浅舞酒造㈱ - Yokote

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浅舞酒造㈱

住所 :

Hirakamachi Asamai, Yokote, 〒013-0105 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 013-0105
Webサイト : http://www.amanoto.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Akita

Hirakamachi Asamai, Yokote, 〒013-0105 Akita,Japan
後藤宣夫 on Google

I bought it when I returned home to Yokote Akiko. It was a very delicious and easy to drink drink than expected.
スマイルかっち on Google

With my favorite calendar??
惑星ぼっち on Google

仕込み水を一般開放していて、無料で汲むことができます。 立派な水汲み場まで作っていただきありがとう。 この水で珈琲をいれると一味違いますよ。
The prepared water is open to the public and can be drawn free of charge. Thank you for making a splendid water fetching place. If you add coffee with this water, it will be a bit different.
トラえもん on Google

Asama Sake Brewery's stores, breweries, storages and workshops, ginjo breweries and premises are designated as registered tangible cultural properties as valuable as a Machiya building in Taisho and Showa era.
植田祐介 on Google

女性スタッフが丁寧に説明をしてくださいました。「あー!飲みてぇー!」と思わせる程、うまい説明でした。 もちろん、購入してその日に飲みました。
The female staff gave me an explanation carefully. The explanation was good enough to make me think “Oh! Of course, I bought it and drank it that day.
桜井真弓 on Google

10月末に急に伺ったが、笑顔で蔵をご案内頂いた。道路隔てた湧き水も見せて頂いたが、雪が積もるとここまで入ることができないらしく、感動! 5キロ以内のお米を使って作るお酒? 亡くなった森谷さんと言う杜氏の方がお造りになったらこのお酒が、ふんわりしかし、じわっと染みるようなイイお酒でした。茨城にも美味い酒は数々あれど、風景を感じられるお酒でした。 次の若い杜氏さんに引き継がれたこの蔵のお酒を全国の方にも呑んでいただきたいです。
I suddenly visited at the end of October, but with a smile, I was introduced to the storehouse. I also showed the spring water separated from the road, but it seems that I can't get here if snow is piled up! Sake lees made using 5 kg of rice When Mr. Tsuji, who passed away Moriya-san, made it, this liquor was soft, but it was a nice liquor. There are many delicious sakes in Ibaraki, but it was a drink that allowed you to feel the scenery. I would like people from all over the country to drink this sake that was handed down to the next young man.
MD M on Google

秋田が誇る酒蔵です。 純米酒であっても口当たりのいい飲みやすいお酒が揃ってます。 気取らず愚直なまでにに美味しいお酒を作り続ける姿勢にいつも感服します。 他県の人に胸を張って紹介できる酒蔵です。
Akita's proud sake brewery. Even if it is pure rice sake, we have a good selection of sake that is easy to drink. I am always impressed with the attitude of continuing to make delicious sake without being unpretentious and honest. It is a sake brewery that can be proudly introduced to people in other prefectures.
Kantaro Nomura on Google

Nice water, nice Sake. Akita's great local Sake brewery.

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