
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マックスボウル・善通寺

住所 :

Nakamuracho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0073 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887797
Webサイト : https://maxbowlfujiko.wixsite.com/website
街 : Kagawa

Nakamuracho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0073 Kagawa,Japan
ふじふじ on Google

山本プロの接客がこうあつてきでいつもダルそうにしていて、態度悪すぎ 一体どんな性格をしているんだ?
Yamamoto's customer service is so hot that he always seems to be dull, and his attitude is too bad What kind of personality do you have?
宮武伸二 on Google

It's a fun bowling alley. The correspondence of the staff was also good.
おおっ〜 on Google

ピンセッターは古いマシンですが動作は安定していますしレーンはもちろん合成レーンでしっかりメンテもされていてストレスなく投球ができます。 ゲーム料金やマイボール代も会員になれば安く入会時の特典もありかなりお得感はあります。 今のままの経営を永く続けて欲しいです。
The pin setter is an old machine, but its operation is stable and the lane as well as the synthetic lane are well maintained and you can pitch without stress. If you become a member for the game fee and my ball fee, you will also have a special benefit at the time of joining and there is quite a great deal of feeling. I want you to continue your management as it is now.
J J on Google

I'm glad that the facility is still open, aside from the aging of the facility ?
有記海蔵 on Google

は?ダイヤの指輪どうなりましたか?盗まれたとしても訴えられないのですが?大丈夫ですか?もう潰れなさい。まず盗品を換金することは法律上できません。遊興費よりも生活費に使った場合罪が重いです。指輪は結構ですが、防犯カメラをチェックする時間を惜しんでいては、傍迷惑では? まさか威力業務妨害とかでおまわりさん呼んでませんよね?捜査協力ありがとう。
teeth? What happened to the diamond ring? I can't sue even if it is stolen. OK? Crush it already. First of all, it is not legally possible to cash in stolen goods. If you spend it on living expenses rather than entertainment expenses, you are more guilty. Rings are fine, but if you spare time to check the security cameras, isn't it annoying? You're not calling a policeman because of power disruption, right? Thank you for your cooperation in the investigation.
R terayan on Google

平日ガラガラでした コロナ対策しています コーラの販売機がいい 初めて利用しましたが、係のの人は親切でした。 孫と利用したのガーターレーンを用意してもらえました。 子供シューズ19cmまでは無料だそうです。
It was a rattle on weekdays Corona measures Coke vending machine is good I used it for the first time, but the person in charge was kind. I had my grandson prepare a garter lane that I used. Children's shoes up to 19 cm are free.
_ GEJIMA on Google

Even though I'm not yelling out, what is it like, "If I can't play the game quietly, can I go home?" ?? ?? You can't play silently at an arcade, crap.
朱雀黄龍 on Google

麻雀格闘倶楽部やりました・・・が・パリスでやったら3円高い?何故に(´・ω・`)?建物も老朽化してますが中は広いですがトイレ?は和式です( ̄▽ ̄;)?に喰われました?
I did Mah-Jong Fight Club ... but ・ It's 3 yen more expensive if I do it in Paris ? Why (´ ・ ω ・ `)? The building is old, but the inside is large, but the toilet ? is Japanese style ( ̄ ▽ ▽  ̄;) ? Eated by ?

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