Hiketa Station - Higashikagawa

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiketa Station

住所 :

Hiketa, Higashikagawa, Kagawa 769-2901, Japan

Postal code : 769-2901

Hiketa, Higashikagawa, Kagawa 769-2901, Japan
akito tsuji on Google

駅スタンプあり!! 2017.9.16
There is a station stamp! ! 2017.9.16
tabi nezumin on Google

高松から徳島へ向かう高徳線 ワンマンカーのため運転手さんはとても忙しそうだった 駅スタンプは廃止したとのこと、残念
Kotoku Line from Takamatsu to Tokushima The driver seemed to be very busy because of the one-man car It's a pity that the station stamp has been abolished
岡林健一 on Google

わろてんかで有名な吉本興業の藤吉と天ちゃんの 息子が交際したブギ女王の出身地付近 香川県大川郡相生村(現・東かがわ市)に生まれる。 (祖先には、この引田にあった引田城城主の生駒家の一族が居る)本家は、讃岐丸亀の丸亀城主と成ったために丸亀に移住した 諸事情あり生後間もなく、 大阪市福島区の米屋の養女となったが、 シヅ子が自身の出生について気づくのは後年になってからであった。 1927年(昭和2年)、 小学校卒業後、 宝塚音楽歌劇学校(現・宝塚音楽学校)を受験、 歌・踊りは申し分ない実力をもちながら不合格となる。 理由は当時のシヅ子が上背が小さい上、 極度の痩せ型であったため、 過酷な宝塚生活に耐えられないのではとの学校側の判断があったという。 しかし同年 「松竹楽劇部生徒養成所」 (OSK日本歌劇団のかつての養成学校・日本歌劇学校の前身)を受験し合格、 娘役・三笠静子の芸名で『日本八景おどり』で初舞台を踏む。 その後、 1933年(昭和8年)、『秋のおどり・女鳴神』の演技でスターの仲間入りを果たす。 1935年(昭和10年) 崇仁親王が三笠宮を名乗ったのを機に、 三笠を名乗るのは恐れ多いと 笠置シズ子と改名し、 1938年(昭和13年) 「帝国劇場」で旗揚げした「松竹樂劇団」に参加。 服部良一と出会う。 のち服部と組んでジャズ歌手として売り出すが、 派手な身振りが警視庁ににらまれ、 1939年(昭和14年)、 丸の内の劇場への出演を禁じられる。 松竹樂劇団が解散してからは、 「笠置シズ子とその楽団」を結成して慰問活動などを行う。 その一方、 『弥次喜多大陸道中』に映画初出演し、 坊屋三郎、益田喜頓らと共演する。 服部良一によってコロムビア専属に迎えられ、 「ラッパと娘」「ホットチャイナ」などがリリースされるが、 激しく踊り歌うシヅ子のステージは当局の目に留まるところとなり、 マイクの周辺の1メートル前後の 範囲内で歌うことを強要されるなどの辛酸をなめた。 日中戦争から第二次世界大戦中は活躍の場が限られシヅ子は その専用楽団を率いて巡業や慰問に活躍した。 戦後にヒットした 「アイレ可愛や」はテーマを南方にしたことによって 難を逃れたステージ用に作られた楽曲で、 シヅ子は兵隊や軍需工場の慰問で好んで歌っていた。 服部は自伝「僕の音楽人生」の中でシヅ子との出会いについて、 「大阪で一番人気のあるステージ歌手と聞いて『どんな素晴らしいプリマドンナかと期待に胸をふくらませた』 のだが来たのは、 髪を無造作に束ね薬瓶を手に目をしょぼつかせ、コテコテの大阪弁をしゃべる貧相な女の子であった。 だがいったん舞台に立つと『…全くの別人だった』。 三センチもある長いまつ毛の目はバッチリ輝き、 ボクが棒を振るオーケストラにぴったり乗って『オドウレ。踊ウれ』の掛け声を入れながら、 激しく歌い踊る。 その動きの派手さとスイング感は、 他の少女歌劇出身の女の子たちとは別格の感で、なるほど、 これが世間で騒いでいた歌手かと納得した」とある。 1945年(昭和20年)11月、 再開場した日本劇場の最初のショーから出演し、1947年(昭和22年)の日劇のショー『踊る漫画祭・浦島再び龍宮へ行く』で歌った、 服部良一作曲(シヅ子の歌曲のほとんどを手がけた)の『東京ブギウギ』が大ヒットした。 以後『大阪ブギウギ』や『買物ブギ』など一連のブギものをヒットさせ、 「ブギの女王」と呼ばれる。美空ひばりが登場するまでスーパースターとして芸能界に君臨した(ひばりはシヅ子の物真似で有名になった)。 シヅ子のマネージャーをしていた男がひばりをシヅ子より先にハワイでの公演をさせたため、 真似されている本人が「美空ひばりの持ち歌を歌っている大人」 として現地に誤解を招くという事態を招き、 ひばりにブギを歌わせなかったと言われているが、 当のシヅ子自身がそうした営利を目的とした人物の被害者であったことはあまり知られていない。 東海林太郎や淡谷のり子など歌を重視する従来の歌手とは異なり、 シヅ子は派手なアクションと大阪仕込みのサービス精神にあふれ当時として斬新なものであった。 「ヘイヘイブギ」ではシヅ子が「ヘーイ・ヘイ」と客席に歌いかけると観客が 「ヘーイ・ヘイ」と唱和し、 文字通り舞台と客席が一体となるパフォーマンスを繰り広げ、 「ホームラン・ブギ」では高下駄で応援団長の扮装で登場、勢いあまって客席に転落。 「買物ブギー」を歌うときは熱演のあまり、 履いていた下駄がいつも真二つに割れてしまうほどであった。 阪神タイガースの藤村富美男がシヅ子のステージにヒントを得て派手な プレーを心掛けるようになったのは有名である。 また新人官僚の時に 「文才」を買われて大臣の演説原稿の執筆を依頼された三島由紀夫が「笠置シヅ子さんの華麗なアトラクションの前に、 私のようなハゲ頭がしゃしゃり出るのはまことに艶消しでありますが」 で始まる原稿草案を書いたことがある(当然ながらボツになっている)。 今日でもシヅ子の歌がカヴァーされ日本のポップスに多大な影響を与え続けている。 私生活では、 8歳年下の吉本穎右(吉本興業の創業者・吉本せいの子) と知り合い交際に発展・妊娠にいたるも穎右を吉本の後継者に待望していた せいはシヅ子を気に入らず断固として穎右との結婚を認めなかった。 そのうえ幼少より病弱であった穎右は1947年(昭和22年)5月に24歳の若さで病没。 なおシヅ子は穎右死後数日後に女児(一般人、名は穎右に由来という)出産。 妊娠中の舞台『ジャズ・カルメン』を最後に、 一旦は引退を考えたものの、 服部良一や榎本健一をはじめとした周囲の励ましもあり、 歌手生活の続行を決意。乳飲み子を抱えて舞台を努める姿は、 当時「夜の女」「パンパン」と呼ばれた、 生活のために止むを得ず売春を行う女性たちに深い共感を与え、 シヅ子の後援会はほとんどがそうした女性たちによって固められていた。 1948年(昭和23年) の黒澤明監督の映画『醉いどれ天使』ではキャバレーの歌手を演じ、 ワンシーンのみの登場だが非常に強い印象を残した。 シヅ子の歌った劇中歌『ジャングル・ブギー』は黒澤が作詞している。 