菓子工房 アントレ シャポー船橋店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菓子工房 アントレ シャポー船橋店

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878879
Webサイト : https://entree1971.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
ひろこ on Google

I love Takagi Roll! Locally used yolks are made of dark eggs, so they are yellower and more delicious than other shops. There was also a comment from other people, but it ’s a shame that the raw cake is delicious
藤井昇(ふじぴー) on Google

誕生日ケーキを買いました とても美味しいと喜ばれました?
I bought a birthday cake I was pleased that it was very delicious ?
Sunmi on Google

昔 よくお土産で?頂きました 久しぶりの高木ロール♡ 苺?のケーキも 美味しかった~(๑´ڡ`๑)?♡ けど袋は有料☠️ 私が行くケーキ屋さんは 紙袋に入れてくれるので 素敵なケーキは そのお店の 紙袋を持って歩くのも楽しみの 1つ♪ トータルで気分があがる お買い物だと思うので残念☠️ ケーキ?は繊細で倒れると??⤵️ それならば最初から ケーキ代に袋料金入れて~と 思ってしまう( ゚ε゚;)
I used to get souvenirs ? Takagi roll after a long absence ♡ Strawberry ? cake too It was delicious ~ (๑´ڡ`๑) ? ♡ But the bag is charged ☠️ The cake shop I go to Because it will be put in a paper bag A nice cake is from that shop I'm looking forward to walking with a paper bag One ♪ I feel better in total I'm sorry I think it's shopping ☠️ Cake ? is delicate and when it collapses ??⤵️ Then from the beginning Put the bag fee in the cake fee I think (゜ ε ゜ ;)
田辺文子 on Google

Although it was my favorite shop, I was really disappointed that the reception was terrible. I don't think I will buy it again at the Chapo store.
ai1105 on Google

焼き菓子のみが、ケーキ追加になり数種類並んでます。 断然タルト派。 店員さんも対応よくて◎。 あまおういちごが酸味強かった…。
Only baked sweets are lined up with additional cakes. By far the tart school. The clerk is also very responsive. Amaou strawberry had a strong acidity ...
まるいちたま on Google

店員が接客しない。する気が無い。人気店だけど人いない状態だと客が来ても声なんかかけずになんか作業してて、「すいません注文したいんですけど」て声掛けたら「はい」その後何も喋ろうとしないで黙ったままじっと顔を見られて。普通どんなケーキ屋でも「どれにしますか」って聞いて客が「これ」って言って指示したケーキ取るでしょ。「ケーキ買いたいんですけど」って肉屋に「肉買いたいんですけど」って言うのと同じ馬鹿みたいな説明したら「ああ」ってそして本当にめんどくさそうに「どれですか」とちいさ~い声と超不愛想な顔で聞かれ注文。 この店員たぶん最低限自分が喋らないまま客が一方的に話してほしいと思ってる接客一切したくない人だと思う。人いなかったのこの接客で来客減ったんじゃないの。同じ金額払うなら、まして晴れの気持ちを買うケーキなら気分よく買えるとこ選ぶよ。人気店にありがちな最低の接客でも客は来るから的な塩対応だった。
The clerk does not serve customers. I have no intention of doing it. It's a popular shop, but when there are no people, I'm working on something without calling out even if customers come, and when I say "I'm sorry I want to order," "Yes." Look at your face. Normally, at any cake shop, you ask "Which one do you want?" And the customer says "this" and takes the cake. When I explained to a butcher that "I want to buy a cake" like "I want to buy meat", I said "Oh" and it seemed to be really annoying. I was asked with a voice and a super unfriendly face and ordered. This clerk is probably the one who doesn't want to serve customers at least because he wants the customers to talk unilaterally without speaking. There weren't any people, so this customer service didn't reduce the number of visitors. If you pay the same amount, I'll choose a cake that makes you feel good, let alone a cake that makes you feel fine. Even the lowest customer service, which is often found in popular stores, was salt-friendly because customers would come.
サケン1 on Google

The reservation date for the Christmas cake was wrong, and I was asked to return the cake that was once given to me, and when I went to check it, it was bad that you made a mistake. I will give it to other reservation customers, so return the cake you gave. It's an impossible customer service, and since I don't have a spare, I hand over the collected cake as it is. I was very disappointed because I had high expectations.
mori mori on Google

3個ケーキを買いましたが、箱を開けると1個は倒れ、他のケーキにもダメージ。他で買うと隙間にリング型の紙が入ってたりしますが、こちらはしていないです。 パイと書いてた商品もパイはどこ??クリームとスポンジは普通においしいですが、イチゴクリーム等で大きさをだしてる感があります。
I bought 3 cakes, but when I opened the box, one collapsed and the other cakes were damaged. If you buy it elsewhere, there may be a ring-shaped paper in the gap, but this is not the case. Where is the product that says pie? ?? Creams and sponges are usually delicious, but there is a feeling that they are sized with strawberry cream.

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