
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 富谷医院

住所 :

Hiyoridai, Tomiya, 〒981-3304 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://www.tomiyaiin.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
街 : Miyagi

Hiyoridai, Tomiya, 〒981-3304 Miyagi,Japan
宮城くれおぱとら on Google

いつも産婦人科の方でお世話になっています。 女の先生で看護師さんもとても優しく 丁寧です。今まで何軒か産婦人科に行きましたがここの先生が1番親身になってくれています。 待ち時間も他と比べてないので車で1時間近くかけて通っています。 ただ、1つ残念なのが受付の対応ですね。 いつも忙しそうにしていて診察券を出しても 「こんにちわ」や「お大事にどうぞ」 などの一言もありません。 感じが悪いですね。受付でこの人いいなと 思う人は誰もいないです。
I am always indebted to the obstetrics and gynecology department. A female teacher and a nurse is also very kind It's polite. I've been to several obstetrics and gynecology departments so far, but the teacher here is the most friendly. The waiting time is not comparable to others, so it takes almost an hour to drive. However, one unfortunate thing is the receptionist's response. Even if I'm always busy and give out a medical examination ticket "Hello" and "Please take good care of yourself" There is no such word. It feels bad. I like this person at the reception No one thinks.
高橋未来 on Google

とても優しい女の先生で婦人科、産婦人科ともに皆さんにオススメできます! その他の婦人科とは比べ物にならないくらい安心できる先生です! 整形外科も優しい先生で話しも聞いてくれるしとても丁寧に熱心に話しを聞いてくれるのでわからない事があれば聞いてみると今までの病院には行きたくないと思いますね!
It is a very gentle woman teacher and I can recommend it to you both in gynecology and obstetrics and gynecology! It is a teacher who can feel safe compared to other gynecology departments! He also listens to orthopedic surgery with a friendly teacher and listens very carefully and enthusiastically, so if you have any questions you don't want to go to a hospital until now!
スカイウォーカーカズ on Google

内科の先生の診察が適当で とりあえず症状にあった薬と葛根湯を出せばいいと思ってるみたいで 二度と行きたくないと思いました。 そのあと違う病院に行ったらインフルエンザと診断されました。
The medical examination of the internal medicine teacher is appropriate For the time being, he seems to think that he should give out the medicine and kakkonto that suit his symptoms. I didn't want to go again. After that, when I went to a different hospital, I was diagnosed with influenza.
スイカ on Google

It is a hospital that can be relied on from the old times in the area. It handles various diseases such as internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics. A female teacher in internal medicine makes it easy for you to listen and talk to you. Obstetrics and gynecology teachers are polite and reliable. The doctor of surgery has few words in foreign countries, but the wound healed beautifully when I got injured. In pediatrics, the child was vaccinated, but without waiting and without crying. There are reviews by Kramer, but I would definitely recommend this hospital for family members.
相沢 on Google

子供に湿疹がでて、近くで小児科、皮膚科どちらもあったのかこちらの病院だったので受診。 診察待ちで椅子に座っていると、看護師さんが子供にニコニコと笑顔で話しかけるまでは良いのですが、何の気なしに子供に触られました。コロナの中頑張る医療従事者の方には感謝してますが、患者との接触に無神経過ぎるし、子供の容姿に触れたあと、男の子かぁ残念!といわれました。何が残念なの?って感じだし、人の子に残念とか勝手な概念押し付ける とか失礼過ぎる。
My child had eczema, and I went to this hospital to see if there was a pediatrics department or a dermatology department nearby. When I was sitting in a chair waiting for a medical examination, it was fine until the nurse talked to the child with a smile, but I was touched by the child casually. I am grateful to the medical staff who work hard in Corona, but I am too insensitive to contact with the patient, and after touching the appearance of the child, I am sorry for the boy! Was said. What's wrong? It feels like, and it's too rude to impose a disappointing or selfish concept on a human child.
MAKKY Haray on Google

