Hirosaki Taishoken - Hirosaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hirosaki Taishoken

住所 :

3 Chome-1-4 Matsugae, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 036-8042
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/hirosakitaishoken/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7–10AM
Sunday 7–10AM
Monday 7–10AM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 7–10AM
Thursday 7–10AM
Friday 7–10AM

3 Chome-1-4 Matsugae, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8042, Japan
微糖d on Google

土曜の丁度お昼時、運良く駐車場に車を停め、妻と2人、空いていた2席に待つことなく座りましたが、後からどんどんお客が来て、店内壁際の椅子で待つ人が沢山… 初めて入りましたが、妻はチャーシュー麺、私はデラックス麺(トッピング沢山)を注文 先に運ばれて来たのは妻のチャーシュー麺 先ずスープを一口飲んだ妻が「あ、美味しい」と…味にうるさい(舌が正確)な妻がこういう時は間違いなく美味しく、後から運ばれて来た私もスープから口にしましたが、クドくないけどしっかりとダシの効いたスープ、歯応えがあり、ほんのり小麦の甘さを感じる麺 絶妙な火の入り加減なチャーシューに優しい甘さがしっかり入り込んだメンマ等等…1つひとつが美味しかったです。
At noon on Saturday, I was lucky enough to park my car in the parking lot and sat down with my wife without waiting for the two vacant seats, but more and more customers came later and there were people waiting in the chairs near the wall inside the store. Lot… I entered for the first time, but my wife ordered char siu noodles and I ordered deluxe noodles (a lot of toppings) My wife's char siu noodles were brought in first First of all, my wife who drank a sip of soup said, "Oh, it's delicious." Noodles that are not sloppy but have a firm soup stock, are chewy, and have a slight sweetness of wheat. Menma, etc., with the gentle sweetness of the exquisitely cooked char siu, etc .... Each one was delicious.
takeshi kudo on Google

朝ラーメン限定の煮干しラーメンがホント美味しい。自分は塩味にしてもらい、味薄めでお願いしてますが、朝ラー担当のてつやさんの塩加減の塩梅が絶妙で、毎日でも食べたくなるそんなラーメンです。(絶対太るからそれはやらないけど?) もちろん通常営業時のもりそば、ラーメンもGood!炒め野菜トッピングがおすすめです。
Niboshi ramen limited to morning ramen is really delicious. I'd like you to make it salty and lighten the taste, but the salted plums of Tetsuya-san, who is in charge of the morning ramen, are exquisite and you will want to eat it every day. (I won't do that because I'll definitely get fat, but ?) Of course, Mori soba and ramen are also good during normal business hours! Stir-fried vegetable toppings are recommended.
藤田光治 on Google

Not only is it delicious, but the customer service of the clerk is also very good. Even after ordering and starting to make it, he changed the taste without making an unpleasant face. Still, on the way back, he smiled and said, "Thank you, don't worry." Taste is important, but I think it's an era when people choose stores based on their personality. The best shop.
まくら on Google

朝ラーメンで一人で利用。大勝軒煮干しラーメンいただきました。スープ自体は濃厚ですが、味は薄目で意外と朝からスルスル食べれました! 朝は煮干し系のみとの事。また一人で回しているので返却もセルフ。
Use alone in the morning ramen. I had Daikatsuken Niboshi Ramen. The soup itself is rich, but the taste is light and I was able to eat it from the morning unexpectedly! In the morning, it's only boiled and dried. Also, since I am turning it by myself, I can return it myself.
ワンわ on Google

基本的な情報 この情報が一番重要だと思う。 食券を渡すと量を聞かれます。 小盛り150g/並盛り200g/大盛り350g ※大盛りまで同料金です。 小盛り150gは、マルちゃん焼そばの麺1袋と同じ。 他店での普通盛りが、おおよそ此くらいですと書いてあります。 ちなみに私は無料で大盛を選び、友人は並み盛り(普通)を選びました。 大盛に玉子が無いので店員さんに聞いたら大盛は玉子が無いのだと言う事。 初めての人には意外と聞かれる内容なのか、店員さんの対応は馴れたもので即回答してくれるのでストレスフリーです。? 無料で大盛にする場合のコスト的な部分がトッピングの具材で調整なのでしょう。 大盛は1つ減って小盛りだと具が1つ増えるのかな? 今回初めて入り食べた品は、 背脂ニンニクラーメンの無料大盛なので玉子無し。 麺はストレート麺 スープは私的には御飯と生卵を入れて食べたい味です。
Basic information I think this information is the most important. When you give the meal ticket, you will be asked for the amount. Small serving 150g / Medium serving 200g / Large serving 350g * Same price up to large serving. A small serving of 150g is the same as one bag of Maruchan Yakisoba noodles. It is written that the normal serving at other stores is about this. By the way, I chose Omori for free, and my friend chose Normal. Omori doesn't have eggs, so when I asked the clerk, Omori said he didn't have eggs. It's stress-free because the clerk's response is familiar and he / she answers immediately, perhaps because the content is unexpectedly asked by first-time users. ? The cost part when making a large serving for free is probably the adjustment with the topping ingredients. I wonder if the large serving will decrease by one and the small serving will increase the ingredients by one. The first item I ate this time was There is no egg because it is a large serving of backfat garlic ramen for free. The noodles are straight noodles I personally want to eat soup with rice and raw eggs.
ポチたま on Google

I have eaten wonton noodles. I was even more happy when I ate wonton while being impressed by the deliciousness of the char siu. It goes well with the soup and is delicious. I used to eat Noro mixed soba, but it's for those who eat big. It's delicious, but it's pretty hard for women to finish. I think women like the wonton noodles I ate this time. However, if you like curly noodles or yellow egg noodles, may some people not like it? ??
posh 0206 on Google

