駿河屋 千葉中央店

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 駿河屋 千葉中央店

住所 :

Honchibacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0014 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.suruga-ya.jp/feature/chiba-chuo/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honchibacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0014 Chiba,Japan
ヤクシニー on Google

買取、販売共に待たせる時間がとても長い。 それに店員の対応と言うか態度というかが酷かったです! 特に男性の方、声小さくて聞き取れないし、こっちの言葉聞いてないわで接客レベルは最低でした^^あと小さい独り言?あんまり印象良く無いんで辞めた方がいいと思いました 品揃えはいいのに店員のレベルが低くて勿体無いなと感じました
It takes a long time to wait for both purchase and sale. Besides, the response or attitude of the clerk was terrible! Especially for men, the voice was so small that I couldn't hear it, and I didn't hear these words, so the customer service level was the lowest ^^ And a small soliloquy? I thought it was better to quit because it didn't make a good impression Although the product lineup is good, the level of the clerk is low and I felt it was a waste.
まっしぶ on Google

I mainly use it for purchase, but the correspondence differs considerably depending on the clerk. Even if I had a barcode for safe purchase, I was asked to enter the transaction number. Also, I'm a little worried that there are many chats between the clerk. The location just a short walk from Chiba Chuo Station is convenient and good.
kuro kuro on Google

<追記> お返事ありがとうございます。 自宅から距離があり、時間、運賃コストが見合わないので今回は諦めます。 真摯なご提案をいただき感謝申し上げます。 ー--------- 掘り出し物を見つけたと思い購入 値札は¥2,800なのにレシートを見ると¥3,700支払わされていた 以前も新品商品を定価以上の価格で売っていたり 商売の姿勢に疑問を感じる 古物商だから雑な値付けで良いという訳ではないだろう
thank you for your reply. I will give up this time because it is far from my home and the time and fare cost are not worth it. Thank you for your sincere suggestions. ---------- I thought I found a bargain and bought it The price tag was ¥ 2,800, but when I looked at the receipt, it was ¥ 3,700. Even before, new products were sold at a price higher than the list price I have doubts about the attitude of business Since it's an antique dealer, it doesn't mean that it's okay to have a rough price.
青井和英 on Google

買取価格1000円の商品を別の商品と間違えられ、5円で買い取られそうになりました。 驚いてその商品の公式サイトを提示し、買取価格1000円の商品で間違いないことを説明したところ、「あーそうだったんですね」という返答。 確かに詳しい仕様を知らないと見分けにくい商品でしたし、ミス自体は仕方ないと思っていますが、店側のミスなのに「すみません」の一言すらなかったことはいくら駿河屋と言えどいかがなものかと思いました。 系列店を含めよく利用させていただいていたこともあり、当初上記の件は胸にしまっておこうと思っていましたが、その後も買取でのミスが続き「店の得になるミスはスルー、損になるミスはどんなに落ち度があっても見逃さない」という店の方針に呆れたので、このような評価とさせていただきます。
A product with a purchase price of 1000 yen was mistaken for another product, and it was about to be bought for 5 yen. When I was surprised to present the official website of the product and explained that the product with a purchase price of 1000 yen was correct, he answered, "Oh, that's right." Certainly it was a product that was difficult to distinguish without knowing the detailed specifications, and I think that the mistake itself can not be helped, but how much Surugaya can say that I did not even say "I'm sorry" even though it was a mistake on the store side. I thought. Since I used to use it often, including affiliated stores, I initially thought that I would keep the above matter in my heart, but after that, I continued to make mistakes in purchasing and said, "Misses that benefit the store are through. I was amazed at the store's policy that "I will not overlook any mistakes that are detrimental, no matter how bad I am", so I will evaluate it like this.
おやじFZ on Google

◇平日の午後、以前より気になっていたので行って見ました。 場所がらなのか?店なのか?不明ですが、店内に活気がなく来店客がほとんど居ませんでした 個人的に購入意欲の沸く商品.数.価格デワなかったのが…率直な感想。 事前にネット等で自分好みの店を探すか、足を伸ばして無難に秋葉原に行き時間かけて好みの物を探す方が良い気がしたのは…本人だけなのか …と感じた。
◇ On weekday afternoons, I was more interested than before, so I went to see it. Is it a place? Is it a store? I'm not sure, but the store wasn't lively and there were few customers. Personally motivated products. Number. Price I didn't have a difference ... Frank impression. I felt that it would be better to find a store that you like on the internet in advance, or to go to Akihabara safely and spend some time searching for something you like. I felt ...
ALUmi5117 (L1NE153) on Google

The other day, I bought a magazine on the 5th floor, but the clerk at the cash register at that time made me feel sick. If you want to have merchandise accounted for, you'll have to take it with one hand and throw it away, and are other customers doing the same? by chance? It was a little uncomfortable because I came here for the first time. The store itself has a good selection and I thought it would be good at a reasonable price, but it would be a little difficult to go again ...
Zander Warren on Google

Great inventory, competitive prices, helpful staff. Highly recommend if you are into classic gaming
Mai Chen on Google

Lots of really retro games and figurines! Worth a look if you didn't find what you're looking for in Akihabara or you want them better priced (although may be not worth the transportation fee)

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