東京美容外科 青森院

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Contact 東京美容外科 青森院

住所 :

Honcho, 〒030-0802 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.tkc110.jp/aomori/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Aomori

Honcho, 〒030-0802 Aomori,Japan
相田奈央 on Google

I was worried that my nose was low, so I asked him to give me hyaluronic acid because I thought it was a petite plastic surgery. Local anesthesia was a little painful ... The effect is not permanent, so I would like to consider nasal prosthesis in the future.
高橋はるみ on Google

I received a standard 3 point closure. Both the teacher and the nurse were kind and talked to me during the procedure. I thought the double width was a little narrower than ideal, but it was good that my family told me that it was natural and good.
吉田志保 on Google

I can't go to Tokyo, so I chose it at a clinic that is famous in the prefecture and is open all over the country. He gave me advice on what kind of treatment to do while looking at the characteristics of my face. It was a tight budget to do everything, so I asked only Ella's Botox. There is no particular downtime and the down feathers have become less noticeable. Next time, I would like to do the thread lift that was suggested.
ほしがき on Google

施術はスムーズで、スタッフも優しくてよかったと思います。また、前回痛みがあったので気を遣っていただいたケアもしてくださいました。 料金は他院と比べて少し高めではあると思います。 ちょっと残念、改善して欲しい点はLINEでの広告キャンペーンに関してスタッフが把握できていない事があり、ポイントバックがキャンペーン通りされなかった所でした。施術中に確認して欲しいと話し、確認するとの事でしたが会計の時も通常通りのポイント付加のみでした。 こちらから問うと、他スタッフと相談して付加されましたが、広告キャンペーンと異なるポイント付加でした。 帰宅後おかしいなと思い、オペレーターへ問い合わせると電話対応していただき、次回来院時に広告キャンペーン通りのポイント付加しますとのことで安心しました。 しかし次の来院でポイント付加の経緯を伝えると、オペレーターから青森院に伝達されてないのか、初耳のような対応でした。 不備があり、次回来院時に何かある場合はカルテやデータベースに記載するなどして、誰が対応しても大丈夫なように改善していただきたいです。 トラブルありましたが、丁寧に対応していただいたのでその点はよかったです。
I am glad that the treatment was smooth and the staff were kind. Also, since I had a pain last time, he took care of me. I think the fee is a little higher than other hospitals. A little disappointing, the point I would like to see improved was that the staff did not understand the advertising campaign on LINE, and the point back was not followed by the campaign. He told me that he would like me to confirm it during the procedure, and he said that he would confirm it, but at the time of accounting, he only added points as usual. When I asked from here, it was added in consultation with other staff, but it was a point addition different from the advertising campaign. I thought it was strange after I got home, so when I contacted the operator, I was asked to answer the phone, and I was relieved that I would add points according to the advertising campaign the next time I visit the hospital. However, when I told him how the points were added at the next visit, it seemed like I had never heard of it from the operator to Aomori-in. If there are any deficiencies and something happens at the next visit, I would like you to improve it so that anyone can handle it by listing it in the medical record or database. There was a problem, but I'm glad that you responded politely.
高田みさき on Google

ネットから予約→カウンセリング→説明を聞く・質問する→見積もりもらう ところまでいきました。なりたいイメージを伝えたところ、思っていた施術だけでは足りないことが判明。金額がアップしてしまいました。カウンセリングは無料だし、先生もイメージに近づくにはどういった方法があるのか細かく説明してくれるので、自分の想像で金額計算するより、まずは相談してみることをおすすめします。
Book online → Counseling → Listen to explanations / Ask questions → Get a quote I went to that point. When I told him what he wanted to be, it turned out that the treatment he had expected was not enough. The amount has increased. Counseling is free, and the teacher will explain in detail how to get closer to the image, so it is recommended that you first consult with us rather than calculating the amount based on your own imagination.
守山美代 on Google

I chose Tokyo Aesthetic Surgery because it was a famous clinic while there are not many clinics that have introduced Lumeca in the prefecture. You can do it a little cheaper for the first time. It's still the first time, but I feel that my skin has become one tone brighter. I'm looking forward to the future.
伊藤優希 on Google

I went to counseling because I wanted to be buried. It was reassuring that the staff in charge was an experienced burial person and that they listened to me in a friendly manner. The teacher also got a polite impression. When I heard that the incision would be closer to my request, I couldn't decide on the spot because of downtime, so I put it on hold. It was a clinic that I would like to ask if I could secure a period of downtime!
なぐみん on Google

年々顔のたるみがひどくなってきて鏡を見るのが憂鬱で、糸リフトアップをしたいと考えていました。 東京美容外科さんに糸リフトの得意な先生がいると聞いたので、その先生がいるときに行きました。 カウンセリングでは私のイメージをよく聞いてくださり、施術では痛みを極力ないようにしてほしいという希望も汲んで声がけしてくれながら進めてくれました。 施術後は輪郭がすっきりして、ちゃんとリフトアップされました。周りからも若くなったと言われるので嬉しいです。通常だと高額になりますが、入れ放題のプランもあるので費用も安かったです。
The sagging of my face became worse year by year, and it was depressing to look in the mirror, so I wanted to lift up the thread. I heard that Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery has a teacher who is good at thread lifts, so I went there when he was there. In the counseling, he listened to my image well, and in the treatment, he asked me to minimize the pain and proceeded. After the treatment, the contour was clean and lifted up properly. I'm glad that people around me say that I'm younger. It is usually expensive, but the cost was low because there is an all-you-can-eat plan.

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