朝ラーメンで初めての利用。 朝8時から満員御礼。津軽人の煮干し愛を感じます。 朝ラーメニューの中から、背脂煮干し麺200gをオーダー。 やっぱり煮干しだし美味しいですね。 でも、朝から背脂はちょっときつかったかなと・・・でも全部食べられる美味しさ! 有名な無料そぼろご飯もいただきました。 次はお昼メニューのもりそばをいただきに行きたいと思います。
First use of ramen in the morning. Full thanks from 8am. I feel the love of dried sardines of Tsugaru people. From the morning lard menu, order 200g of dried sardines. After all it's dried sardines and it's delicious. However, I wonder if the backfat was a little tight from the morning ... but it's delicious to eat! I also had the famous free soboro rice. Next time, I would like to go to have Morisoba on the lunch menu.
スタイリッシュちょんまげオジサン on Google

※個人の感想となります。 オススメ度:星3.5 ≒ 4 【店内外】 ・ラーメン、もりそばのお店 ・元々コンビニで使われていた店舗? ・駐車場は店前に10台くらい ・ほとんどカウンター席で10席以上はあった。 ・入口すぐの食券機で購入 ・店員さんに席を案内され、その場で食券を渡し注文完了 ・食券を渡す際、麺の量を聞かれた ・昼時や夕食時は駐車場が満車になっていることが多い 【料理概要】 ・ラーメン、もりそばがメイン。 ・二郎系、煮干し系、背脂系などコッテリ系が多い印象 ・その他季節限定?のメニューもあり ・最近新発売の【サバ背脂もりそば(麺の量は普通)、焼餃子】を注文。 ・サバ背脂のラーメンもあり ・朝ラーメンもやっている ・注文後10分ほどで料理到着 【詳細(味など)】 ・サバ風味がガッツリ!ではなく、サバがメインだけど、他の魚介系の味もあり、飽きがこないスープ。しょっぱめ。 ・スープには大きめの背脂もガッツリ入っており、背脂コッテリ好きには堪らないのでは。 ・スープ内にはシャーシューとメンマ ・麺は中太麺?でストレート麺 ・麺にサバ味のスープが絡み、うまい! ・少ししょっぱいスープも、背脂と麺に合わせるとこで丁度良くなる(^^) ・焼餃子は、肉も多めで、皮はもっちり!めっちゃうまい。 ・値段1,350円(サバ背脂もりそば900円+焼餃子450円) 【総評】 大勝軒らしいもりそばで、まず間違いないお店かと思います。今回はもりそばを食べましたが、スープ、麺ともに美味しいお店でした。久々にガッツリ系を食べましたがペロリと完食でした。サバの風味と背脂のコッテリ感は美味! ただ、やはり青森といった感じで、自分的にはスープがしょっぱかったです。青森県人ではない私には、しょっぱく感じましたが、周りの方にはスープを飲み干してた人もいました…。すごい! お店の雰囲気もとても良くて、店員さんの気持ちの良い挨拶が飛び交う店内でした。常連さんも多いのか、「また来てください!」「いつもありがとうございます!」が多い印象でしたね。 また時間があるときに、今度はラーメンを食べに行ってみたいです(^^) ごちそうさまでした!!
* It is an individual impression. Recommendation level: Star 3.5 ≒ 4 [Inside and outside the store] ・ Ramen and Mori soba shop ・ A store originally used at convenience stores? ・ There are about 10 parking lots in front of the store. ・ Most of the counter seats had more than 10 seats. ・ Purchase at the ticket machine near the entrance ・ The clerk will guide you to your seat, hand over your meal ticket on the spot, and complete your order. ・ When I handed over the meal ticket, I was asked how much noodles I had. ・ The parking lot is often full at noon or dinner. [Cooking overview] ・ Mainly ramen and mori soba. ・ Impression that there are many coterie types such as Jiro type, dried sardines, and backfat type. ・ Other seasonal? There is also a menu of ・ Recently, I ordered the newly released [Mackerel backfat Mori soba (normal amount of noodles), gyoza dumplings]. ・ There is also mackerel backfat ramen ・ I also do morning ramen ・ Food arrives in about 10 minutes after ordering [Details (taste, etc.)] ・ The mackerel flavor is perfect! It's mainly mackerel, but it also has other seafood flavors, so you won't get tired of it. Salty. ・ The soup also contains a large amount of lard, which may be unbearable for those who like lard. ・ Shahshu and Menma in the soup ・ Is the noodles medium-thick? Straight noodles ・ The noodles are entwined with mackerel-flavored soup and are delicious! ・ Slightly salty soup will be just right when combined with lard and noodles (^^) ・ The gyoza has a lot of meat and the skin is chewy! It's really good. ・ Price 1,350 yen (mackerel backfat Mori soba 900 yen + grilled dumplings 450 yen) [Overview] It's a Mori soba restaurant that is typical of Daishoken, and I think it's definitely a restaurant. I ate Mori soba this time, but the soup and noodles were delicious. I ate a gutsuri type after a long time, but it was a complete meal. The flavor of mackerel and the savory texture of the backfat are delicious! However, it was like Aomori, and the soup was salty for me. I wasn't from Aomori prefecture, so I felt salty, but there were people around me who drank the soup. very! The atmosphere of the shop was very good, and the inside of the shop was filled with pleasant greetings from the clerk. Perhaps there are many regulars, I got the impression that there were many "Please come again!" And "Thank you always!". When I have time again, I would like to go eat ramen this time (^^) Thank you for the meal! !!

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