Hisaido - Kobe

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hisaido

住所 :

40-19 Shimogioncho, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 652-0015
Webサイト : http://www.kawarasenbei.com/

40-19 Shimogioncho, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0015, Japan
daiti kitano on Google

Kawara Sembei ? and baseball ⚾️ Castella are specialties.
tanuki okimono on Google

安くて美味しい! 野球カステラは柔らか過ぎず適度。 瓦せんべいは甘めで美味しい。 日曜日が休みで前日の土曜日にいくと 売り切れていることもあります。 通販もされている様です。
It is cheap and tasty! Baseball Castella is not too soft and moderate. Gilded rice is sweet and delicious. When Sunday is closed and we go to the previous Saturday Sometimes it is sold out. It seems that mail order is also being done.
hisashi abe on Google

こちらの野球カステラは、ほんのり甘くてとっても美味しいです。 ご主人が手焼きで焼かれているのも見学できます。 瓦せんべいの焼き印も圧巻です。
This baseball castella is slightly sweet and very delicious. You can also see the husband being hand-baked. The branding iron of Kawara Sembei is also a masterpiece.
ひろぼん on Google

先日長田神社の鹿島屋の玉子焼きを食べた際、子供の頃食べた野球カステラが懐かしくなり、ネットで調べて訪問し野球カステラと吹き寄せを買い求めました。安くて美味しかったです。 場所も覚えたのでまたお邪魔しようと思ってます。
The other day, when I ate tamagoyaki at Kashimaya at Nagata Shrine, I missed the baseball castella I ate when I was a kid, so I searched online and visited to buy baseball castella and omelet. It was cheap and delicious. I remember the place, so I'm thinking of going to bother you again.
ちゃんまゆ on Google

Along National Route 428 (Arima Highway). Opposite the Kobe Family Court. (North side of Kobe University Hospital) The yellow nobori is a landmark. Hand-baked Kawara Sembei, baseball castella, etc ... All have a nostalgic and relieving taste. Next to it is a delicious bakery, Hanasaku.
Y O on Google

I went for baseball castella, but I found a sweet called "okaki-maki" and bought it. The soy sauce-flavored okaki is wrapped in a sweet senbei dough like Kawara Sembei. When you eat it in one bite, the sweetness and the spiciness of soy sauce are mixed, and you will almost continue to eat it indefinitely. Daruma-san's branding iron is also cute and you can relax while eating. I should have stocked up.
ボンボン on Google

去年12月に本高砂屋で野球カステラが限定販売されるというニュースを見て初めて野球カステラの存在を知り、今年になってようやく念願だった野球カステラを購入しました。 優しい味で涙が出るほど美味しかったです。 しかし後継者不足で野球カステラの存続が危機に瀕しているとYouTubeで拝見しました。歴史ある神戸名物としてこれからも存続してほしいと願っています。
I first learned about the existence of baseball castella when I saw the news that baseball castella will be on sale for a limited time at Hontaka Sunaya last December, and finally this year I bought the baseball castella that I had longed for. It had a gentle taste and was so delicious that it made me cry. However, I saw on YouTube that the survival of baseball castella is at stake due to the lack of successors. I hope that it will continue to exist as a historical Kobe specialty.
好井淳(ヨシネコ441) on Google

神戸瓦せんべい、手焼きのお店。店頭で店主(60年以上の職人さん)が作業しています。 既製品もありますが、独自の模様でオリジナルせんべいを作ることも可能で、HPに詳しく書いてあります。 せんべいの他にカステラ(野球)、まんじゅうも各種あります。
Kobe Kawara Senbei, a hand-baked shop. The shopkeeper (a craftsman for over 60 years) is working at the shop. There are ready-made products, but it is also possible to make original rice crackers with your own pattern, which is described in detail on the website. In addition to rice crackers, there are also various types of castella (baseball) and steamed buns.

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