Hiramatsu Aoemise Glasses - Okayama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiramatsu Aoemise Glasses

住所 :

151-1 Tomita, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0936, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 700-0936
Webサイト : http://www.megane-hiramatsu.com/

151-1 Tomita, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0936, Japan
Takahiro Yoshida on Google

Good after-sales. He fixed the bent frame.
A Suna on Google

タレックスの取扱店です。 フレームの種類豊富ですね。 子供のめがねを作ってもらってます。 何度も調整や修理で持ち込んでいますが、丁寧に対応してもらっています。
It is a dealer of Turex. There are many types of frames. I have children make glasses. We bring in many times by adjustment and repair, but have you cope carefully.
大西直樹 on Google

The staff are polite and you can choose slowly in the store.
大倉富子 on Google

度付きサングラス?️壊れて 修理に、、
Prescription sunglasses ?️ broken For repair,
Kyouichi Tsukamura on Google

TALEXレンズを試せます。 OZNISしか購入したことはないですが、色々と相談に乗ってくれます。 初めて購入したモデルは折りたたみできない仕様で、ケースが大きいのが難点でしたが、とてもお気に入りで今でも保持しています。 店員さん曰く、レンズ交換もできる(1万円程度)ので、タイプの違うレンズを試しては?と言われましたが、同じTRUEVIEWで追加でもう一本購入してしまった。 結局、晴れの日のチャリ通勤がメインで、年に1~2回の釣りに万能的に使えるんですよ。TRUEVIEWが! 次は仕事中や、夜間でも使えるMO'EYE シリーズを勧められてから4~5年経つので・・。TALEX以外も良いのが出たかな?
You can try a TALEX lens. I have never bought only OZNIS, but they will consult you in various ways. The model I bought for the first time was a non-collapsible specification, and the big case was a drawback, but I still love it and keep it. The clerk says that you can exchange lenses (about 10,000 yen), so why not try a different type of lens? However, I purchased another one at the same TRUEVIEW. After all, the main work is to go to work on a sunny day, and you can use it for fishing once or twice a year. TRUEVIEW! Next time, 4 or 5 years have passed since the MO'EYE series, which can be used during work and at night, was recommended. Did you come up with something other than TALEX?
SHINTO on Google

仕事用とプライベート用と提案して貰いお手頃な値段で購入出来て助かりました。 定期検査もありメンテナンスもしてくれるので、安心して使えてます。 ありがとうございます。
It was helpful to be able to purchase it at a reasonable price by proposing it for work and private use. There is also a regular inspection and maintenance, so you can use it with confidence. thank you.
hiro k on Google

The optometry is polite. Please take the time to get accurate eyesight. I am grateful that I found that the power of eyeglasses made at other stores in the past was too high, and that I could see the near and far distances in a well-balanced manner.
AIーchan on Google

好きなお店でですが 担当者になれた頃にいなくなる
It's my favorite shop, but I'll be gone by the time I become the person in charge

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