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Contact 出入橋きんつば屋・北浜(日・祝日休み)

住所 :

Hiranomachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0046 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
街 : Osaka

Hiranomachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0046 Osaka,Japan
nonononocchi on Google

I ate it once and became a fan. It is modest and the taste of red beans is very polite. There is a charm that makes you want to eat as many as you want.
忍者さん on Google

ずっと気になっていたきんつば屋さん。イートイン出来ると気づいて、やっと入ってみました。 メニューはきんつば以外も準備されていましたが、そこはもちろんきんつば(1皿300円お茶付き)を注文。 ほんのり温かくて柔らかなきんつば!あんこも美味しい〜!!満足しました? またホッと一息つきたい時に行こうと思います。
Kintsuba shop that I've always been interested in. I realized that I could eat in, so I finally entered. The menu was prepared other than Kintsuba, but of course I ordered Kintsuba (300 yen per plate with tea). A slightly warm and soft Kintsuba! Anko is also delicious! !! I'm satisfied ? I will go again when I want to take a break.
t takata424 on Google

2020.4 初訪問です 帰りにふと見つけたので、きんつば1つ買って食べてみました 110円ととてもリーズナブルです 甘さが控えめで、とても美味しかったです イートインも出来るようです
2020.4 This is my first visit I found it on my way home so I bought one Kintsuba and ate it It's very reasonable at 110 yen. The sweetness was modest and it was very delicious It seems that you can also eat in
akira BB on Google

きんつば、一つだけ買って固いもんだと思ってカバンに無造作に放り込んで、帰ってあけてみたら潰れかけてしまった。ごめんなさい。でも柔らかくて甘くておいしかった。 冷やさずに、と念押しされたわらび餅、そのままきな粉でなんて美味しいんだ。幸せ。 秋になるとわらび餅でなく安倍川餅に変わってた。時間帯かもしれないけどこちらでは焼きたてをいただける。
I bought only one Kintsuba and thought it was hard, so I threw it into my bag casually, and when I went home and opened it, it almost collapsed. sorry. But it was soft, sweet and delicious. Warabimochi, which was reminded not to be chilled, is delicious with kinako as it is. happy. In autumn, it changed to Abekawamochi instead of Warabimochi. It may be the time of day, but you can have it freshly baked here.
長谷川正之 on Google

Kintsuba has a modest sweetness and one is small, so you can easily stretch your hands one after another. It's delicious to have it with warm strong sencha this season. I was from Okinawa, but I would like to go to Osaka to buy it again.
ビル氏 on Google

きんつば 10ヶ(箱入り) ¥1,200- を買いました。 小ぶりなきんつばです。 食べる時に1、2分オーブンでトーストして頂きました?
I bought 10 Kintsuba (boxed) ¥ 1,200-. It is a small Kintsuba. When I ate it, I had it toasted in the oven for a minute or two ?
CHIZZ RB on Google

偶然発見し、立ち寄った。 きんつばを3つ購入した。値段は360円であった。 味は美味しい。 たまたまなのかもしれないが、形にばらつきがあった。 そして、サイズが非常に小さい。 私が、イメージするサイズの半分である。 子供や女性には良いかもしれない。 I found it by chance and stopped by. I bought 3 pieces of "Kintsuba". Cost is ¥360. The taste is good. My kintsuba were variations in shape. However, the size is very small. It's half the size I imagined. May be good for children and women.
I found it by chance and stopped by. I bought 3 Kintsuba. The price was 360 yen. The taste is delicious. It may have happened, but there were variations in shape. And the size is very small. It's half the size I imagine. May be good for children and women. I found it by chance and stopped by. I bought 3 pieces of "Kintsuba". Cost is ¥ 360. The taste is good. My kintsuba were variations in shape. However, the size is very small. It's half the size I imagined. May be good for children and women.
K Hiro on Google

寒い日が続いていたので温かく甘いものが食べたくなり、思い立ってこちらへ立ち寄りました。 店内は最小限のスペースで、2組6名も入ればいっぱいになります。 ぜんざいのセットにきんつばも単品で付けてもらって堪能しました。 老舗だけあって味は間違いないですね。 程良い甘さと焼きたてお餅が絶品です。 きんつばも大きすぎずちょうど良いと思いました。 一つ欲を言えば、ぜんざいは汁気が少ないタイプで個人的にもう少しサラッとしている方が好きです。 でも餡は堪らない味ですので、和菓子好きには是非オススメです。
As the cold days continued, I wanted to eat warm and sweet food, so I decided to stop by. The inside of the store is a minimum space, and it will be full if 2 groups of 6 people enter. I enjoyed the set of Zenzai with Kintsuba attached as a single item. There is no doubt about the taste because it is a long-established store. The moderate sweetness and freshly baked mochi are excellent. Kintsuba wasn't too big and I thought it was just right. One thing I would like to say is that Zenzai is a type with less juice and I personally prefer it to be a little smoother. However, the bean paste has an unbearable taste, so it is highly recommended for Japanese sweets lovers.

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