ライトオン イオンモール座間店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライトオン イオンモール座間店

住所 :

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://biz.right-on.co.jp/shop/detail.php%3Fr%3D10101296
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hironodai, Zama, 〒252-0012 Kanagawa,Japan
正敏諏訪 on Google

I always use it.
じんごや on Google

I bought my son Ron Tea
一番町千代田区 on Google

AEON MALL Zama stores, which are often closed, maintain that much space.
ながせふみこ on Google

Black Friday sale is also effective, it's raining outside, but the inside is amazing
庄司久美子 on Google

If you go several times, you can find a shop that suits you.と I think that if you go again, you will go to a different shop-there are plenty, so there may be various discoveries ☺️
山崎銀次郎 on Google

主に若者向け商品が多いと思いました。 価格も高くも安くもなく普通だと思います。 おじさんには少し居ずらいかな・・・
I thought that there are many products mainly for young people. I think it's normal because the price is neither expensive nor cheap. I wonder if my uncle is a little uncomfortable ...
Keiichi Ishida on Google

プレゼントを探してモール内をうろうろして入ったのですが、素敵なマフラーを手頃な価格で購入でき、対応してくれた男性スタッフもとても感じ良い対応で綺麗なラッピングをしてくれました?? もっと時間有ったらゆっくり店内を見て5つ目の星?が探せたかも・・・
I wandered around the mall looking for a gift, but I was able to purchase a nice muffler at a reasonable price, and the male staff who responded also gave me a very pleasant response and beautiful wrapping ? ? If I had more time, I could slowly look inside the store and find the fifth star ? ...
ののん on Google

いつも利用してます。 スタッフさん明るくて買い物しやすいです。 皆さんオシャレで洋服選ぶ時の参考にしてます!
I always use it. The staff is bright and easy to shop. Everyone uses it as a reference when choosing fashionable clothes!

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