そして翌1949年(昭和24年) には高峰秀子との競演でシヅ子の代表作となった『銀座カンカン娘』に主演した。 NHK紅白歌合戦にも4回出場していた(詳細は下記参照)。 ブギが下火となった 1957年(昭和32年)ごろ、 シヅ子は歌手廃業を宣言した。 客を満足させる歌声・踊りが出来なくなったからとも、 一人娘の育児を優先・徹底させるためだったともいわれたが、 後年テレビの対談番組で、 「廃業の理由は『太りかけたから』だった」と告白。 つまり昔と同じように動けていれば太るはずはない、太ってきたのは動けていないからだ、 ということだった。 またそれに関連して「自分の一番いい時代(ブギの女王としての全盛期の栄華)を自分の手で汚す必要は無い」とも語っている。 芸名もシヅ子と改め、 女優活動に専念する(かつてのヒット曲の一部にステレオバージョンが存在するが、 引退直前にリバイバルで録音したモノラル盤を後年に加工したものであり、 公私を問わず引退後は一切鼻歌にいたるまで歌を歌わなかったと遺児は証言している)。 また女優活動専念に際しては各テレビ局、映画会社、興行会社を自ら訪れ、 「私はこれから一人で娘を育てていかなければならないのです。 これまでの『スター・笠置シヅ子』のギャラでは皆さんに使ってもらえないから、 どうぞギャラを下げて下さい」と出演料ランクの降格を申し出ている。 得意の大阪弁を生かした軽妙な演技で多くの作品に出演する。 また、1967年(昭和42年)からは、TBSの人気番組『家族そろって歌合戦』の審査員、 1971年(昭和46年)からは、カネヨ石鹸の台所用クレンザー「カネヨン」CMのおばさんとして親しまれた。 シヅ子は1985年(昭和60年)に卵巣癌で死去した。70歳没。 法名は寂静院釋尼流唱。 病床で自分の役をテレビで演じている研ナオコを見ながら 「日劇時代は楽しかったね」とポツリと呟いたのが、 シヅ子の最期の言葉だったという。
Fujimoto and Tenchan of Yoshimoto Kogyo which are famous for worrent Near the birthplace of Queen Boogie, where his son was associated Born in Aioi-mura, Okawa-gun, Kagawa (now Higashikagawa City). (The ancestors of the Ikoma family of Hikida Castle Castle were in Hikida.) There are various circumstances soon after birth, I was adopted by a rice store in Fukushima-ku, Osaka, It was only in later years that Shizuko became aware of her own birth. 1927 (Showa 2), After graduating from elementary school, Take the Takarazuka Music Opera School (now Takarazuka Music School), Singing and dancing will be rejected even though they have perfect ability. The reason is that Shizuko at that time has a small upper back, Because he was extremely thin, It was said that the school judged that he could not endure the harsh Takarazuka life. But the same year "Shochiku Music Theater Student Training Center" Passed the test (the former training school of the OSK Nippon Opera Company, the predecessor of the Japan Opera School), The stage name of Shizuko Mikasa, who plays the role of daughter, takes the first stage in "Japan Hakkei Odori". afterwards, In 1933 (Showa 8), he became a star in the performance of "Autumn Dance, Memejin". 1935 (Showa 10) Taking advantage of the fact that Prince Sujin named himself Mikasa Shrine, It is fearful to give the name of Mikasa Renamed Shizuko Kasagi, 1938 (Showa 13) Participated in the Shochiku Rakudan Company, which was launched at the Imperial Theater. Meet Ryoichi Hattori. Later on, he teamed up with Hattori to sell as a jazz singer, The flashy gesture was caught in the Metropolitan Police Department, 1939 (Showa 14), It is forbidden to appear in the Marunouchi theater. After the Shochiku Theater Company was dissolved, Formed "Shizuko Kasagi and his orchestra" and performed consolation activities. On the other hand, The movie first appeared in "Yuji Kita Continental Dochu", Co-starred with Saburo Boya and Kiton Masuda. Ryoichi Hattori welcomed him to Columbia exclusively "Rappa and daughter" "Hot China" etc. will be released, Shizuko's stage, where she dances and sings violently, becomes a place where the authorities can see. Around 1 meter around the microphone I licked hot acid such as being forced to sing within the range. Since the Sino-Japanese War, during World War II He led the