子宮に痛みがあり、検査をしました。後日その結果を聞く日にバタバタしていたこともあり、銀行に行く余裕も無かったため、事前に診察代が所持金で収まるか確認したところ、大丈夫だと言われたため、そのまま病院に行きました。病院に入ると受付の人の挨拶が無く、対応変わったのかな?と思いましたが、特に気にすることも無いまま、急いで来たので、所持金がこのくらいである旨を再度伝えて受診しました。診察室に入ると検査の結果を伝えられる以外にどんどん検査を受けさせられ、大丈夫かな?と思って会計に行くと伝えていた所持金の倍の診察代を言われました。 もちろん、所持金じゃ足りない旨を伝えたら、近くのATMで直ぐにおろしてこい!そうしないと、健康保険証も返さない!と言われました。ぼったくりですか?お医者さんの対応は良かったのですが、受付の人の対応の悪さに衝撃を受けました。もう、二度と行きたくありません。
I had a pain in my uterus and had an examination. Since I was fluttering on the day I heard the result at a later date, I could not afford to go to the bank, so when I checked in advance whether the medical examination fee would fit in my money, I was told that it was okay, so I went to the hospital as it was .. When I entered the hospital, there was no greeting from the receptionist, so I wonder if the response changed. I thought, but I came in a hurry without worrying about it, so I told him again that I had about this amount of money and went to see the doctor. When I enter the examination room, I can get more and more tests besides being told the result of the test, is it okay? I was told that I would go to the accounting, and I was told that I would have to pay twice as much as my money. Of course, if you tell us that your money is not enough, drop it off at a nearby ATM immediately! Otherwise, you will not receive your health insurance card! They said. Is it a rip-off? The doctor's response was good, but I was shocked by the poor response of the receptionist. I don't want to go again.
ふじさん on Google

皮膚科のおじいちゃん先生。症状を話している最中に話をかぶせてきて内容をきちんと聞いてもらえず、薬についての質問も質問している最中に話をかぶせてきて全く話にならなかった。 以前、内科で伺った若い男性の先生は愛想はなかったか割と真面目に聞いて答えてくれました… 当たり外れがあるのかどうなのかわかりませんが、皮膚科として利用することは今後避けようと思います。
Grandpa teacher of dermatology. While I was talking about my symptoms, I was overwhelmed and couldn't hear the contents properly, and while I was asking questions about medicine, I was overlaid and I couldn't talk at all. Previously, the young male teacher I visited in the internal medicine asked me seriously whether he was amiable or not ... I don't know if it's a hit or not, but I'll avoid using it as a dermatologist in the future.
27 oku on Google

まず新患で行って、受付4名ほどいるにも関わらず挨拶はなし。受付の50代くらいの人がとにかく態度が悪い。質問すれば、はい?と威圧的な聞き返しをされ、見下したような話し方をされるので、すごく気分が悪いです。先生も看護師さんもとても良くしてくれるが、受付でだいぶ損してますね。私も同業者ですが、どうしたら患者にあんな態度が取れるのか謎です。 隣の薬局の受付の方や薬剤師さんは優しく、とても親切な方たちで、病院とは雲泥の差です。 待合室は狭くて、密。なのに検温機もなし。内科も外科も一緒の待合室。どうにかなりませんかね
First of all, I went with a new patient, and even though there were about 4 receptionists, there was no greeting. People in their 50s at the reception have a bad attitude anyway. If you ask a question, yes? I feel very sick because I hear intimidatingly and speak in a disdainful manner. Both the teacher and the nurse are very good, but I'm losing a lot at the reception. I am also in the same industry, but it is a mystery how I can take such an attitude toward patients. The receptionist and pharmacist at the next pharmacy are kind and very kind, and it is a difference from the hospital. The waiting room is small and dense. However, there is no thermometer. A waiting room for both internal medicine and surgery. How pretty

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