Hirosaki Family Bowl

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hirosaki Family Bowl

住所 :

Takasaki, Hirosaki, 〒036-8091 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://nandk.net/bowling/hirosaki
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5AM
Sunday 10AM–3AM
Monday 10AM–3AM
Tuesday 10AM–3AM
Wednesday 10AM–3AM
Thursday 10AM–3AM
Friday 10AM–5AM
街 : Aomori

Takasaki, Hirosaki, 〒036-8091 Aomori,Japan
dragon チームK on Google

LINEで登録すれば5ゲームで千円でやれます、あと隣はカラオケもあるしゲームあるので、皆さんも是非よって見てくださいm(__)m 弘前のサクラの近くにあるところで、2階にありますんで( `・ω・´)ノ ヨロシクー
If you register on LINE, you can do 5 games for 1000 yen, and there is also a karaoke game next door, so please take a look at it m (__) m It's on the 2nd floor near the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki (`・ ω ・ ´) Noro Shiku
舘下裕介 on Google

油塗りすぎでカーブかけるとすぐ曲がってピンまで到底届かない。ありえなさすぎる。 靴もボロボロで滑るし、滑り止め用のマットも毛がたってないから全然意味ない。最悪。
If you make a curve with too much oil, it will bend and reach the pin. It is impossible. The shoes slipped tattered, and the anti-slip mats are not greasy, so there is no point at all. worst.
どあのぶ on Google

ほんと最悪! この前カラオケいったんですけど平日で9時を超えると500円から1100円に変わると知らずにお金を取られました 9時が超えそうになったら電話をよこせばいいのにとんだ被害です
Really the worst! It was karaoke last time, but I was taken without knowing that it will change from 500 yen to 1100 yen after 9 o'clock on weekdays If it's almost 9 o'clock, I'd call the phone
86ゆう on Google

It feels like there were a lot of troubles, such as the bowl not coming and the pin not coming up. However, the price is cheap, you can eat and drink inside, and I think it is a very good place if there is no machine failure.
ももたろー on Google

I made it a 2-hour course. I had about 5 breakdowns, and despite wasting my time, I didn't apologize for anything. I think the price can be cheap.
関清志 on Google

Since it is all-you-can-ask for 2 hours from 22 o'clock a thousand yen, I tried using it. It was fairly enjoyable. Parking lot is wide and it is easy to use.
森野憲仁 on Google

A beautiful center! Easy-to-throw center!
よっしー交通局 on Google

まず、申し込み用紙的な紙を見つけるのが大変でした。1人で探せませんでした。 あと、カウンターに居る若い女性店員の声が小さくて何言ってるのかわからなかったです。もう少し声張ってください。 肝心のボールは油?が塗られているのかって位ネラネラしていました。拭いても拭いてもそのネラネラが取れませんでした。それ+なんか濡れてたボールもありました。
First of all, it was difficult to find a paper like an application form. I couldn't find it by myself. Also, the voice of the young female clerk at the counter was so small that I didn't understand what she was saying. Please speak out a little more. Is the essential ball oil? I was wondering if it was painted. I couldn't get rid of it even if I wiped it. There was also a ball that was wet.

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