dedicated orchestra and was active in tours and leisure activities. Hit after the war “Aire cuteness” is due to the theme being southward A song made for the stage that escaped difficulties, Shizuko liked to sing at the soldiers' and military factories. Hattori talked about his encounter with Shizuko in his autobiography, "My Music Life." “When I heard that it was the most popular stage singer in Osaka, I was excited about what kind of wonderful Primadonna would be.” But what came is She was a poor girl who randomly bunched her hair, slammed her eyes with a medicine bottle, and spoke the Osaka dialect. However, once he stood on the stage, he was "... a completely different person." Eyes with long eyelashes that are as long as three centimeters shine perfectly, Riding on an orchestra where I swing a stick, "Odore. While shouting "Odore", Sing and dance violently. The flashiness and swing feeling of the movement are It's a different feeling from girls from other girls' opera. I was convinced that this was a singer who was noisy in the world. " November 1945 (Showa 20), Appeared from the first show of the Japanese theater that was restarted, and sang at the 1947 (Showa 22) Japanese drama show "Dancing Manga Festival, Urashima Again Go to Ryugu", "Tokyo Boogie Woogie" composed by Ryoichi Hattori (who wrote most of Shizuko's songs) became a big hit. After that, hit a series of boogie stuff such as "Osaka boogie boogie" and "shopping boogie", Called the "Boogie Queen". Reigned in the entertainment world as a superstar until Hibari Misora ​​appeared (Hibari became famous for imitating Shizuko). A man who was Shizuko's manager made Hibari perform in Hawaii before Shizuko, The imitated person is "an adult singing a song of Hibari Misora" As a result, it causes misunderstanding in the field, It is said that he didn't let the skylark sing boogie, It is not well known that Shizuko himself was the victim of such a profit-making person. Unlike traditional singers who emphasize songs, such as Tokai Rintaro and Noriya Awatani, Shizuko was new at the time, full of flashy action and the spirit of service prepared by Osaka. In "Hey Hey Boogie", Shizuko sings "Hay Hey" in the audience and the audience Resonate with "Hay Hey", Literally performing a performance where the stage and the audience are united, In "Homerun Boogie", he appeared in the costume of the cheerleader with high geta, and fell into the audience seats due to the momentum. When I sing "Buy Boogie" The geta I wore on was always split in two. Tomio Fujimura of the Hanshin Tigers is flashy, inspired by Shizuko's stage It is famous that he started to play. Also when I was a new bureaucracy Yukio Mishima, who had been asked to write a manuscript for the speech of the Minister after being bought a literary talent, said, "Before the magnificent attraction of Shizuko Kasagi, A bald head like me is really dull, though. '' I've written a draft manuscript beginning with (it's obviously a crap). Even today, Shizuko's song is covered and continues to have a great influence on Japanese pop music. In my personal life, Yosuke Yoshimoto, eight years younger (Seiko Yoshimoto, founder