Himemiya Shrine - Toride

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Himemiya Shrine

住所 :

500 Ichinodai, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0037, Japan

Postal code : 302-0037

500 Ichinodai, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0037, Japan
中村元彦 on Google

ドローンファントムP4 on Google

不勉強ながら、単に目についた場所を、知り得た情報と共に投稿しています。 姫宮神社 祭神は櫛稲田姫命。江戸時代の創建。「お姫様」と呼ばれている。
While not studying, I simply post the places I noticed, along with the information I learned. Himemiya Shrine The deity is Kushi Inada Himemei. Built in the Edo period. It is called "princess".
永野孝之 on Google

五十川崇雄 on Google

It felt good ?
塩津卓男 on Google

私の、walking の休憩pointです。 閑散とした、市ノ代地区にあります。
This is my break point for walking. Located in a quiet, Ichinoyo district.
中野渡市右衛門 on Google

「比女美屋(ひめみや)」と書かれた扁額が掲げられ、将門の妾または娘が祀られてあるという。古姫様と呼ばれているようだ。 ここは廃寺となった西蔵寺の跡地である。境内に置かれた元禄十五年(1702)の大日如来石像には「別当西蔵寺」の文字が見られる。 将門の娘は餅草で目を突いたため隻眼であったという。将門は流れ矢に右目を射抜かれて最後を遂げたという伝説から、父討死の報に悲しみのあまり自ら右目を突いたのかも知れない。「桑弧蓬矢」と云いヨモギで出来た矢があるとか。市之台では餅草を徹底的に刈り取ってしまって何処にも生えてなかったそうな。柏市岩井にある将門神社には精巧な木彫があり社壇に彫られた小さな「隻眼の姫君」の右目は未完成とされる。 将門が討死して、将門の三女は母と共に奥州の恵日寺へ逃れて出家し、成人して下総に戻り小祠を建てて自ら彫った将門の木像を祀った。 地蔵菩薩のように情け深かったことから如蔵尼と呼ばれたという。龍光院地蔵堂に安置されてあるのは、地蔵菩薩に深く帰依した如蔵尼が将門と一族の菩提を弔うために毎日手を合わせた地蔵尊像であるという。龍光院の話では将門の三女とその母御前はともに美人で評判だったというが、この姫君は数多くの求婚にも興味無く独身だったとか。 将門討死後に沼南岩井の地に隠棲していたという話は将門の次女である春姫のことであろう。 どうやら将門の残党狩りが落ち着いて、沼南に隠遁していた春姫は平良文の居館へと移り、奥州恵日寺から下総に戻ってきた如蔵尼は春姫の隠棲していた沼南で地蔵菩薩を安置して将門の菩提を弔う毎日を送っていたであろうと考えると、将門の娘伝説が春姫と如蔵尼どちらのエピソードなのか区別するのが困難である。 将門の乱後には、沼南には車御前、春姫、如蔵尼などが隠棲しており、奥嵯峨か味土野のような人里離れた辺鄙な地であったのかも知れない。 春姫は平良文の三男忠頼の正室となり、春姫の産んだ長男忠常は千葉氏の祖である。春姫は出家して如春尼と呼ばれた。 千葉常胤の時代に沼南の地に居館を置き岩井と名付けたという。千葉常胤の次男である相馬小次郎師常が龍光院境内に将門神社を建てたと伝わる。如蔵尼が祀った小祠が将門神社として立派な社殿となった。相馬師常は相馬氏の祖である。 如蔵尼自ら坂東市岩井の将門終焉の地へ赴き国王神社を建てたといわれるが、如蔵尼手彫りと伝わる将門木像は室町期の作と云う… 国王神社の境内社には室町期の猿島郡司であった平守明が祀られる。守明は将門の子孫とも伝えられ将門顕彰に大きな役割を果たしたとされる。実際に国王神社を造営し将門木像を安置したのは猿島守明であろう。(国王神社の宮司の家が火災に遭って当時の資料が焼失してしまい詳しいことは分からない。) 下総の龍光院でも奥州の恵日寺でも如蔵尼は八十歳過ぎまで生きたと伝わる。この一致はおそらく奥州相馬藩主が参勤交代の途中に常陸下総の桓武平氏所縁の寺社に参拝したことで如蔵尼の晩年が恵日寺にも伝わったのであろう、恵日寺の如蔵尼の墓は江戸時代に建てられたものだ。 八十歳過ぎの古姫様と呼ばれて慕われたのだろう。晩年には西蔵寺で隠遁生活をしていたのかもしれない。 古姫様の最期は、端座したまま大往生を遂げたと伝えられる。古姫様の小祠は小貝川を見下ろす眺望の良い高台にあり草深い場所で地元の人も容易に近づけないようだ。 群書類従の相馬家の系図を見ると将門の弟である御厨三郎将頼には娘がいたようで「號如蔵禅尼」とある。如蔵尼は将門の三女として伝説が多く残るが実は将門の姪っ子だったかも知れない。春姫と如蔵尼は従姉妹同士ということになる。 餅草で目を突いたのは如蔵尼ではなく春姫だったかもしれない。将門が討死した直後は残党狩りに見つからぬよう人里離れた葬送地で身を隠していたのであろう。その後沼南に移され世間に見つからぬよう幽閉されていただろう。目を突いた重傷で床に臥せていて奥州へ逃れるのは無理だったろうと思われる。将門神社の「隻眼の姫君」は春姫なのかも。 ------------------------✂ キリトリ線------------------------------ なぜか草餅が食いたいと思われた方は、姫宮神社から車で10分程の所に「伊奈の草餅屋」として有名な「大久保利通商店」があります。さだまさし氏が「日本一美味しい大久保利通商店の草餅」と言ってます。
It is said that "Shikumiya (Himemiya)" was written with an obligation, and a male or a daughter of the main gate is enshrined. It seems to have been called like Kohime. This is the site of the Nishi temple which became a ruined temple. On the stone statue of the Dainichiyo in the 15th Genroku (1702) that was placed in the precincts, the letters "Separate Saigoji" can be seen. Daughter of Masakado is that was Sekigan for poked eyes with Mochigusa. From the legend that the gate got the last by being shot through the right eye to the flow arrow, it may be that he pierced his right eye by myself in the report of his father's death. 'Re interested in seeing arrow made of wormwood called the "Kuwakoyomogiya". It seems that Ichibanbadi thoroughly harvested the rice cake and did not grow anywhere. At Kamonmon shrine in Iwai in Kashiwa city there is an elaborate wood carving and the right eye of a small 'eyes of the eyes' carved on the company altar is said to be incomplete. Masakado is to die in battle, third daughter of Masakado the priest fled to Megumi Date temple of Oshu along with the mother, was dedicated to wooden statue of Masakado carved himself built a Shoshi return adult to the Shimousa. That was called 如蔵 nun from that there was Nasakebukaka' as kshitigarbha. Ryuko Institute of are enshrined in Jizodo is, that 如蔵 nun was devotion deeply in kshitigarbha is Jizo statues of hands together every day to mourn the Bodhi Masakado and family. In the story of Ryuko Institute says the three girls and their mother sight of Masakado was both good looks, but Toka this princess was also interested without single to a number of suitors. Masakado