
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 極味家(きわみや)

住所 :

Hinodecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0066 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–1AM
Sunday 10:30AM–1AM
Monday 10:30AM–1AM
Tuesday 10:30AM–1AM
Wednesday 10:30AM–1AM
Thursday 10:30AM–1AM
Friday 10:30AM–1AM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hinodecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0066 Kanagawa,Japan
海賊キッド on Google

はじめて訪れましたが、店員さんが活気がありサービスも丁寧でとても良いです。ラーメンは麺硬めでも食べやすく、味もさっぱりしていて自分好みで丁度良かったです。 麺硬め好きの方には少し物足りなく感じるかも知れません。
11 reriha on Google

店内は清潔感があり、店員さんも接客がしっかりしている。 ライスはおかわり自由で無料! 濃いめで注文し、美味しかったが、クリーミー感が強く個人的には醤油がもう少し効いていたほうがいいと感じた。 硬めで頼んだが麺が柔らかかったのが非常に残念。
The inside of the store is clean and the staff are very good at serving customers. Rice is free and free to refill! I ordered it thicker and it was delicious, but it had a strong creamy feeling and I personally felt that the soy sauce should have worked a little more. I ordered it hard, but I am very sorry that the noodles were soft.
Kai on Google

日ノ出町駅出てすぐにある家系のお店。 訪問時は14時近かった為、店内の客は1人のみでした。 今回僕が頂いたのは、「ねぎラーメン(海苔増し)+サービスライス」です。 [味]評価:⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 「スープ」 恐らく濃縮。店内にとんこつの匂いがなく、蓮華で掬った感覚もサラサラしていていました。今回スープは濃いめで頼んだのですが、そこまで濃くはないです。 ですが僕にはちょうど良かったです... スープの色は壱系特有の白濁スープ...前述の通り濃くはないので飲み干しも余裕です。 「麺・具材等」 麺はチェーン店特有の極太ゴワ麺、硬めで頼んだのですが少々柔らかかったのが残念。ただ全然許容範囲内ではあるのでそこは目を瞑る事にします。 上に乗っている具材は定番の海苔3枚+チャーシュー1枚+ホウレンソウ... 今回はねぎラーメンなのでプラス味付け白髪ネギが乗っていましたが、味は普通に美味しかったです。 卓上調味料は定番ものが並んでおり、サービスライス(無料)は少々柔らかめに炊いてありました。(ライスに関しては好みが分かれると思いますので言及は控えさせて頂きますw) [店内]評価:⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 店内は狭いです。カウンターとテーブルが少しあるくらい、混雑時は少々待つことになりそうですね。 店内はそこそこ清潔的で満足できる感じ、ただ、サービスライス用のしゃもじを入れる器の中に漬物用のトングを入れるのは衛生的にどうかと思います。普通は分けて入れるよね... [接客面]評価:⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 接客は良いと思います。チェーン家系の特有の騒がしい感じはなく、非常に落ち着いて食べる事ができました。店員さんが無愛想とかっていう事も特になく、ハキハキと接客をされていた点は非常にgoodです! [総評] 評価(5段階) 味  ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 店 内 ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 接 客 ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 最後に総評ですが、普通に美味しいです。 恐らく濃縮だろうとは思いますが、味はスッキリして僕は好きな味です。麺は少し柔らかかったですが許容範囲、トッピングも定番なので安心感があります! 店内の衛生環境はもう一歩...という感じですかね...しゃもじと漬物用トングを一つの器に入れていたのは非常に残念。改善して頂けることを願っています! 接客は申し分なく好印象でした。非常に良いいい気分で食事ができました! 今後の期待を込めて星3とさせて頂きます。 まくり券なるポイントカードを貰ったのでまた訪問しようと思います。 美味しい1杯、ご馳走さまでした!! 2021年6月11日(金)
A family shop located right outside Hinodecho Station. When I visited, it was close to 14:00, so there was only one customer in the store. This time I got "green onion ramen (added seaweed) + service rice". [Taste] Rating: ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ "soup" Probably concentrated. There was no tonkotsu scent in the store, and the feeling of scooping with lotus flowers was smooth. I ordered the soup to be thick this time, but it's not that thick. But it was just right for me ... The color of the soup is a cloudy soup peculiar to the Ichi system ... As mentioned above, it is not dark so you can drink it easily. "Noodles, ingredients, etc." I ordered the noodles to be very thick, which is peculiar to chain stores, and it was hard, but it was a pity that it was a little soft. However, it is within the permissible range at all, so I will close my eyes there. The ingredients on the top are 3 classic seaweed + 1 char siu + spinach ... This time it was green onion ramen, so I had a plus-seasoned white-haired green onion on it, but the taste was usually delicious. The standard tabletop seasonings were lined up, and the service rice (free) was cooked a little softly. (I think that rice has different tastes, so I will refrain from mentioning it.) [Inside the store] Rating: ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ The inside of the store is small. There are a few counters and tables, so it seems that you will have to wait a little when it is crowded. The inside of the restaurant is reasonably clean and satisfying, but I think it is hygienic to put the tongs for pickles in the bowl for the rice scoop for service rice. Usually you put them separately ... [Customer service] Evaluation: ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ I think the customer service is good. There was no noisy feeling peculiar to the chain family, and I was able to eat very calmly. The clerk wasn't particularly unfriendly, and the fact that he was serving customers was very good! [Overview] Evaluation (5 levels) Taste ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ Inside the store ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ Customer service ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ Last but not least, it's usually delicious. I think it's probably concentrated, but the taste is refreshing and I like it. The noodles were a little soft, but the tolerance and toppings are standard, so there is a sense of security! The hygienic environment inside the store is one step further ... I think it's a shame that the rice scoop and pickle tongs were put in one bowl. I hope you can improve it! The customer service was a perfect impression. I was able to eat in a very good mood! We will give it a star 3 with expectations for the future. I got a point card called a roll ticket, so I will visit again. A delicious cup, a treat! !! Friday, June 11, 2021
a i on Google

いつ通っても混んでる印象です。 店員さんの対応が丁寧で良かったです! LINEの友達になるとトッピングが1つ無料になりますのでぜひ! 営業時間は分かりませんがいつ通っても営業してるイメージです。
The impression is that it is always crowded. It was good that the clerk's response was polite! If you become a LINE friend, you will get one free topping, so be sure to check it out! I don't know the business hours, but it's an image that I'm always open.
和田茂樹 on Google

日の出町駅前の横浜家系 食べたのはオールスターラーメン 豚骨醤油(塩もあり)。 チャーシュー3枚、のり6枚、味玉半割2個、うずら卵、ほうれん草で980円はコスパいいと思います。 家系らしく調味料は豊富できざみ玉ねぎ・きざみしょうがもあり。 ニラからしは初めて !フタには「食べたら絶好調になります。」とシールが。 店員さんが感じよくまた行きたいと思います。
Yokohama family in front of Hinodemachi station I ate all-star ramen pork bone soy sauce (with salt). I think that 980 yen is good for 3 char siu, 6 glue, 2 half-split flavored balls, quail eggs, and spinach. There are plenty of seasonings like a family, and there are also chopped onions and chopped ginger. First time with garlic mustard! There is a sticker on the lid saying, "If you eat it, it will be in great shape." The clerk feels good and wants to go again.
Ryan Sutedjo on Google

The taste was just okay, nothing special, but the staff was really friendly.
Roger Cheng on Google

Fulfill and warm-up my stomach. Good place for supper.
Chris Companero on Google

Ramen was great.

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