デコガーデン - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デコガーデン

住所 :

Honamicho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0822 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 464-0822
Webサイト : http://www.deco-works.com/
街 : Aichi

Honamicho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0822 Aichi,Japan
小野島勇輝 on Google

S S on Google

The estimate from a major house maker was over budget, so I asked Deco Garden. The design is good and the exterior is nice.
M M on Google

忙しいのかもうすでに廃業されているのかはわかりません。 問い合わせをしてから一週間、なんの音沙汰もなし。 良さそうな業者さんだっただけに残念ではあり 当然こちらから再度問い合わせれば済むかもしれない話だが 大抵の方がそうであるよう初めての新築、わからないことばかりで不安な中、レスポンスが悪いだけでも不信感は拭えない。 というよりまずそれが一番大事。どうせ問い合わせるなら動きの悪い業者より他のちゃんとやる業者をあたった方がいい。 人生で一番高い買い物の大事な一部。お任せしない方が無難と判断しました。 個人的な話にはなってしまいますがHMとの請負契約 → 一期工事契約 → 部材発注までトータル1ヶ月しかない中で 休みの土日はほぼ全部HMとの打ち合わせの合間、外構業者選びの時間と大事な大事な一週間を無駄にした。本当めんどくさいわ
I don't know if I'm busy or already out of business. One week after inquiring, no sound. It's a shame because it was a good company Of course, you may need to contact us again. The first new construction, as most people do, is anxious just because they don't understand. Rather it is the most important. Anyway, if you want to make an inquiry, it's better to hit another supplier who does it properly than the one that does not move well. An important part of the most expensive shopping in your life. We decided that it would be safer not to leave it to us. Although it will be a personal story, the contract with HM → the one-time construction contract → within one month total to order parts On weekends and holidays, almost all of the time between meetings with HM, the time for selecting a contractor and an important week were wasted. Really troublesome
渡辺学 on Google

I asked for the exterior construction of a new house. I asked for detailed changes many times, but I was relieved to have a meeting firmly. When ward started construction of guardrail on footpath in front of house during construction, we were saved as we adjusted with ward so that we did not attach guardrail to planned cut down part of sidewalk.
Ya Kmt on Google

新築の外構工事をお願いしました。デザイン、費用、工期共に他社と比較してみて1番良かったのでお願いしました。 担当者さんはとても物腰が柔らかくこちらの要望をきちんと聞いてくださいます。 作業もきちんと最後までやってくださり、満足いく外構ができました。
We asked for a new exterior construction. The design, cost and construction period were the best compared to other companies, so I asked for it. The person in charge is very soft and please listen to this request. Work was done to the end properly, and a satisfactory site was completed.
E O on Google

I asked Deco Garden about the parking lot and the exterior work of the backyard deck. We were able to respond carefully to every request to change the design. In addition, when we suddenly requested a boundary retaining wall, we were able to work closely with our brokers and contractors in the face of many restrictions, and we were able to construct the best retaining wall within our budget.
R K on Google

I decided to decorate the deco garden by taking the external structure and the phase estimate of the construction company of the new construction main construction. In response to this request, it was a very wonderful plan in terms of design, incorporating ingenuity to keep prices down and easiness of maintenance. During construction, the interaction with the main body construction company was also exact, and there were contacts and explanations frequently, and I was left with confidence until completion. I am satisfied with all of price, plan, correspondence.
E F on Google

家を建てたハウスメーカーでの外構の見積もりが予算以上だった為、数社で外構の相見積もりを取りました。大体のイメージ、使いたい素材などは初めからあったのですが、プロの目線でよりよく、予算内に仕上がるようにアドバイスしていただけました。植物の知識、愛情も感じられ信頼できるなと思いデコガーデン さんにお願いしました。施工前、施行中にも当初プランから色々と変更点があったのですが、快く迅速に対応していただきました。仕上がりもとても満足のいくものになりました。
Since the estimate of the site at the house maker that built the house was more than the budget, several companies estimated the site. I had a lot of images and materials I wanted to use from the beginning, but I was able to give advice from a professional point of view to make it better and within the budget. I asked Deco Garden to know that I could feel the trust and knowledge of plants. Before and during construction, there were various changes from the initial plan, but we were able to respond quickly and promptly. The finish is also very satisfying.

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