鶏専家 九州博多 うまかもん

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鶏専家 九州博多 うまかもん

住所 :

Hirai, Edogawa City, 〒132-0035 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.torisenka-umakamon.com/index.html
街 : Tokyo

Hirai, Edogawa City, 〒132-0035 Tokyo,Japan
みよし* on Google

毎週食べても飽きません。 間違いなく、世界でいちばん美味しい唐揚げかと思います。チキンカツもおいしいです。 種類がありますが、やっぱり博多からあげがいちばんです。
You won't get tired of eating it every week. It's definitely the most delicious fried chicken in the world. Chicken cutlet is also delicious. There are different types, but after all Hakata fried chicken is the best.

何度目かの訪問 唐揚げの量と味を選べるのがありがたいです!これだけ味を選べると定期的にいっても飽きないです。また、高菜が食べ放題なので、お口直しもできます。総じてスキのないお店です。アラフォーの方は唐揚げ3個のセットをおススメします。また、お弁当もやっているのでありがたいです カウンターだけのお店なので、大人数には適していません。 平均予算 750円/人 評価基準 沖縄と関東のデュアル生活をしている自分が関東でも食べたいか、行ってみたいかを基準に星を選んでいます。味、コスパ、接客、雰囲気の総評になります 評価者 男性 年齢 30代後半 星5 行く 星4 行ってもいいかな 星3 最悪、行ってもいいかな 星2 奢りでもやだな 星1 返金期待
A number of visits Thank you for choosing the amount and taste of fried chicken! I can not get bored regularly even if I choose this taste. In addition, since you can eat all-you-can-eat, you can also make a few remarks. It is a shop that does not have skis in general. If you are Arafour, we recommend 3 sets of fried chicken. In addition, it is appreciated that we are serving lunch As it is a shop only for counters, it is not suitable for large numbers. Average budget 750 yen / person Evaluation criteria I choose the star based on whether I want to eat in Kanto or I want to go in the dual life of Okinawa and Kanto. Taste, cospa, customer service, will be a generalization of the atmosphere Evaluator Male Age late thirties 5 stars go 4 stars I wonder if I can go Star 3 Worst, may I go Even if it is 2 stars Star 1 expected refund
真人大島 on Google