of Yoshimoto Kogyo) Even though she got acquainted with her, she was long-awaited as Yoshimoto's successor even though she developed and became pregnant. Sei didn't like Shizuko and firmly refused to admit her marriage to Eisuke. In addition, Yosuke, who had been ill since his childhood, died in May 1947 (Showa 22) at the age of 24. Shizuko gave birth to a female child (an ordinary person, whose name is said to have originated in the right) several days after her death. Finally, the stage "Jazz Carmen" during pregnancy, Though I was thinking about retirement, There was also encouragement from around, including Ryoichi Hattori and Kenichi Enomoto, Determined to continue living as a singer. The appearance of striving for the stage with a baby sucker, At that time, it was called "night woman" Providing deep empathy to women who are forced to prostitute for their daily lives, Most of Shizuko's patronage groups were consolidated by these women. 1948 (Showa 23) In the movie "Ryodori Tenshi" directed by Akira Kurosawa, he played a cabaret singer, Although only one scene appeared, it left a very strong impression. Kurosawa wrote the song "Jungle Boogie" that Shizuko sang in the play. And the next year, 1949 (Showa 24) He starred in "Ginza Kankan Musume," which was Shizuko's masterpiece in a competition with Hideko Takamine. He also participated in the NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen four times (see below for details). Boogie was down Around 1957 (Showa 32), Shizuko declared the singer closed. Even because I can no longer sing and dance to satisfy customers, It was said that it was to prioritize and thoroughly raise the only daughter. Later in a dialogue program on TV, "The reason for closing down was" because I've been overweight, "confessed. In other words, if you can move like before, you can't get fat. Was that. In addition, he said, "There is no need to pollute my best times (the glory of the heyday as the Queen of Boogie) with my own hands." The stage name was changed to Shizuko, Dedicated to actress activity (although there are stereo versions of some of the former hit songs, It is a monaural board recorded by revival just before retirement and processed in later years, The orphans testify that they did not sing until the nose even after retirement, whether public or private). Also, when devoting himself to actress activities, he visited each TV station, movie company, and entertainment company himself, "I have to raise my daughter by myself. You can't use it with the previous Gala of "Star Kazaki Shizuko", Please lower your gala. " Appeared in many works with a light acting that makes good use of his strength of the Osaka dialect. Also, from 1967 (Showa 42), a judge for the popular TBS program "Family Sorote Uta Gassen", Since 1971 (Showa 46), it has been popular as an aunt of the CM "Kaneyon" commercial cleanser for Kaneyo soap. Shizuko died of ovarian cancer in 1985. 70 years old. The legal name is Jakusei-in chanting. While watching Naoko Ken who plays his part on TV in the hospital bed "It was fun in the Nikki era," he murmured. It was Shizuko's last word.
taro mame on Google

