HIKOBEE - Tochigi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1010-8 Hiraicho, Tochigi, 328-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 328-0054
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

1010-8 Hiraicho, Tochigi, 328-0054, Japan
高岩正夫 on Google

Sashimi is pretty good! I don't think it's a loss to try it!
ちゅう on Google

刺身定食980円。たまたまなのか中とろが小ぶりながら5、6切れ。その他はエビ タコ 数の子 卵。期待してなかった分余計においしかったです。地元の居酒屋風ですがランチにはおすすめでしょうか。内税も評価します。
Sashimi set meal 980 yen. It happened that the inside was small but 5 or 6 pieces. Others are shrimp octopus kazunoko eggs. It was more delicious than I expected. It's like a local izakaya, but is it recommended for lunch? We also evaluate tax included.
ミッキーマウス on Google

I entered the shop by myself, but from the back of the counter, the master guided me to the table in the back. It was my first time to enter the restaurant, but it was hot. Looking at the menu, there was a customer appreciation menu, so I asked for it. I was worried if I could finish it, but it was so delicious that I finished it. There are 3 pieces of ginger, sashimi, and small bowl, miso and mixed rice, and finally, mini juice is also included, which was delicious and I'm full. I think the other menus are reasonably priced and in quantity. I will go again.
クマクマゴロー on Google

初めて訪問したお店でした。値段も安く、何より量が多い店で良く食べる人からしたらかなり助かるお店。 星一つは、もう少しメニューに変わり種が出来て頂けたらなぁという想いから。
It was the first shop I visited. The price is cheap, and above all, it is a store that is quite helpful for those who eat well. One star is from the wish that the menu will change a little more and you can make seeds.
Ken Ken on Google

ランチでいきました 品数も多くおいしい 夜もいってみたい
I went for lunch Many items are delicious I want to go to the night
丸山知佐子 on Google

女性ひとりでもマスターが気さくに話しかけてくれました。 食べきれないくらいのボリュームにビックリ!!!
The master talked kindly to a woman alone. Big enough to eat!
となりのトトロ on Google

There is volume and I think the price is reasonable. However, the shop smells like tobacco, so the clothes will definitely smell. Those who dislike tobacco should not go. I also hate cigarettes so I can't go anymore. I would like to go again if the smell is improved.
Sabo10 on Google

最近 は 麺類中心の昼食だったので無性に定食が恋しくなり、早速ググりました。 閑静な住宅街の中突然現れたのがこのお店。居酒屋さんが昼食も提供しているらしく、趣きのある和風造りの店舗が迎えてくれました。 注文したのはロースカツ定食とヒレカツ定食、共に980円とリーズナブル! 15分程で料理が運ばれて来ましたが兎に角品数が多いしボリュームもある。いざ食べてみると全てが美味しい! しかもアイスコーヒーも同時に出て来たのは想定外でした。 いや~腹一杯、やっと食べきりました。 久しぶりの『満腹満足』でしたが、お会計の際に大将からお酒の香りが漂っていたのがな~んともホッコリしちゃいました。
Recently, I had a lunch centered on noodles, so I missed the set meal, so I googled immediately. This shop suddenly appeared in a quiet residential area. It seems that the izakaya also serves lunch, and a quaint Japanese-style restaurant welcomed us. I ordered a loin cutlet set meal and a fin cutlet set meal, both of which are reasonably priced at 980 yen! The food was delivered in about 15 minutes, but there are a lot of horns and a lot of volume. Everything is delicious when I try it! Moreover, it was unexpected that iced coffee came out at the same time. No, I'm full, and I've finally eaten. It's been a while since I was "satisfied with my stomach", but I was relieved that the scent of alcohol was drifting from the general at the time of checkout.

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