JINS Aeon Mall Okayama Store - Okayama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JINS Aeon Mall Okayama Store

住所 :

1 Chome-2-1 Shimoishii, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0907, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 700-0907
Webサイト : http://shop.jins-jp.com/b/jins/info/20311/

1 Chome-2-1 Shimoishii, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0907, Japan
Lai Đại Hàn on Google

Even though the left eye reported astigmatism, a normal lens was made and remade. I wanted you to say as much as I was sorry. The spectacles shop in the city is the top in serving customers such as eyesight tests. Most of the frames are attractive, but customer service is clerical. I'm sorry. Also, the water around the contact lenses is dirty. I think you should wipe water drops, etc.
aa on Google

こちらでブルーライトカットメガネを購入して数日後、オンライン購入だとブルーライトカットオプション無料なのを知りました、、はあ。。オプション分5500円、、、。メガネもう一本買えるやん。 オンラインの売り上げはこの店舗の利益にならないのかもしれませんが、客から見ればどちらも同一の名前を掲げた店なんですから、急ぎでなければオンラインだと無料ですよ、とか一言あるべきだと思いました。というか、レンズも取り寄せしたので受け取りまで実質10日くらいかかったし全然オンラインでよかった。メガネなんて1人がそんな何回も買いにくるようなものじゃないんでお客さん一人一人のことあまり考えてないのかもですね。
A few days after I bought my blue light cut glasses here, I found out that the blue light cut option is free for online purchase. .. 5500 yen for options... I can buy another pair of glasses. Online sales may not be the profit of this store, but from the customer's point of view, both stores have the same name, so if you are not in a hurry it is free if you are online I thought. Or, I ordered the lens, so it took me about 10 days to receive it, and it was nice to be online. Maybe you don't really think about each and every customer because glasses aren't something that one person buys many times.
iroiro on Google

視力検査をしてくれた女性の方がとても丁寧で感じもよく、ピッタリな度数を割り出してくれたと思う。 他の店員さんも皆、丁寧で感じが良い。 …が、話しかけてきた店員さんに、初めて丸いフレームを買いたいが似合わない気がする、形も色も似合うのを選んで欲しいと言うと、 今まで付け慣れてないから違和感を感じるものだけど、黒より茶色、太いのより細いフレームだと違和感感じにくいと言われたけど、 それって消去法ですよね? 形さえ似合うのを選べたら、黒の太い縁が似合うかも知れないですし、 だとすると消去法で茶色の細いフレーム付けてあまりパッとしないのでは、損だと思うんですが… また、形が似合ってるのかはマスク取らないと分からないですかね?と聞くと、 今は(コロナのせいで)マスク付けた状態でメガネ付けるから取らなくて大丈夫、みたいに言われて、 じゃあ、マスク付けなくなったら全然似合ってない形を選んでしまう可能性があるんですが… もちろん、マスク外す間はこちらは喋らないようにしなきゃいけませんが。 とにかく色と形が似合うのを見抜ける店員さんはいませんか?と聞くと、どのスタッフも同じくらいのものだと言われたのでその人の接客を受け続けましたが… オシャレなアパレルの店員でない限り、それほどでもない服屋さんやメガネ屋さんの店員さんには、 その人に似合うものを感覚では分からないって人は結構多いんで、 「どっちが似合いますかね?」って聞いても全然参考にならない人は多い、 似合うかどうかで聞いてるのに、 こっちの色の方が着回しがきくとか、 不安なんだったら縁が細いメガネなら馴染みやすいとか言って、 答えになってない回答が返ってくる事はままあるが、 でも、センスがあって似合うものを選べる事は、当たり前な事じゃないと思うから、 そういう事ができない店員さんがいても、ハイセンスなショップ以外では、普通の事だとは思う、よくある事。 入れ替わりのまあまあある安いメガネ屋さんで、これは求めすぎなんだろうと思うが、 接客してもらう、相談する意味はないと思うので、接客しようと話しかけてくれないで良いと思う。 困ったらこちらから聞くし。 ただ、接客態度は皆さん良かった。 非常に感心しました。
I think the woman who did the visual acuity test was very polite and felt good, and she figured out the right power. All the other clerk are polite and feel good. … But when I asked the clerk who talked to me to buy a round frame for the first time, but I don't think it suits me, I want him to choose one that suits both shape and color. I'm not used to it so far, so it feels strange, but it was said that it's hard to feel strange if the frame is browner than black and thicker and thinner. That's the elimination method, isn't it? If you can choose to look good in shape, the thick black edges may look good, If so, I think it would be a loss if the thin brown frame was attached by elimination and it wasn't too light. Also, do you not know if the shape looks good without taking a mask? When asked Now I'm told (because of Corona) that I don't have to take it because I'm wearing glasses with the mask on. Then, if you don't wear a mask, you may end up choosing a shape that doesn't look good at all ... Of course, I have to avoid talking while removing the mask. Is there a clerk who can see that the color and shape look good anyway? When I heard that, all the staff were told that they were about the same, so I continued to receive customer service from that person ... Unless you're a fashionable apparel clerk, if you're not a clerk at a clothing store or eyeglass store, There are quite a lot of people who don't know what suits them. There are many people who don't find it helpful at all when asked "Which suits you better?" I'm asking if it suits me This color is more versatile, If you're worried, say that glasses with thin edges are easy to get used to. There are times when unanswered answers are returned, But I don't think it's natural to be able to choose something that suits you with a sense. Even if there is a clerk who can't do that, I think it's normal except for a stylish shop, which is a common thing. It's a reasonably cheap eyeglass shop that replaces me, and I think this is too much for me, I don't think it makes sense to have them serve customers or consult with them, so don't talk to them to serve customers. If you have any problems, ask here. However, the customer service attitude was good. I was very impressed.
_ ocean on Google

