Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic - Hiroshima

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic

住所 :

広島平和クリニック 1-31 Kawaramachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0856, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 730-0856
Webサイト : https://www.aoikai.jp/h-heiwa/

広島平和クリニック 1-31 Kawaramachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0856, Japan
ともランバ・ラル on Google

病院の至るところが 高級ホテルみたいでした。
Everywhere in the hospital It was like a luxury hotel.
KEI on Google

It corresponded very kindly. It is a space that can be relaxed.
黄金ごろごろ on Google

The response from the reception is wonderful. There were many things I couldn't do for granted, so I received a pleasant response. In addition, the technical level of each staff member is also great. All you have to do is wait for a good diagnosis
edako f on Google

I visited here for a medical examination. It is also open on Saturdays and Sundays, which is rare for medical institutions. The building was like a hotel, and the furniture inside was high-class. Sofas and reclining chairs are also available for relaxation, and the staff (mostly women) are kind and the tension feels relaxed. There is no parking lot, so I think it is convenient to use the nearby municipal Kawaramachi parking lot.
リヴァイ・アッカーマン on Google

初めてのMRI検査をしに行ったが、まるでホテルのような内装で、一人一人にコンセルジュが付いていた。 MRI検査の時に造影剤を注射で入れるが、手際が良く痛みもなかった。最高。
I went to do my first MRI examination, but the interior was like a hotel, and each one had a concierge. A contrast medium was injected by injection at the time of MRI examination, but it was quick and painless. The best.
ねこニャー on Google

近年、検査に行きました。 知人が広島平和クリニックさんの信者で、悪いコメントは投稿したくなかったのですが、余りにも酷かったので・・・。 何が酷かったかと言いますと、 ・造影剤投与 最初に造影剤を投与するのですが、それなりに投与時間は掛かります。 びっくりしたのは、投与方法は注射器刺して脱脂綿とテープで固定しただけの状態です。 鋭角気味で危ないのと、流石に不安だった為、 『これって大丈夫なんですか❓翼状針は使わないのですか❓』 と、担当の婦長さんに尋ねた所、 『私はこの方法でしてますからっ❗️』 との返答。 不安でしたが、予感的中。結果は写真を見て下さい。 しばらくの間、会う人会う人に、『それ大丈夫❓病院行った方がいいよ。』と言われ、とても不愉快でした。 ・検査結果 最初Drより、 『検査後に癌が見つかり、見落としだったのでは無いか! とのクレームが多々あるのですが、検査しても見つけられない癌はどうしてもありますので御理解下さい。』 と、凄く困った様に言われました。 見つけられないのは仕方ないので、了承して検査説明に移りました。 レントゲンみたいな画像を見ながらの説明です。 色々説明を受けましたが、骨折してたとか身に覚えの無い事ばかり質問されて『違います。』『違います。』との私の返答に、Drも困惑していました。 ただ、どうみても私の骨格に見えないので、よく見ると画像の端に『〇〇△△△』と、違う人の名前がありました。 画像の間違いをDrに指摘し、私の画像になりましたが、〇〇△△△さんの名前と年齢と身体の事は忘れたくても忘れられない記憶になってしまいました。 再度検査結果の説明に入りましたが、 『ここに何かありますが・・・』との説明を受けた時、流石に腹が立ち、 『先生、問診票に記入していますよね⁉️見てないんですかっ❗️』 と、指摘した所、慌てて見直していました。 最初に《癌の見落としクレーム多々がある》と、困った様に言われていましたが、 ・患者の名前を見落とす(間違える) ・パッと見で明らかに違う骨格なのに見落として気付けない ・問診票の内容ん見落とす(見てない?) そりゃあ間違い無く癌も見落としますよ。と、思うのは私だけでしょうか❓ 人材や売り上げ等、広島平和クリニックさんにも言い分があるとは思いますが、十数万円払ってコレは無いですよ。
In recent years, I went to an inspection. My acquaintance was a believer in Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic, and I didn't want to post bad comments, but it was so terrible ... What was terrible was ・ Administration of contrast medium The contrast medium is administered first, but it takes some time to administer it. What surprised me was that the administration method was simply stabbed with a syringe and fixed with cotton wool and tape. Because it was sharp and dangerous, and I was worried about it, "Is this okay? ❓ Do you use winged needles? ❓" I asked the lady in charge, "I'm doing it this way ❗️" Reply. I was worried, but I was premonitioned. See the photo for the result. For a while, I asked the people I met, "That's okay ❓ You should go to the hospital. It was very unpleasant. ·Inspection results First from Dr "I think the cancer was found after the test and was overlooked! There are many complaints about it, but please understand that there are some cancers that cannot be found by inspection. 』\ I was told that I was in great trouble. I couldn't find it, so I accepted it and moved on to the inspection explanation. It is an explanation while looking at an image like an X-ray. I received various explanations, but I was asked only about things I didn't remember, such as having a broken bone. ""wrong. Dr was also confused by my reply. However, it doesn't look like my skeleton by any means, so when I looked closely, there was a different person's name at the end of the image, such as "○○ △△△". I pointed out the mistake in the image to Dr and it became my image, but even if I wanted to forget about Mr. 〇〇 △△△'s name, age and body, it became an unforgettable memory. I entered the explanation of the test results again, but When I was told, "There is something here ...", I got angry and got angry. "Teacher, you're filling out the questionnaire ⁉️ Didn't you see it ❗️" When I pointed out, I was in a hurry to review it. At first, I was told that there were many oversight complaints about cancer, but I was in trouble. ・ Overlook the patient's name (wrong) ・ The skeleton is clearly different at first glance, but I overlook it and do not notice it. ・ Overlook the contents of the questionnaire (Don't you see it?) That's definitely overlooking cancer. Is it only me who thinks ❓ I think that Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic has a point in terms of human resources and sales, but I have to pay 100,000 yen and there is no such thing.
まる on Google

初めてこんな綺麗な病院を見た、 本当にホテル
I saw such a beautiful hospital for the first time, Really a hotel
M K on Google

MRI検査で伺いました。受付して別部屋で説明を受け、ロッカールームで着替えて検査へ 。気持ちよく過ごせました。
I visited by MRI examination. Receive an explanation in a separate room, change clothes in the locker room, and go to the inspection .. I was able to spend it comfortably.

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