
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社エビス・リビング

住所 :

Hiroo, Shibuya City, 〒150-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://www.ebisu-living.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Hiroo, Shibuya City, 〒150-0012 Tokyo,Japan
馬場優衣 on Google

The shop was also polite and very nice.
田川満 on Google

This real estate was taken care of when I was looking for a property near Ebisu station. I didn't have time for work, but the staff responded quickly and I was able to decide on the property really smoothly. Thank you very much.
荒木悟 on Google

いい物件をご紹介して頂きました! 今後とも宜しくお願い致します!
You introduced a good property! Sincerely!
谷口麗奈 on Google

Previously, I was taken care of when I searched for a property in the Ebisu / Meguro / Shibuya area. Mr. Kosuga was in charge of it, and he was very kind to me from the preview to the contract, and thanks to you, I found the ideal property! I introduced it to my friends, so I'd like to ask you again when you move next time.
オレンジ on Google

We are familiar with the properties near Ebisu and have been very polite. In addition, the person in charge responded to the email very quickly, and a smooth contract was possible. Thank you very much.
a t on Google

インスタをみてエビスリビングにたどり着きました。投稿内容も分かりやすく、かつ賃料も記載していて、探しているイメージに近いものが沢山ありホームページから問い合わせをしました。 訪問後、小菅さんが提案してくれるお部屋が自分に探している部屋にピッタリなものばっかり出してくれたので、賃料が考えていたものより少し高くなってしまったけど、納得感ある物件に辿り着きました^^ 他の不動産屋も見てましたが、提案物件の順番やら物件のセレクトセンスが良いと感じたので、おすすめです!
After seeing Instagram, I arrived at Ebisu Living. The posted content is easy to understand, and the rent is also described, and there are many things that are close to the image you are looking for, so I made an inquiry from the homepage. After the visit, Mr. Kosuga suggested that the room was just the right room for me, so the rent was a little higher than I had expected, but I arrived at a convincing property. Arrived ^^ I also looked at other real estate agents, but I felt that the order of the proposed properties and the selection sense of the properties were good, so I recommend it!
秋葉大輔 on Google

条件等もそこまで定まっていない中で、いきなり伺ってしまったのですが、即座に対応して下さり、部屋のニーズの掘り下げから数時間対応して下さり、二回目に伺った時には内見から部屋の確定まで行えました! 結果引っ越しまで1ヶ月半で進めることが出来ました。 ありがとうございます! 恵比寿付近で引っ越しをご検討の際は是非お立ち寄りください!
I asked him suddenly while the conditions were not decided so much, but he responded immediately, and he responded for several hours from digging into the needs of the room, and when I visited for the second time, I had a preview. I was able to confirm the room! As a result, I was able to move in a month and a half. Thank you! Please drop in if you are considering moving near Ebisu!
Kenta Yoshino on Google

ネットで高評価の紹介業者を探して訪問しましたが、評価に違わず素晴らしかったです。 繁忙期の訪問、広範なエリアでの新居探しでしたが時間をかけて丁寧に対応いただけました。(物件選びを急かされる事は全くなかったです) 申込、契約についても適切にフォローしてくれたので引越しまで時間がない中でも遅滞なく手続きできました。 職場への交通手段の相談など土地勘もお持ちなので、物件だけでなく転居後の生活について納得感のある引越しができました。
I searched for a highly rated referral agency on the net and visited it, but it was just as good as the evaluation. I visited during the busy season and was looking for a new house in a wide area, but I was able to respond politely over time. (I was never rushed to choose a property) He followed up on the application and contract properly, so I was able to complete the procedure without delay even if I didn't have time to move. Since I have a sense of land such as consultation on transportation to the workplace, I was able to move with a sense of conviction not only about the property but also about my life after moving.

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