知人と眼鏡を購入しました。 その際2本まとめ買いすると1本だけ10%オフとなりお得ですと言われたが断ったのに、わざわざ店員側からまとめ買い扱いとして高い方をお安くしますねと言われた。 そこまでしていただけるなら良いだろうと思いお願いしたが結局は安い方をさらに値引きしただけで高い方のメガネは値引きされなかった。 自分から提案していた内容とは全く違うことをするという、でたらめな接客に不快な思いをしました。 今回の件で自分のお店で販売している物の価値もわからず接客する無責任なお店という印象を受けました。
I bought glasses with an acquaintance. At that time, I was told that if I buy two bottles in bulk, only one bottle will be 10% off, which is a good deal, but the clerk told me that the higher one would be cheaper as a bulk purchase. I asked him if he could do that, but in the end, he only discounted the cheaper ones and not the higher ones. I was uncomfortable with the random customer service that I was doing something completely different from what I had proposed. In this case, I got the impression that it is an irresponsible shop that serves customers without knowing the value of the items sold at my shop.
たけ on Google

MEMEの修理を依頼しましたが、快く対応していただきました。 不思議と評価が低くて不安でしたが、全然そんなことはなく、良い接客をされていると思います。
I requested the repair of MEME, but I was happy to respond. Mysteriously, the evaluation was low and I was worried, but that was not the case at all, and I think that I am receiving good customer service.
Name Non on Google

女性店員さんの接客がお粗末過ぎました。 何を聞いても、「多分」とか「だと思います」ばかりで何一つあてにならない。初歩的なことを聞いてるのに…。 とりあえずなんか買ってもらってお会計してもらえばいいや〜くらいの態度に見受けられました。WAON PAY使えますか?と聞いても多分…。との返事。分からないならレジ打ちして欲しくないし、もう少し研修してから店に立って欲しい。
The customer service of the female clerk was too poor. No matter what I ask, it's just "maybe" or "I think" and nothing can be relied on. I'm listening to the rudimentary things ... For the time being, I seemed to have an attitude that I should just buy something and pay for it. Can I use WAON PAY? Maybe ... Reply with. If you don't understand, I don't want you to hit the cash register, and I want you to stand in the store after a little more training.
Dickson Ng on Google

Have Chinese staff to have you here. For progressive lens, you will have to wait for 7 days.
Joe Lam on Google

Excellent staff member 谷本 His service is excellent, and he help me a lot and check very carefully this afternoon 28-May-2018. He is a good and nice gentleman. Jins may consider to provide delivery service for oversea fans as I need to travel back to HK this Wednesday. I will buy another pair in next trip to Japan. Thank you very much Best regards Joe Lam

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