寧々家 豊橋駅前店 - Toyohashi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 寧々家 豊橋駅前店

住所 :

Hirokoji, Toyohashi, 〒440-0881 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 440-0881
Webサイト : http://www.d-neneya.com/
街 : Aichi

Hirokoji, Toyohashi, 〒440-0881 Aichi,Japan
miyuki takasu on Google

There is a private room where you can relax and dine
Y “Indora” MS on Google

It was a restaurant that I used to go to for a while, but this time I ordered the course dishes for new fare. Honestly, correspondence was the worst. If you do not ask, you will not come up with a towel. It is too late for the drink to come out. The ones I'm not asking for are coming. A clerk who does not listen to people's stories. The essential food tastes good or bad. There are few kinds of sakes, but only cocktails. There are many better stores for the same price range. From now on, there may be personal use, but it will never be used for events of the season.
Maple Syrup on Google

先日初めて行きました。 平日でそこまでお客さんは居ない状態でした。ファーストドリンクは店員さんが注文を受けて、それ以降の注文はタッチパネルでの注文でした。ファーストドリンク注文後、すぐにタッチパネルで注文しました。〆さば、揚げ物は10分程できたんですけど、それから3、40分経っても鍋もサラダもこなかったです。サラダってだいたいはじめの方にくると思うんですけど…。店員さんに言ったものの態度が非常に悪かったです。お冷も頼んだのですが結局こなかったです。料理の味とかでなく、まず接客をしっかりした方がいいかと。 まあ、二度と行く事はないですけど。
I went there for the first time the other day. There weren't many customers on weekdays. The clerk received the order for the first drink, and the subsequent orders were on the touch panel. Immediately after ordering the first drink, I ordered it on the touch panel. 〆Saba, I was able to fried food for about 10 minutes, but even after 3 or 40 minutes, I didn't get a hot pot or salad. I think salads will come to the beginning ... What I said to the clerk was very bad attitude. I asked for cold, but it didn't come after all. First of all, it is better to serve customers well, not the taste of food. Well, I'll never go there again.
前田輝夫 on Google

料理もまあまあだし、安価で個室は良いが、オーダー(特にドリンク)が遅い。 タブレットで頼んでも、なかなか来ないので呼び出しベルを使うと、タブレットで注文してくれと言う。 人手不足なのかね。
The food is ok, cheap and the private rooms are good, but the order (especially drinks) is slow. Even if I ask for it on a tablet, it doesn't come easily, so when I use the call bell, it asks me to order on a tablet. Is it a labor shortage?
777はるる on Google

Good atmosphere, good food, good private room! I am very satisfied! This is the shop I want in my neighborhood.
河辺正樹 on Google

It is at the entrance of the bar. It is dangerous if you are drunk because the stairs are steep.
I yuya50 on Google

忘年会のシーズンだった為か 予約なしでいった際に結構待たされたような気がします。 難しいならその旨直ぐに言って貰えればよかった。 案内された後も直ぐにおしぼり持ってきますと言いながら随分待っても来なく、結局2回目のオーダー時にこちらからおしぼり下さいと頼みました。 忙しいのはわかっているのである程度は許容しますが、流石にあんまりな接客でした。残念です。
Because it was the year-end party season I feel like I've been waiting for a while without a reservation. If it was difficult, I should have told you so soon. Even after I was guided, I couldn't wait for a while, saying that I would bring a towel immediately. I knew that I was busy, so I tolerated it to some extent, but it was a good customer service. I'm sorry.
アラサーサラリーマン on Google

先週久しぶりに行きました! 料理が美味しい!! 1.2年前に行ったけど格段に 美味しくなってました!! また利用したいです。
I went there last week for the first time in a long time! The food is delicious! !! I went there 1.2 years ago It was delicious! !! I still want to use it.

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