すしとふぐ伍助 - Hiroomote

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すしとふぐ伍助

住所 :

Hiroomote, 〒010-0041 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 010-0041
街 : Akita

Hiroomote, 〒010-0041 Akita,Japan
白山公幸 on Google

I had dinner.
type on Google

You can do the course according to your budget.
佐藤知 on Google

Old-fashioned polite work. I was impressed.
ふなっしー on Google

Not only sushi and blowfish, it was a delicious restaurant with gari, and the general was also a nice smile!
阿部考貢 on Google

It is very good to drink alcohol with conger eel as a side dish.
小澤誠 on Google

うますぎ 職人の匠と夫婦愛なお店
Umugi craftsman and couple love shop
さゆ on Google

もうかなりの老舗だと思うけど、久しぶりに行ってもやっぱり旨かった。大人のすし屋って感じ。 ゆっくり楽しみたいね。
I think it's a long-established store, but it was delicious even after a long absence. It feels like an adult sushi restaurant. I want to enjoy it slowly.
kutu on Google

お寿司を別盛りとお好みでお願いしましたが、多くのネタがかぶっていてお好みでお願いした意味がありませんでした。 いろいろなネタを楽しみたかったのに、かぶっているのであればお好みでお願いした時に一言声をかけて欲しかったです。
I asked for sushi as a separate serving, but it didn't make sense to ask for it because it was covered with a lot of material. I wanted to enjoy various stories, but if I was wearing it, I wanted him to say a word when I asked for it.

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