
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ろばた焼童子

住所 :

Hirasawa, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0254 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.waiwai-warabe.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba
Description : Garden & veranda tables fitted with charcoal grills for beef & seafood, surrounded by bamboo trees.

Hirasawa, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0254 Chiba,Japan
福きっこ on Google

I visited for the first time today to celebrate the 21st year of marriage. I ordered a special course because it was a special celebration. It's great to eat ? Thank you ? I definitely want to go again ?
twin power on Google

I want to eat delicious salmon and visit here. I heard about the rumor, but after the signboard of the guide comes out, 900M is a road like a farming road for light tigers (laughs) I think I can go to the last in the Vellfire class, but on a mountain road leaves and leaves on the road The risk of line damage is high. This time, add meat to the course of seasonal bamboo shoots. The price is reasonable, but it takes about 2 hours, and the meal in the bamboo forest surrounded slowly is exceptional. The service was good and I had a good time.
おじゃまじょふぁそら on Google

すごい豪華な食材でびっくり‼️ コースにもよるようですが、全て最高の味。特に黒アワビの大きさ味に感激しました。 接客の事がコメントにあった通り、女将さんがあまり話が得意そうでなかったです。
I was surprised by the gorgeous ingredients! ️ It depends on the course, but they all have the best taste. I was particularly impressed with the size and taste of the black abalone. As the customer service was mentioned in the comment, the landlady didn't seem to be very good at talking.
Ok Tom on Google

マニアな知人より噂を聞いて食べに行きました! 冬にBBQ的な気分を竹林&和テイストで過ごしたい方にオススメですね。 お店の方の対応も良く、夜伺ったからだと思いますが、他にお客さんもいなかったので貸切でゆっくり炉端と炭を眺めながら過ごしました。 食材もその日に合わせて仕入れするみたいですので、予め予約をしてから行くことをオススメします。 行きは東京方面から 市原鶴舞インターを降りて下道で約35分程度、 車が多少多かったです。 インターを出て右に曲がりひたすら直進する イメージです。 帰りはお店から木更津東インターへ 信号と車の数は少ないですが、ナビが必要だと 思います、行きと違い曲がる回数が多少多い、 お店からインターまで約45分ぐらいです。 道中お店の看板が見えたら曲がりトンネルと竹林を抜けて到着しますが、道が狭いのと道路が整備されてないので車高の低いスポーツ車や幅があるハイエース、外車などキズが付かないように気をつけてくださいね。 対向車が来ると避けることはできないぐらい幅が狭いです(^.^) 帰り道、お店を出て直ぐに野生の子鹿も見ることができました!
I heard a rumor from a maniac acquaintance and went to eat! It is recommended for those who want to spend a BBQ-like mood in winter with a bamboo grove and Japanese taste. I think it was because the shop staff responded well and I visited at night, but since there were no other customers, I spent my time slowly looking at the fireside and charcoal. It seems that the ingredients will be purchased according to the day, so it is recommended to make a reservation in advance before going. From Tokyo About 35 minutes down the road after getting off the Ichihara Tsurumai interchange There were a few cars. Exit the interchange, turn right and go straight It is an image. On the way back from the shop to Kisarazu Higashi Interchange The number of traffic lights and cars is small, but if you need navigation I think, unlike going, there are a few turns, It takes about 45 minutes from the shop to the interchange. When you see the signboard of the shop along the way, you will arrive through a curved tunnel and bamboo grove, but because the road is narrow and the road is not maintained, there will be no scratches on low-height sports cars, wide Hiace, foreign cars, etc. Please be careful. The width is so narrow that it cannot be avoided when an oncoming vehicle arrives (^. ^) On the way back, I was able to see wild fawns as soon as I left the shop!
snoopy snoopy on Google

I like the hideout in the mountains, so I booked a dinner for Robatayaki Doji. Charcoal grilling is luxurious at the digging kotatsu hearth table in the private room on the veranda of the bamboo forest garden. The angel shrimp ? taught by the landlady is delicious because you can eat the whole shell from your head! The abalone was alive and fresh, and with the Honzen soy sauce, it was full of volume, had a strong flavor, and was the best. Domestic cat? A white cat in the neighborhood will welcome you and you can have a good time!
まま萩 on Google

30年前に連れていってもらい、久しぶりに訪れました。竹の子のコース目当てでしたが、本格的なシーズンは4月からとのこと。魚介類もさることながら、和牛の柔らかさ。美味しかったです。 竹林の中にひっそりと佇むお店。風が吹くと竹のなびく音に癒されます。ウグイスも囀り、桜も満開でした。
I had him take me 30 years ago and visited for the first time in a long time. I was aiming for a bamboo shoot course, but the full-scale season is from April. The softness of Japanese beef as well as seafood. It was delicious. A shop that stands quietly in a bamboo grove. When the wind blows, you will be healed by the fluttering sound of bamboo. The bush warblers also sang, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
pinkさん on Google

自然の中で食べる炉端焼きが最高です。 すべて焼いてくれるので、こちらは食べるだけです。 新鮮な魚貝と野菜、お肉が最高に美味しかったです。
Robatayaki, which is eaten in nature, is the best. All you have to do is eat it as it will bake everything. The fresh fish and shellfish, vegetables and meat were the best.
コージクルーニー on Google

醤油差しや、塩の入れ物、壁にある絵、 細かいがそんな所がイマイチなのは、ご愛嬌で 肉と魚介には文句なし。リピートするでしょう。
Soy sauce bottle, salt container, picture on the wall, It ’s cute, but it ’s not good at such a place. No complaints about meat and seafood. Will repeat.

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