"East Kagawa city" does not come with a pin and still says "Hida-cho". The station has lines 1 to 3 and all can be used for both upper and lower lines. There is a coffee shop in the station building.
misakichinet on Google

お花がキレイな駅ですね。 土日祝日の10:55に、アンパンマン列車が停まりますよ。 車椅子に対応していません
It is a station where flowers are beautiful. Anpanman train will stop at 10:55 on weekends and holidays. Not compatible with wheelchairs
片伯部剛 on Google

It is the innermost limited express stop in Kagawa prefecture. The main work of station staff is to replace and connect trains. There is a train that stops at Hikida, and in the morning, the train is changed from the electric train to the platform, and at night, the train that stops at Hikida is changed from the platform to the electric train, but the point is that the station staff switches to manual. , I will do it. Tickets are sold at the counter, but reserved seat tickets are not often sold because there is no Mars. (The staff may call the station where Mars is located and issue a ticket.) The window closes at 18:40, but the staff is open from 5:40 in the morning to 21:40 in the evening. (From 11:00 am to 14:30 pm) The staff is basically working alone. There is no ticket gate, so you can go in and out freely without needing an admission ticket (collecting tickets). There is a ticket vending machine, but 10,000-yen bills and 5,000-yen bills cannot be used, so please prepare 1,000-yen bills when the window is closed. The staff are generally kind.
魔法少女さくら on Google

高徳線の駅です。 香川県の東端の引田町の代表駅でしたが、合併して東かがわ市に。特急列車は停車する便の方が多いですが、日中を中心に通過列車もあります。 普通列車はこの駅折り返しも多く、徳島方面は本数が減ります。 高松駅までは結構時間がかかり、日中を中心に三本松駅で折り返して当駅まで来ない普通列車もあるため、利便性が悪くなってきている感があります。 国道11号沿いにあり、昔は高松と徳島を結ぶバスも乗り入れていましたが、現在は高速道路経由になったため徒歩での乗り換えは困難です。
It is a station on the Kotoku line. It was the representative station of Hiketa Town at the eastern end of Kagawa Prefecture, but merged into Higashikagawa City. Most of the limited express trains stop, but there are also passing trains, mainly during the daytime. There are many regular trains that turn around at this station, and the number of trains in the Tokushima area decreases. It takes a long time to get to Takamatsu Station, and there are some regular trains that turn around at Sanbonmatsu Station, mainly during the daytime, and do not come to this station, so I feel that convenience is getting worse. It is located along National Route 11, and in the past there was a bus connecting Takamatsu and Tokushima, but now it is difficult to change on foot because it is via the highway.
雜餉隈五郎丸 on Google

この駅の切符売場(駅員さんが切符を発売する窓口)は 2022年3月11日 をもって営業終了となります。 翌日以降は無人駅となります。 (ただし4月10日まで定期券発行の取扱が残ります)
The ticket office at this station (the window where station staff sell tickets) will be closed on March 11, 2022. From the next day onwards, it will be an unmanned station. (However, the handling of commuter pass issuance remains until April 10)

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