総武線平井駅北口から約160m、鳥料理店のうまかもんさんに来店しました。 ランチメニューは五種類の唐揚げ定食、とりカツ定食、とり唐定食など。 *博多唐揚げ定食4個入650円、6個入780円、9個入980円 *塩唐揚げ定食4個入650円、6個入780円、9個入980円 *にんにく唐揚げ定食4個入650円、6個入780円、9個入980円 *めんたい唐揚げ定食4個入750円、6個入880円、9個入1080円 *ゆず胡椒唐揚げ定食4個入750円、6個入880円、9個入1080円 また9個入の唐揚げ定食を注文するとご飯はバカ盛りが選択可能。 私はにんにく唐揚げ9個入り定食ご飯のバカ盛り980円を注文。 ◇にんにく唐揚げ9個入り定食ご飯バカ盛り *にんにく唐揚げ9個入り 平たい皿には唐揚げ9個、千切りキャベツ、ポテトサラダが盛り付け。 唐揚げは拳の半分位の大きさがあり、一個の重さは50g以上はありそう。 軽くて薄い衣はサクッとした食感があり、鶏もも肉は程よく弾力がある。 肉汁が適度に滴る鶏もも肉は醤油・にんにくの下味も良く馴染んでいる。 鶏の唐揚げは苦手な私ではあるが、この肉質とにんにく風味なら問題無い。 にんにく風味と言っても濃い味付けではなく、程よい塩加減で食べやすい。 *豚汁 豚こま切れ・ニンジン・ゴボウなどの根菜類が具材に使用されている。 *ご飯バカ盛り 直径約15cmの大きめの丼には高さ15cmを超える見事なてんこ盛りのご飯。 ご飯は未計量ですが、約二合(700g)の量があるのでボリュームがある。 唐揚げが約450g、ご飯バカ盛りが700gの合計1150gのメガ盛り定食です。 評価★★★☆ メガ盛り度★★★☆
About 160m from the north exit of Hirai Station on the Sobu Line, I visited Umakamon-san, a bird restaurant. The lunch menu includes five types of fried chicken set meal, chicken cutlet set meal, and chicken kara set meal. * Hakata fried chicken set meal 4 pieces 650 yen, 6 pieces 780 yen, 9 pieces 980 yen * Fried salt set meal 4 pieces 650 yen, 6 pieces 780 yen, 9 pieces 980 yen * Fried garlic set meal 4 pieces 650 yen, 6 pieces 780 yen, 9 pieces 980 yen * Mentai fried chicken set meal 4 pieces 750 yen, 6 pieces 880 yen, 9 pieces 1080 yen * Fried yuzu pepper set meal 4 pieces 750 yen, 6 pieces 880 yen, 9 pieces 1080 yen Also, if you order a 9-piece fried chicken set meal, you can choose a stupid serving of rice. I ordered a set meal of 9 fried garlic for 980 yen. ◇ Fried garlic 9 pieces set meal rice stupid * 9 pieces of fried garlic 9 fried chicken, shredded cabbage, and potato salad are served on a flat plate. The fried chicken is about half the size of a fist, and each piece weighs more than 50g. The light and thin batter has a crispy texture, and the chicken thighs are reasonably elastic. The chicken thigh, which has a moderate amount of gravy, has a good soy sauce and garlic flavor. I'm not good at fried chicken, but there is no problem with this meat quality and garlic flavor. The garlic flavor is not a strong seasoning, but it is easy to eat with just the right amount of salt. *Miso soup with pork and vegetables Root vegetables such as chopped pork, carrots, and burdock are used as ingredients. * Rice stupid A large bowl with a diameter of about 15 cm is served with a splendid rice bowl with a height of over 15 cm. The rice is not weighed, but it has a large volume because it weighs about 2 go (700g). It is a mega-sized set meal of about 450g of fried chicken and 700g of rice stupid, totaling 1150g. Evaluation ★★★ ☆ Mega embankment ★★★ ☆
Takanori Takahashi (のり_hokutosan) on Google

If you eat the fried chicken here, it's so juicy and delicious that you hesitate to eat it at other restaurants. Recently, the store is not open for business, only take-out, but it is a wonderful store where you can enjoy sake while eating delicious fried chicken.
本間四郎三郎 on Google

コロナ後は店内営業はしておらず、テイクアウトのみになっています。 近隣住民の評価が高いらしく、夕飯時には持ち帰りのお客さんがいつも数人店の前で待っています。 唐揚げ、弁当の他、ナンコツ揚げや酢もつなどのおつまみ系もあり便利。ボリュームもあるので、晩飯に肉が欲しいという時にちょくちょく利用しています。
After the corona, there is no in-store business, only takeout. It seems that the neighbors are highly evaluated, and at dinner time, a few customers are always waiting in front of the store. In addition to fried chicken and bento, there are also snacks such as fried chicken and vinegar, which are convenient. It has a lot of volume, so I often use it when I want meat for dinner.
H on Google

から揚げをあちこち食べ回って比べていますが、今のところ個人的から揚げ部門美味しいNo.1、No.2競う美味しさです。 お肉がジューシィで、1つがでかくて 満足感の高いから揚げです! 色々な味があるので、次回他の味も食べたいと思います。 手羽も美味しくいただきました!
I've been eating and comparing karaage here and there, but for now it's the delicious No. 1 and No. 2 competition in the personal karaage category. The meat is juicy and one is big It's fried because it's very satisfying! There are various flavors, so I would like to try other flavors next time. The wings were also delicious!
Guy Cooper Thomson on Google

This is the best fried chicken i have had in Japan. Every time we visit we make sure to go here. The service is quick, food is great and well priced! 10 out of 10 would go again!
Frank LeoGrande on Google

Loved this place. Was staying at an air bnb nearby and went here nearly every evening for food. The karage was amazing and the chicken katsu was awesome. Staff is extremely friendly. One of the places I'll be sure to visit when I'm back.

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