Himedobutsu Clinic - Amagasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Himedobutsu Clinic

住所 :

3-chome-31-7 Higashisonodacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0953, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 661-0953
Webサイト : http://www.hime-ac.com/

3-chome-31-7 Higashisonodacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0953, Japan
ママミキティ on Google

皆さんとても親切で明朗会計です。 とても信頼出来ます。 予約制なので待たなくて良いのも助かります。
Everyone is very kind and clear accounting. I can trust very much. Because it is a reservation system, it is saved that I do not have to wait.
橋村良彦 on Google

Open until the morning of the end of the year. It is a soft response with a female teacher! He / she performs treatment according to request while balancing with animal body!
さかもとえみ on Google

Both the veterinarian and the staff feel good and I love it ?
藤本晃永 on Google

The teacher's explanation is easy to understand, and the staff members can feel at ease.
磯野孝志 on Google

It is a bright clinic where you can always feel comfortable and consult with us. The staff is also kind and you can rest assured.
naru t on Google

とっても優しい先生でした。 初診で伺ったのですが、健康状態、耳掃除、歯磨きなど、自宅で出来ることのコツなども教えて頂けて本当に良かったです。
He was a very kind teacher. When I visited for the first time, I was really glad that you could tell me the tips of what you can do at home, such as your health condition, ear cleaning, and tooth brushing.
MH on Google

何年も愛犬がお世話になっています。女性の先生で些細なことでも丁寧に答えてくれます。スタッフさんもみんな笑顔で優しいですし、ハキハキしゃべってくれるので安心できます。 予約してても待ち時間がとても長いこと以外はとてもよい病院です。
My dog ​​has been indebted for many years. A female teacher who politely answers even the smallest things. All the staff are smiling and kind, and you can rest assured that they will talk to you. It is a very good hospital except that the waiting time is very long even if you make a reservation.
g. n. on Google

大切な犬猫が、命に関わるような体調の崩し方をしたときはこの病院はおすすめしません。 薬の処方もおかしく、半年かかった末に 「分かりません、もうできることはないですね」と匙を投げられましたが、その後他の病院にかかり、薬も対処も変えてもらい、がらっと容態が良くなりました。 この病院にかかり続けていたらうちの子の命は今は無かったと思います。 また、ここを特におすすめしない方は、 金銭に余裕の無い人です。お高いです。 (お金をかけても 助けてもらえるわけではありません) 口コミの評判を見て安心してかかったのですが 口コミが良くても技術があるとは思えません。
This hospital is not recommended when an important dog or cat has a life-threatening illness. The prescription of the medicine was also strange, and after half a year it took I was thrown a spoon saying, "I don't know, there's nothing I can do anymore," but after that, I went to another hospital and had my medicine and treatment changed, and my condition improved. If I had been in this hospital, my child wouldn't have lived now. Also, if you do not particularly recommend this place, A person who cannot afford money. It's expensive. (Even if you spend money You can't help me) I was relieved to see the reputation of the word of mouth. Even if the word of mouth is good, I don't think there is technology.

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