Hiroshima International University - Higashihiroshima

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiroshima International University

住所 :

555-36 Kurosegakuendai, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2695, Japan

Postal code : 739-2695
Webサイト : https://www.hirokoku-u.ac.jp/

555-36 Kurosegakuendai, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2695, Japan
高川尚美 on Google

I enrolled my son in this school, but I still regret it. My son was made ill. As long as it's sad. If you are thinking of enrolling, we do not recommend it. The explanation at the beginning of enrollment and the explanation during enrollment had changed. I am worried about the students only because I am a professor, and I was concerned only with my lips and my appearance.
K K on Google

I went to get a medical qualification. There are only two schools in the prefecture to take, and it seems that I chose the one closer to my house. High school food and few kinds, nothing around the school, the point of using school money is unknown (creating a mysterious building, maintaining a place where there was a staff parking lot right in front of the front and a table , Put a chair, and make a mysterious plaza) If you tried to make the staff parking lot a full lawn, the budget was not enough, and it just changed from concrete to beautiful concrete, but I was laughable. If there are many other schools where you can get a qualification, you will never come here.
村上令恭 on Google

It is a wonderful school with a very nobinobi and an environment where you can learn.
com Sue on Google

It was full of splendid buildings, grounds and tennis courts.
ああ on Google

在学生です。 東広島キャンパスは黒瀬にあり、スクールバスを使っているのですが、便の融通が効かなくて困ってます。 一時限目に間に合うよう7:35分発があるのはわかります。 ベストは毎時限間に合うよう定間隔で出してもらうことなんですがそれは置いといて、 なぜ2本目の便が3限目まで空なのがわからないです
I am a current student. The Higashi-Hiroshima campus is located in Kurose, and I use a school bus, but I'm having trouble with the inflexibility of flights. You can see that there is a 7:35 minute departure in time for the first time. The best thing is to have them put out at regular intervals so that they can meet each time limit. I don't understand why the second flight is empty until the third
ki ki on Google

どーなんだろう、たくさん打たれてるCMを見る限りでは、専門学校の匂いがします。建前でも、大学は学問をするところなんだけど… 就職予備校では無いはず 自分の専門について語れる人になって欲しいです。
I don't know why, but as far as I see a lot of hit commercials, it smells like a vocational school. Even in the predecessor, the university is about to study ... It shouldn't be a prep school I want you to be able to talk about your specialization.
しん on Google

I went to the open campus. The building is huge and very large. I ate lunch at the cafeteria! It was really delicious! There are also various faculties. The dormitory will be a lottery, so if you enter it, it will be lucky. Since the university itself is in the mountains, it may be a bit of a problem if you don't have a car or motorcycle.
難波快人 on Google

母校です。楽しかったです。 卒業して2年経ちますが食堂の唐揚げ丼の味は忘れません。
This is my alma mater. it was fun. It's been two years since I graduated, but I'll never forget the taste of the fried chicken bowl in the cafeteria.

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