
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オリゾンブルー

住所 :

Hon, Numazu, 〒410-0867 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://www.horizon-bleu.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Hon, Numazu, 〒410-0867 Shizuoka,Japan
杉山稔 on Google

The company replaced the restaurant lunch wasn't open right now ❗
Hiroto Sato on Google

The location was good and the staff's service was excellent and it was a very nice wedding venue.
るん on Google

We are going to have a wedding in Orison Blue next year! The scenery is very good, and I am happy that the person in charge suggested various events!
sana on Google

親戚の結婚式で利用しました。 式場自体が新しいとのこと。スタッフは若い方が多く、滑舌の悪い話し方や、マナーなども気になりました。 でも、それらを補う一生懸命さがあり最終的には好印象で心から「良かった❗」と言えます。 新郎新婦の意向だったのかも知れませんが、普通なら新郎新婦だけが主役の結婚式で、それが当たり前と思っていましたが、家族も主役! 新郎のお父さんだけが挨拶し、お母さんは添え物のような存在、ましてや兄弟なんているのかもわからないようなお式が多い中、新郎新婦のご両親と兄弟も式の進行に必要な演出がされていました。 家族が支えてきて今の新郎新婦がいるのだと、素直に参列者が受け入れられる披露宴だったなぁと思います。 披露宴を進行したスタッフやお料理を楽しませてくださったシェフの方たちも皆さんが新郎新婦の旅立ちを拍手で見送ってくださり、感動で目頭が熱くなる場面もあり、式場の方々全員が全力で取り組んでくださっていてのを感じましたよ。 新郎新婦退出後の時間調整時には、当日の式の進行記録が写し出され、最後の最後に、参列者一人ひとりもみんなが主役だったと、改めて実感させていただきました? 海が見える会場で、梅雨のこの時期雨にも降られず、新郎新婦の普段の行い?が良かったと、心から言えるお式? 本当に素敵な心温まる結婚式。 お幸せにね
I used it at a relative's wedding. The ceremony hall itself is new. There were many young staff, and I was also worried about how to talk poorly and manners. However, there is a hard work to supplement them, and in the end, it is a good impression and it can be said from the heart as a "good niece. It may have been the intention of the bride and groom, but in the usual case only the bride and groom were the main feature of the wedding, and I thought that it was natural, but the family is also the leading character! Only the groom's father greets, and while the mother has many ceremonies so that she does not know that the mother is like an accessory, let alone the brothers and sisters, the bride and groom's parents and brothers also had the necessary effects to advance the ceremony . I think that it was a reception that the attendees were able to accept honestly if the family is supporting and there are brides and grooms now. The staff who went to the reception desk and the chefs who enjoyed the dishes also applauded the bride and groom's journey, and there was a scene where the eyes were hot and moving, and all the people in the ceremony were at their best. I felt I was working on it. At the time adjustment after leaving the bride and groom, the progress record of the ceremony on the day was taken out, and at the last minute, it was realized once again that each and every one of the participants was the leading role. At the venue where the sea is visible, it is not raining at this time of the rainy season, and it is a ceremony that you can say from the heart that the bride and groom's normal conduct was good. A really nice heartwarming wedding. I hope you are happy
I H. on Google

I was invited to the reception. It wasn't a large-scale reception hall a long time ago, but it was small, and I felt that it was a place where the two of us could enjoy and plan. The staff were also young and pleasant. I had you make a bouquet of flowers on a table with a sense.
杉山 on Google

こちらで今回式場を決めました。 圧倒的ロケーションの良さ、海が見えること、料理がおいしいこと、そして担当の方が親身になって打ち合わせに取り組んでくれること。ナチュラルな感じながらも、リゾート感あふれるオリゾンブルーで式をあげたいと見学の時に思いました。また、来月式を控えているので、いまからとても楽しみにしています。
I decided the ceremony here this time. The overwhelming location, the view of the sea, the delicious food, and the person in charge working on the meeting with kindness. At the time of the tour, I wanted to hold a ceremony in Orison Blue, which has a natural feel but is full of resort feeling. Also, I am looking forward to the ceremony next month.
イカ女1号 on Google

I used it at my relative's wedding. After the ceremony, I bought a flower bouquet of the bride and put it in the frame, but the finished product was so terrible that it was the worst. It was a nice bouquet with a lot of volume, but the finished product had a dirty color, few flowers, and only the margins were conspicuous, and it was poor and too terrible. Such a dirty thing isn't very good, but I can't decorate it. Even though it was a once-in-a-lifetime wedding, the events that followed were so bad that I remembered them as the worst memories. I feel like I've thrown away 40,000 yen. Pressed flowers are definitely not recommended for those who will hold the ceremony here in the future.
Mickey on Google

Horizon Blue 場所 静岡県沼津市本千本 植樹は椰子の木? 南国風の素敵な雰囲気。 建物は、無垢な純白。 白亜の園、真心が洗われるほど素敵。 陽が暮れると白熱灯のランプが輝き素敵な雰囲気を醸し出していました。 レストランと思い夕食に伺ったところ、結婚式場でした。 駿河湾の一番奥になり、穏やかな水平線が二人を迎えます。 式場から富士山も観えて、出逢った二人が神の許(もと)に導かれる素敵なロケーションになるでしょう?
Horizon Blue Place Senbon, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture Tree planting is a palm tree ? A nice tropical atmosphere. The building is pure white. The chalk garden is so wonderful that you can wash your heart. When the sun went down, the incandescent lamps shined, creating a wonderful atmosphere. When I visited the restaurant for dinner, it was a wedding hall. At the far end of Suruga Bay, a gentle horizon welcomes them. You can see Mt. Fuji from the ceremonial hall, and it will be a wonderful location where the two people you meet will be guided by God's permission (original) ?

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