story that had been secluded life in the land of Iwai Shonan after die in battle would be of Haruhime is the second daughter of Masakado. Apparently calm remnants hunting Masakado, moves to Kyokan of Haruhime a flat statement that has been secluded in Shonan, 如蔵 nun came back to Shimousa from Oshu Megumibitera is Jizo in Shonan that was secluded life of Haruhime Considering that would have sent every day to mourn the bodhi Masakado and enshrined a Bodhisattva, it is difficult to daughter legend of Masakado to distinguish whether a Haruhime and 如蔵 nun either episode. After the turbulence of Masakado, car You are in Shonan, Haruhime, has been such as 如蔵 nun is secluded life, it might have a secluded outlying land, such as the back Saga or taste Tsuchino. Haruhime becomes the heir of the third son Tadayori of spatula statement, the Tadatsune eldest son born of Haruhime is the founder of Mr. Chiba. Haruhime was brought up and called Yuzununi. In the land of Shonan Tsunetane Chiba of the era that was named Iwai Place the Kyokan. Chiba is the second son of Tsunetane Kojiro Soma nurses normally is transmitted and built a Masakado shrine precincts Ryuko Institute.如蔵 Shoshi the nun is enshrined has become a splendid shrine as a shrine Masakado. Mr. Soma is always the father of Mr. Soma. But is said to 如蔵 built a nun himself went king shrine to Masakado demise land of the Bando Iwai, 如蔵 transmitted and Amate carved Masakado wooden statue refers to the work of the Muromachi period ... of the Muromachi period in the precincts, Inc. of King Shrine Sashima TairaMamoru Akira was Gunji is enshrined. MamoruAkira is to have played a major role in honor Masakado reportedly also a descendant of Masakado. Actually it was enshrined the erecting and Masakado wooden statue of the king shrine would be Sashima MamoruAkira. (I do not know the detail of the house of the prince at the royal jinja shrine was destroyed by burning down the fire at the time. It is said that Tsurugi Nuni lived to be past the age of eighty even at Ryukoin in Shimosa and Megumi Temple in Oshu. This agreement is probably probably due to the fact that the lord of Okuho Soma came to Shrine temple of Mr. Hakuto of Hitachi Shimosu on the way of the commuter exchange, and the later years of Tsutsumi Nishi went to Nishiji Temple, tomb of the nun's what was built in the Edo period. It is referred to as the old princess eighty-year-old too much to endear the wonder. His later years to the might of had a hermit living in the temple Tibet. Furuhime's last moment is told that he has accomplished a major stroke while he was losing his way. Furuhime - sama 's shrine is on a hill with a nice view overlooking the Koga River and local people do not seem to be easily accessible in a grassy place. The gunsho ruijū is of Soma house see the genealogy and Masakado brother Saburo Mikuriya SusumuYoriyuki in as there was a daughter there as "號如 built Zen'ni". There are many legends as the three girls of the gate, but in reality it may have been the nephew of the gate. Haruhime and 如蔵 nun will be called each other cousin. Perhaps it was Haruhime rather than Tsutomu Nun who struck the eyes with rice cake. Immediately after the Masakado has die in battle they would had been hiding in a secluded funeral locations so as not to be found in the remnants hunting. Then transferred to the Shonan would have been imprisoned so as not to be found in the world. Seems to be would have been impossible to escape with serious injuries that poked eyes have lie down on the floor to Oshu. It may be the spring princess of "Shogun's Princess" of Shogon Shrine. ------------------------ ✂ ク リ リ ト 線 ----------------------- ------- Why those who Kusa Mochi seemed to want to eat, there are the famous "Toshimichi Okubo shopping" as the "Kusamochiya of Ina" in the place of about 10 minutes by car from the Shrine Himemiya. Mr. Sada Masashi liked the "Japan delicious Toshimichi Okubo shops Kusa Mochi".

A shrine that has no people but is in good condition.
りゅう on Google

平将門の三女 如蔵尼を祀った神社です。(妾という話もある)詳細はわかりませぬ。
It is a shrine dedicated to Taira no Masakado's third daughter, Nyozo Nun. (There is also a story of a concubine) I do not know the details.

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