Planning, please use the Urawa Womanomics Room for free Thank you for lending. The Urawa Womenomics Room is located about a 5-minute walk from Urawa Station, and has tables and beds suitable for workshops. It is a very convenient venue for both the organizer and everyone who participates. The nice thing is not only the location and facilities, but also the event in the Womanomics room. NAK PLANNING Hirai's personality is good, and it is a place full of favor. I also visited the Toda head office, and it was impressive that everyone was working happily in a cozy atmosphere! Apart from the Urawa Womanomics room, we rent spaces and hold events in various places, and for the community, for moms and female entrepreneurs, the president and staff members are working very hard. I think it's a company! If you are interested in holding an event or participating in an event, please feel free to contact us once by all means (^ ^)
ぷらっとほーむさいたま不登校ネットワーク on Google

クリスマス会を浦和ウーマノミクス室で開催させていただきました。 今日で4回目の利用ですが、いつも手厚いサポートで、まだ不慣れな主催者が少しずつでも成長できるよう支えていただいております。 本当にありがとうございます。 会場の雰囲気のよさ、居心地のよさは常に好評を頂いていて、センスのよさも参加者さんが喜ばれて憧れるところです。 さすが専門の建築士さん!わが家に活かせる知恵もお聞きしたいですね!
A Christmas party was held in the Urawa Womanomics Office. This is the fourth time we have used it today, but we are always providing generous support and helping unfamiliar organizers grow up little by little. thank you very much. The atmosphere and comfort of the venue has always been well received, and the sense of goodness is a place where participants are pleased and admired. As expected, an architect! I would also like to ask you about the wisdom that can be used in my home!
及川寧々 on Google

ナックプランニング様が開催されているゴミ拾いなどの地域イベントに参加しました。 まさかリフォーム会社が地域貢献事業もされているとは思っておらず、驚きました!とめきち君のYouTubeチャンネルもいつも楽しく拝見させていただいております。 イベントで関わった社員の方は皆さんとても気さくで優しく、どんなに細かいことでも相談に乗ってくれる気遣いもあるなと感じたので、私もリフォームしたいと思った時は相談したいです。
We participated in local events such as garbage picking held by Nack Planning. I was surprised that I didn't think that the remodeling company was also doing a community contribution business! I always enjoy watching Tomekichi's YouTube channel. The employees involved in the event were all very friendly and kind, and I felt that they were kind enough to give me advice on even the smallest details, so I would like to consult with them when I want to remodel.
松本泰幸 on Google

After repairing the roof and renovating the bathroom, we replaced the corrugated sheet in the parking lot for the third time. The explanation at the time of estimation was polite, and he asked me about my request. Correspondence is good every time.
平井まゆみ on Google

I am attending an event. As a remodeling company, of course, I think it is a company that is highly evaluated both inside and outside the company, with a strong antenna for society, such as contribution to the community, support for raising children, support for women's success, support for various work styles, and the Ikuboss Declaration.
豊田賢美 on Google

今回初めてリフォーム依頼いたしました。 ご担当者様は、誠実で真面目な人柄が伝わるとても感じが良い方でした。 古い戸建てで作業を進めるにあたり、諸問題が発生したりしましたが、その都度丁寧な説明に解決策を提案頂き、先日希望以上の仕上がりで無事に施工終了しました。 また何かありましたら、お願いしたいと思います。
This is the first time I have requested a remodeling. The person in charge was a very nice person who conveys a sincere and serious personality. There were various problems when proceeding with the work in the old detached house, but each time I received a polite explanation and suggested a solution, the construction was completed successfully the other day with a finish that exceeded my wishes. If there is anything else, I would like to ask.

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