タイタイ タイ料理 国分寺店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイタイ タイ料理 国分寺店

住所 :

Honcho, Kokubunji, 〒185-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1325/A132502/13265284/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–10:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Honcho, Kokubunji, 〒185-0012 Tokyo,Japan
舒羽 on Google

When I came to eat around 3 pm the previous day, I thought it was still good and came again this time. However, when I ordered at 6:50 pm and came to eat, the food was very late and it was close to 50 minutes. The two came together, but 40 minutes after the meal was completed, the other staple food came out. I ordered the same thing twice, but it tastes completely different.
yu yuyu on Google

もったいないお店 味、値段ともに良くお店も清潔 但し、料理の提供が遅い。 オーダー順から料理を提供するわけではく、テーブル毎に1品ずつ提供するスタイル。 (Uber配達員は待ち時間の無しで店を出ていくのにいらつく) 3人以上で行くと1人目が食べ終わっても3人目の料理が来ないことがたびたびある。 ・一人で行くのが良い ・12時台、19時台は避けるべき 料理の提供方法が変わるまでは(半年?)、時間の無駄なので、リピートを避けようと思う。
Mottainai shop The taste and price are good and the shop is clean However, the food is served late. The style is not to serve dishes in order, but to serve one item for each table. (Uber courier is frustrated to leave the store without waiting) When three or more people go, the third person's food often does not come even if the first person finishes eating. ・ It is better to go alone ・ 12 o'clock and 19 o'clock should be avoided Until the method of serving food changes (half a year?), It's a waste of time, so I'll try to avoid repeats.
DAIKI on Google

料理は美味しく、値段も安くて満足!また行きたいと思えるサービスでした! ただ人によっては不満に思う点も見えたので記載しておきます。(開店初日の情報なので悪しからず) ●料理の提供時間 ガパオライスを注文したが35分程度かかった。 ●コロナの配慮は皆無 最近、飲食店で目にする透明の板は一切なく、隣の席との距離も近い。僕が行ったタイミングではサラリーマンが5人ほど大声で騒ぎお酒をあおっていた。 この辺りは不満に思うひとも多いかなと思います!(とくに僕個人的には気にしないので星5つです!笑)
The food is delicious, the price is cheap and I am satisfied! It was a service that I wanted to go to again! However, I've mentioned some points that some people are dissatisfied with. (It's information on the first day of opening, so it's not bad) ● Cooking time I ordered Gapao Rice, but it took about 35 minutes. ● No consideration for corona Recently, there is no transparent board that I see at restaurants, and the distance to the next seat is close. At the timing I went, about five office workers were making a loud noise and drinking alcohol. I think there are many people who are dissatisfied with this area! (I don't really care about it, so it's 5 stars! Lol)
calory 2 on Google

I received a set of Tom Yum Ramen and Green Curry. It was insanely delicious. A Thai clerk will welcome you in Thai. It's a cheap and good shop.
Mariko T on Google

国分寺に新しくできた、タイ料理のお店。 かなり前から看板はできていて、気になっていました。 メニューがとてもたくさんあって、ランチはサラダやスープもついて680円。 超リーズナブル…味はどうなんだろう? とちょっと不安になりながら買ってみたら… …美味しい! この日頼んだのは、 ◆パッタイ ◆豚足の煮込みご飯 ◆海老チャーハン ◆カンマンガイトッ(鳥のから揚げご飯) ◆五目野菜炒めご飯 です。 パッタイは本格的なスパイスがはいり、 五目炒めもピリ辛で見た目から想像のつかないパンチ。 また、豚足の煮込みは八角がすごくて、タイというよりは台湾料理です。 これ、台湾のフラッシュバック! めちゃくちゃ美味しかったですー 他のメニューもぜひ食べてみたいなぁ。 ごちそうさまでしたー
A new Thai restaurant in Kokubunji. The signboard had been made for quite some time, and I was curious about it. There are so many menus, and lunch is 680 yen including salad and soup. Super reasonable ... what about the taste? I was a little worried when I bought it ... …delicious! I asked for this day ◆ Pad Thai ◆ Stewed rice with pork leg ◆ Shrimp fried rice ◆ Kanmangaito (fried rice from birds) ◆ Stir-fried rice with five vegetables is. Pad Thai has authentic spices, Stir-fried Gomoku is also spicy and punches that you can't imagine from the appearance. Also, the stewed pork leg is very octagonal, and it is Taiwanese food rather than Thai. This is a flashback from Taiwan! It was really delicious! I definitely want to try other menus. Thank you for your feast
なかあつ on Google

12月1日オープンとの告知がシャッターに貼ってありました。 で、訪問して参りました。 食べたのは、お得なランチセットのカオカパオ(鶏肉バジル炒めごはん)にサラダ、スープ、小グリーンカレーが付いた880円(税込968円)頂きました。 開店したての新しいお店で、看板だけがかなり早めに出てて気になってました。 初回なので安定のガパオライスにしたのですが、ボリュームもあり、辛味も控えめでクセも無かったてす。食べやすいタイ料理になってました。 グリーンカレーも具がチキン、ナス、タケノコか入り、ココナツミルク風味がシッカリあり、辛さもマイルドな一品でした。 次はパッタイかカオマンガイかな?! 支払いにPayPayが使えたよ。 追加 ランチセットのクイティオナム(タイ風ラーメン)748円頂きました。 初めてのタイ風ラーメンです。 スープはアッサリポークスープに茹で鶏、モヤシ、ネギ、パクチーかな? 麺は、パッタイでも使ってる、米粉で作るセンレック。 アッサリだけどコクが有って、パクチーが良いアクセントになってます。 途中でテーブルのナンプラーを掛けたり、味変で楽しめます。 ライスが付くので白飯かと思ってたらミニガパオライスが付いて来ました。サラダも付いててお得感満載です。
There was a notice on the shutter that it would open on December 1st. So, I have visited. I ate 880 yen (968 yen including tax) with salad, soup, and small green curry on Kaokapao (stir-fried chicken basil rice), which is a great lunch set. It was a new store that had just opened, and I was worried that only the signboard came out quite early. Since it was the first time, I made a stable Gapao rice, but it had a lot of volume, the spiciness was modest, and there was no habit. It has become an easy-to-eat Thai food. The green curry also contained chicken, eggplant, and bamboo shoots, and the coconut milk flavor was crisp, and the spiciness was mild. Next is Pad Thai or Khao Man Gai? !! I could use PayPay for payment. addition I received 748 yen for a lunch set, Quitionam (Thai style ramen). This is the first Thai style ramen. The soup is assari pork soup, boiled chicken, bean sprouts, green onions, coriander? The noodles are Senrec made from rice flour, which is also used in Pad Thai. It's an assassin, but it has a rich flavor, and the coriander is a good accent. You can hang a table nam pla on the way and enjoy it with a strange taste. It comes with rice, so I thought it was white rice, but it came with mini-gapao rice. It also comes with a salad and is full of great deals.
Asari Shnsuke on Google

There are plenty of affordable menus to choose from. For the time being, I ordered Khao Man Gai and Singha Beer. The chicken and Thai rice rice (garlic flavor) were very delicious and I became a fan. I would like to go through and try various menus from now on. It's also helpful to stay up late at night.
TakMan on Google

Dec '21, Thai basil & pork, 748

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