日本健康管理協会 山形健康管理センター

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本健康管理協会 山形健康管理センター

住所 :

Hinokicho, 〒990-0813 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://nikkenkyo.or.jp/yamagata
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
街 : Yamagata

Hinokicho, 〒990-0813 Yamagata,Japan
TSUKA TAKE on Google

The greeting from the receptionist was very refreshing and I felt comfortable from the morning. There was little waiting time and the explanation was polite, so I was able to take the test without stress. The changing rooms and toilets were also clean and tidy, so I felt relieved.
Wood Sammer on Google

駐車場が広くとめやすいので便利です。施設もキレイでとても快適です。 受付では多少混んでいましたが、その後はスピーディーに進んだので、待ち時間のストレスはほとんどありませんでした。
It is convenient because the parking lot is large and easy to park. The facilities are clean and very comfortable. It was a little crowded at the reception, but after that it went quickly, so there was almost no stress of waiting time.
大島満 on Google

健康診断を受ける人が多くいるなかで、一人一人に親切に対応ができるのは「すごい」の一言。 ホテルマンにも勝るほどの教育がされていると感じました。
While there are many people who undergo health examinations, it is a word of "wow" to be able to respond kindly to each person. I felt that the education was superior to that of hotelmen.
アクアリウム on Google

健診はとてもテンポよく、ほとんど待たされることなく流れるように進んでいきました。 その都度案内があるので迷うことなく、スムーズに終了しました。 センターの皆さん全員が笑顔で親切に対応してくれたおかげで、最後まで気持ちよく健診を受けることができました。
The medical examination was very fast-paced, and proceeded smoothly with almost no waiting. Since there is a guide each time, it ended smoothly without hesitation. Thanks to all the members of the center smiling and kindly responding, I was able to have a pleasant medical examination until the end.
大川洋介 on Google

スタッフ全員の接客姿勢がこれほど良い場所は、そうそうない思います。 丁寧な接客をしてもらえるので、人間ドックを受けたいけど、どこへ行こうか決めかねている人には、ぜひおすすめしたい施設だと思います。
I don't think there is a place where the customer service attitude of all the staff is so good. I think this facility is definitely recommended for people who want to receive a human dock because they can receive polite customer service, but are undecided where to go.
manami morita on Google

初めてレディースデーに受けましたが、女性への配慮が感じられてとてもよかったです♡ コロナ対策も徹底されていて最後まで安心して受けれました。
I received it for the first time on Ladies' Day, and it was very nice to feel the consideration for women ♡ Corona measures were also thorough and I was able to receive it with confidence until the end.
城下町ロケット on Google

フロア全体が明るく綺麗で、職員の皆さんも親切で言葉遣いも丁寧でした。 エアドッグが何か所も置かれていて感染対策もしっかりされていると感じました。 来年の健康診断もぜひこちらでお願いしたいと思います!
The entire floor was bright and beautiful, the staff were kind and the language was polite. I felt that there were several air dogs and that infection control was well taken. I would like to ask for a health checkup next year!
ラガーマン高橋 on Google

待ち時間がほとんどなくて、受付と誘導もスムーズ。館内も明るくキレイです。 職員さんの接客が良いので話しかけやすくて、初めての人でも行きやすい場所だと思います。 近々、家族が受けますので、よろしくお願いします!
There is almost no waiting time, and reception and guidance are smooth. The hall is also bright and beautiful. The staff's customer service is good, so it's easy to talk to, and I think it's a place that even first-timers can easily go to. My family will receive it soon, so thank you!

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