Kasuga Shrine - Toride

3/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Kasuga Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-6-27 Hongo, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0022, Japan

Postal code : 302-0022

3 Chome-6-27 Hongo, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0022, Japan
中野渡市右衛門 on Google

この小さな神社は縣犬養家の居館跡にあるという。大和より下総へ下向してきた縣犬養氏が祀ったのであろう。「春日台」と呼ばれる舌状台地の上にあって、遠く筑波山を眺めることが出来る。 春日神社の西隣にある東漸寺もまた縣犬養家の居城跡と伝えられる。『万葉集』卷二十に「下総国防人部領使少目 縣犬養宿禰浄人」とある。東漸寺は防人部領使の官衙跡であったかもしれない。「本郷」の地名の由来であろう。 本郷に神明神社があり伊勢神宮の神が祀ってある。この神明神社より西向こうの地名は「駒場」である。今は祠だけの駒場神社には野馬の軍事訓練場跡との伝説がある。相馬御厨はこの場所にあったであろう。取手市内に神明神社は上高井、米ノ井にもあり、相馬御厨はここまで続く広大な牧場であったようだ。 東漸寺観音堂の御本尊である馬頭観音像は行基の作と伝わる。縣犬養宿禰浄人が藤原氏より譲り受けて下総国に持ち込んだものかもしれない。縣犬養三千代は藤原不比等の後妻であった。 東漸寺近くの駒場寄りの高台には「鹿島立ち」で知られる防人の守り神である鹿島神社が祀られる。もともとは物部氏が祀っていた武甕槌神だが、物部氏滅亡後は中臣氏が鹿島神宮の祭祀を引き継いだ。平城京遷都時に不比等が鹿島の神を勧請して春日の三笠山に祀ったのが春日大社である。 縣犬養氏が畿内より妙見信仰を持ち込んだ様子は見られない。 防人の訓練には俘囚が深く関わったという。俘囚は乗馬と騎射に非常に長けていたという。一般の公民百姓らとは違う生活をしており、乗馬、騎射訓練、狩猟などをして日常生活を送っていた。 どうやら北相馬の地には北方遊牧民がいたようだ。取手市の中妻貝塚で発掘された人骨はバイカル湖畔にいた遊牧民と遺伝的に最も近いことが判明した。遊牧民は大草原で方角を示す北極星を崇敬したとか。 縣犬養家は俘囚と縁戚関係となって相馬の地に土着していった。北極星を守護神とし野性馬の調教を生業とした。縣犬養家の娘であった将門の母には俘囚の血も混じっていたと言われる。 春日神社近くにある民家には将門の母が使ったと伝わる井戸がある。将門の母は本郷の縣犬養家の居館にて生まれ育ったのであろう。 縣犬養宿禰浄人は末っ子を非常に可愛がり、成人になっても心配なため、居城の近くに館を建てて住まわせたという。末っ子を当時は「乙子」と呼び、住んでいた場所は「乙子」と呼ばれるようになったという。守谷市乙子である。 縣犬養家は、俘囚と縁戚になったことで本拠地を取手市本郷から守谷市高野へと移転させたと推察される。縣犬養浄人の末っ子が生まれたのが契機であったように思う。この末っ子の後裔が縣犬養春枝かもしれない。 相馬御厨は守谷本宿を本拠地として流山や松戸へと拡大されていった。相馬野馬追は、相馬郡小金原(現在の松戸市)にて野生馬を放ち、敵兵に見立てて軍事訓練を行ったのが始まりだという。
This small shrine is said to be the site of the residence of the Minato Inu. It seems that Inukai Minoru, who had descended from Yamato to Shimosa, worshiped. On the tongue-shaped plateau called "Kasugadai", you can see Mt. Tsukuba in the distance. Tokyu Temple, which is located on the west side of Kasuga Shrine, is also said to be the site of the residence of the puppet breeder. In "Manyoshu", there is "Two dogs in the Shimonoseki National Defense Forces, a small consular officer in the defense department of Shimonosou". Tokyu Temple may have been the official ruling of the consul of the Ministry of Defense. It may be the origin of the place name "Hongo". There is Shinmei Shrine in Hongo and the god of Ise Shrine is enshrined. The place name west of this Shinmei shrine is "Komaba." Nowadays, there is a legend that the Komaba Shrine, which is only a shrine, is the site of Noma's military training ground. Soma kitchen would have been in this place. There are Shinmei Shrines in Toride City also in Kamitakai and Yonenoi, and Soma Mitsukuri seems to have been a vast ranch so far. The statue of the horse head Kannon, which is the principal image of the Tokyuji Kannon temple, is said to have been created by Gyoki. It may have been brought to Shimozukuri by Mr. Fujiwara, who was inherited by Minoru Inuyado Kage Joto. Inou Michiyo was the second wife of Fujiwara Fujii. Kashima Shrine, a guardian guardian deity known as "Kashima Tachi", is enshrined on the hill near Komaba near Tokyu Temple. Originally, Mr. Monobubu was enshrined in Takenori, but after the destruction of Mr. Nakabe, Mr. Nakashin took over the ritual of Kashima Shrine. It was Kasuga Taisha Shrine that was enshrined on Mt. It cannot be seen that Mr. Inukai brought in the Myoken faith from Kinai. The prisoners were deeply involved in the defense training. The prisoners were very good at horseback riding and ejaculation. He lived a different life from ordinary citizens, and spent his daily life on horseback riding, equestrian training, and hunting. Apparently there were northern herders in the area of ​​Kitasoma. The human bones excavated at Nakatsuma Kaizuka in Toride City were found to be genetically closest to the nomads on the shores of Lake Baikal. Nomads worshiped the north polar star pointing in the prairie. A dog breeder became indigenous to Soma in a relationship with a prisoner of war. He made the polar star the guardian deity and trained wild horses. It is said that the mother of Shomon, the daughter of a dog breeder, also had the blood of a prisoner of war. A private house near Kasuga Shrine has a well that is said to have been used by the mother of Shomon. The mother of Shomon was probably born and raised in the residence of a dog breeder in Hongo. It is said that Kaoru Inuyado, Kaoru Jyoto, loved his youngest child very much and worried about becoming an adult. The youngest child was called "Otoko" at that time, and the place where he lived was called "Otoko". It is Otoko, Moriya city. It is surmised that the dog breeder moved his home from Hongo, a city in Tede, to Takano, Moriya, because he was related to a prisoner of war. I think it was triggered by the birth of the youngest child of the Hoken Inu. The descendants of this youngest child may be the Minoru Inu Harue. The Soma kitchen was expanded from Moriya Honjuku to Nagareyama and Matsudo. It is said that Soma Nomaoi started a wild horse in Koganehara (now Matsudo City), Soma-gun, and conducted military training in the manner of an enemy soldier.

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