Hiroshima Kan'on High School - Hiroshima

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiroshima Kan'on High School

住所 :

4-10 Minamikanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 733-0034
Webサイト : http://www.kanon-h.hiroshima-c.ed.jp/

4-10 Minamikanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0034, Japan
井川善美 on Google

県立観音高校我が家近くです 生徒のしつけの行き届いた学校 です毎朝先生が校門で迎えてます 先生ご苦労様です
Prefectural Kannon High School is near my house School for the discipline of the students Every morning a teacher picks you up at the school gate Thank you teacher
梅本ゆかり on Google

私が兄の様に思いしたってた人の母校だそうです。 きっととても良い学校何だと思い⭐5付けさせて頂きました。
It seems to be the home school of the person I thought like my brother. I'm sure it's a very good school.
星山智恵美 on Google

Bunmu both ways! I feel that the school rules are strict and anachronistic. I carry about 30 tons of luggage every day without a rocker. No matter what happens to your mobile phone, you cannot carry it. However, snacks are allowed during breaks. strange thing! But I have to take care of it for the next two years.
Hidemasa Harada on Google

The dance club has a track record in the light music club, but it has not been promoted to the club yet.
阿吽の呼吸 on Google

信号無視をする奴が本当に多い。 クラクションを鳴らしてもペコリともしない これが市内六校とか馬鹿みたいですね
There are so many people who ignore the signal. Even if you honk your horn This looks like six schools in the city or an idiot
Hiro k on Google

1922年広島第二中学として開校 学校の北側に旧校門がある 元は観音小学校にあったそうな 戦時中も英語を教えてた 元広島総合選抜 綾瀬はるか朗読の碑のモデル
Opened as Hiroshima No. 2 Junior High School in 1922. There is an old school gate on the north side of the school. It seems that it was originally at Kannon Elementary School.
田村圭志 on Google

Don't do club activities until Sunday! There are private houses around! What does the school think about! Insane school (laughs) (laughs)
ast X on Google

最近自転車で横に広がって帰宅してるのを見るようになりした。マスクつけておらず、大声で喋りながら自転車で横に広がって集団で下校 交通ルールを守れない、マスクをきちんとつけない。生徒の質がわかると思います
Recently, I've come to see him spread out sideways on his bicycle and go home. Without wearing a mask, while talking loudly, spread sideways on a bicycle and leave school as a group I can't follow the traffic rules, I don't wear a mask properly. You can see the quality of the students

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