Hogetsudo - Tottori

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hogetsudo

住所 :

3 Chome-121 Nikaimachi, Tottori, 680-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 680-0033
Webサイト : http://hougetsudou.jp/

3 Chome-121 Nikaimachi, Tottori, 680-0033, Japan
JF81 on Google

鳥取出張でお土産を買いにお邪魔しました。砂の丘、とっても美味しい?止まらなくなります。好評でした! マロンのお菓子も目当てでしたが売り切れで残念でした。 お店に買いに伺いましたが、お土産店にありましたよ。
I was in the process of buying souvenirs on a business trip in Tottori. The sand hills will never stop. It was popular! I was also interested in Maron's sweets, but I was sorry that it was sold out. I asked the store to buy it, but it was in a souvenir store.
Soichiro Okida on Google

おしゃれな和菓子屋さん。 駐車場は店舗前に4台。老舗のようですが、リニューアルしてすっきりモダンな雰囲気の店舗になりました。 饅頭や最中、カステラなどの定番も販売しつつ、フルーツパフェ大福や大福パイ?のようなオリジナル和菓子も販売。フルーツパフェ大福をはじめ、季節限定甘味も多数販売されるが、予約しないと購入が難しいことも多い。モチキューブという名前の四角い大福が雑誌などに取り上げられている。 お土産、内祝いなど、贈答にも対応してくれる。
A fashionable Japanese sweets shop. There are 4 parking lots in front of the store. It seems to be a long-established store, but it has been renewed to have a clean and modern atmosphere. While selling classics such as buns, monaka, and castella, fruit parfait Daifuku and Daifuku pie? Original Japanese sweets like this are also on sale. Many seasonal sweets such as fruit parfait Daifuku are sold, but it is often difficult to purchase without making a reservation. A square Daifuku named Mochi Cube has been featured in magazines. They also accept gifts such as souvenirs and private celebrations.
白蜜黒蜜 on Google

シーズン最後の「いちご大福」、美味しく頂きました。 蕨餅もしっかりとした歯応えがあり、一味違いますね。 定番の商品もいいですが、季節感のある一品も目で楽しめてお気に入りです。 お店の雰囲気、店員さんの所作、最高です。 日曜に利用出来たら満点なんですけどね…(笑)
At the end of the season, Ichigo Daifuku was delicious. Warabi mochi has a firm texture and is a bit different. The standard items are good, but I also enjoy the seasonal items and I like them. The atmosphere of the shop, the work of the clerk is the best. It would be perfect if it could be used on Sundays ... (laughs)
apasan88 on Google

砂の丘ポケモンモデルを買いに来ました。和三盆が好きです。 とても綺麗な建物になってます。
I came to buy a sand hill Pokemon model. I like Wasanbon. It's a very beautiful building.
因幡国白兎 on Google

知人の薦めで「砂の丘」鹿野町産生姜 和風Cookieを購入しました。生姜の香りと味わいが最初にしっかりと感じましたが、噛み砕くと美味しいクッキーでした。特産品コンクール最優秀賞は納得の和風クッキーだと思います。
At the recommendation of an acquaintance, I bought a Japanese-style cookie from "Sand Hill" Shikanocho Shikano Ginger. At first I felt the aroma and taste of ginger firmly, but when I chewed it, it was a delicious cookie. I think the highest award in the special product contest is a convincing Japanese-style cookie.
NN II on Google

美味しいけど、高い! たまーに行く感じです。 他にも安くて美味しいところはいっぱいありますね。 一番好きなのはあんこもちパイだけど、 一個300円ほどします。 原価30円くらいだと思います。
It's delicious, but expensive! I feel like going to the occasion. There are many other cheap and delicious places. My favorite is ankoro mochi pie, It costs about 300 yen per piece. I think the cost is about 30 yen.
べっぴん“Beppin” on Google

The appearance was unobtrusive and overlooked. It's a one-way street, so I went around once and arrived. There are only a few items lined up in the store, so it is an elegant and luxurious interior. I bought strawberry milk Daifuku, mochi CUBE, chilled mitarashi dango and sand hills. All for myself. Is delicious. I gave the chilled mitarashi to my grandson, so I don't know what it tastes like. My daughter said it was delicious, so I will buy it again and eat it. It's a waste to have a lot of Wasanbon powder left in the sand hills. I'll save it if it can be used for something.
LEE LINDA on Google

宝月堂。 老舗の和菓子屋さん。 mochi キューブは全国的にも有名。 リニューアル3周年とのことで、店内もスタイリッシュでおしゃれ。 お菓子は、どれもこれも美味しいです。 お土産にぴったりです?
Hogetsudo. A long-established Japanese sweets shop. The mochi cube is famous all over the country. The store is stylish and fashionable as it is the 3rd anniversary of the renewal. All the sweets are delicious. Perfect for souvenirs ?

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