Holland - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Holland

住所 :

8 Chome-1 Mizuhotori, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0806, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 467-0806
Webサイト : http://www.holland-i.com/

8 Chome-1 Mizuhotori, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0806, Japan
H S on Google

とにかくスポンジが美味しい!! 他の方のレビューで「スポンジが美味しい」とあり、気になってショートケーキ食べてみましたが、本当に美味しかったです! ふわふわというより、少し重めの生地がしっとりどっしりしたタイプ。 スポンジ自体に甘みがあって、カステラとして食べても良いくらい。 クリームも甘めなので、1つで大満足です! 私は上の苺を最後に食べて口をさっぱりさせる食べ方が好きです。 昔ながらのケーキ屋さんって感じで見た目はごく普通のケーキ。 種類もそんなに多くはありませんが、昭和レトロで和む雰囲気のお店です。 焼き菓子もありましたし、他にも色々食べてみたいです!
Anyway, the sponge is delicious! !! Another person's review said that the sponge was delicious, so I was curious and tried eating shortcake, but it was really delicious! Rather than being fluffy, it is a type with a slightly heavier fabric that is moist and solid. The sponge itself is sweet enough to be eaten as castella. The cream is also sweet, so I'm very satisfied with just one! I like the way to eat the upper strawberry last and refresh the mouth. It looks like an old-fashioned cake shop and looks like a normal cake. There are not so many types, but it is a shop with a relaxed atmosphere in Showa retro. There were baked goods, and I would like to try more!
ふくいミルキー on Google

You could make it despite the birthday cake on the day. It was very popular because it was not so sweet
渡邊大地 on Google

僕の師匠が作る最高のケーキです。 イチゴのパイがイチオシです!!? そこのあなた!食べなきゃ損ですよ!!
This is the best cake my master makes. Strawberry pie is recommended! !! ? You there! You have to eat it! !!
YsheN on Google

There was only this pastry shop that has been around for a long time. The building was also nice. It was ... for a while, but it was good that the liveliness returned again. I'm glad that the baked lemon cake is still there.
こうのゆか on Google

バタークリームのタヌキケーキがとても美味しいです。 バタークリームは軽いのにバターの美味しさが詰まってます。大きすぎず、大人にはちょうど良いサイズなのも嬉しいです。 頭がバタークリームで出来ています。生地の間にもバタークリームか挟んであり大満足です。 ちなみに、こちらの オレンジパウンドケーキ はどこのものより美味しいと思ってます。
The butter cream raccoon cake is very delicious. Although the butter cream is light, it is packed with the deliciousness of butter. I am happy that it is not too big and is just the right size for adults. The head is made of butter cream. I am very satisfied with the butter cream sandwiched between the dough. By the way, here Orange pound cake I think it's more delicious than anything else.
井口志保 on Google

All the cakes were delicious ? Not sweet and you can eat a lot!
sayaka kawabata on Google

たぬきケーキが欲しくて探してたとこで知り合いからここにはいるよ!と情報いただき捕獲してきました。 下にはビスケットがしいてあり、バタークリームとスポンジをチョコレートでコーティングしてあり想像以上にお上品でとても美味しかった!たぬきの顔もどの顔もかわいくて大満足です。
I'm here from an acquaintance where I was looking for a raccoon cake! I received the information and captured it. There was a biscuit underneath, butter cream and sponge coated with chocolate, which was more elegant and delicious than I had imagined! Tanuki's face and every face are cute and very satisfying.
ゆっくりさかさな on Google


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