Hikawakuwa Shrine - Ageo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikawakuwa Shrine

住所 :

1-14 Miyamotocho, Ageo, Saitama 362-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887787
Postal code : 362-0036
Webサイト : https://www.hikawakuwajinja.com/

1-14 Miyamotocho, Ageo, Saitama 362-0036, Japan
Royama J on Google

上尾駅徒歩2分 社務所は本殿裏にあり記帳してくださいました そんなに広くはない神社ですが通りすがりの方々が参拝していました
2 minutes walk from Ageo station The shrine office is behind the main shrine The shrine is not so wide, but people passing by were worshiping
MASA K on Google

桜がとてもキレイで、駅近くの信号の目の前にあるので、とても参拝しやすいです。 ただ、御朱印帳については少し厳しいです。自分はそのお陰でマナーを学べましたが、初心者での御朱印…神仏習合の状態でお渡ししたら、書いては頂けたましたが渡される際『寺院と混ざった御朱印帳は場所によっては不快に思われる場所もあるから。初心者だから仕方ないけど、気を付けた方がいいですよ』と、きつくも有難いご指導を頂けました。
The cherry blossoms are very beautiful and are in front of the traffic lights near the station. However, the red stamp book is a little strict. Thanks to that, I was able to learn manners, but as a beginner, I was able to write it if I handed it in the state of God Buddhism. Because there seems to be a place. “Because it is a beginner, there is no help for it, but you should be careful.”
NightWalker wayo on Google

上尾駅前にコンパクトに纏め上げられた『氷川鍬神社』  通りに面して「上尾宿総鎮守」の多きな看板がアピールw 社伝には、上尾市民からは通称』お鍬さま」と呼ばれているらしいです。 確かに、引っ切り無しに参拝に訪れていました。  画像には有りませんが、本殿には「鍬」が飾らせていました。  参拝を済ませ、本殿裏の社務所へ御朱印を御願いしようとしたら、「書き手が夕方まで不在なので対応出来ない」、御縁が有りませんでした(泣)  ●社名:氷川鍬神社 ●住所: 埼玉県上尾市宮本町1-14 ●御祭神: ・櫛名田比売 ・豊鍬入姫命 氷川と名のつく神社では珍しく御祭神が、素戔嗚尊じゃないんですね! とは言っても、櫛名田比売は素戔嗚尊のお嫁さんで、ヤマタノオロチ退治の説話で登場する女神様ですけど、ね。  豊鍬入姫命は 第10代崇神天皇と、紀国造の荒河戸畔の娘の遠津年魚目目微比売との間に生まれた皇女。 同母兄に豊城入彦命(豊木入日子命)  ●由来: 1631年、桶川宿方より来た童子が引いていた櫃が上尾宿本陣前で動かなくなり、童子はいずこかへ消え失せた。  1632年、正月に櫃を開けてみると、鍬2本と稲穂があり、鍬2本を神体として本陣前に『鍬大神宮』を建立。 1908年、上尾村総鎮守の氷川神社から女体社を合祀し、『氷川鍬神社』に改称。  ●御朱印: 社殿裏手にある社務所にて。 自分は書き手不在の為、授受出来ませんでした。  
Hikawa Rin Shrine is a compact collection in front of Ageo Station The Facing the street, there are many signs of `` Ageojuku total guardian '' appeal It seems that it is called “Osanama” from the citizens of Ageo. The Certainly, I visited for worship without any withdrawal. The The Although it is not in the image, the main shrine was decorated with "Aoi". The The When I finished the visit and asked for the red stamp at the office behind the main shrine, I couldn't respond because the writer was absent until the evening. The Company name: Hikawa Minato Shrine Address: 1-14 Miyamotocho, Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture ● Festival God: ・ Hibi Kushida ・ Birth of fertile Irihime A shrine that is rarely known as Hikawa isn't a shrine god! The That said, Kushida Hidari is a wife of Mason Takashi, a goddess who appears in a narrative about the defeat of Yamatano Orochi. The The Fertility Irihime life is The princess was born between the 10th Emperor Takajin and the daughter of Kikunzo's Arakawa-tokoro, the Totsu year fisheye. The Toyojo Irihiko life (Toyogi arrival child) The Origin: In 1631, the puppet that a child came from Yodogawa Shukudoku stopped moving in front of Ageojuku Honjin, and the child disappeared to somewhere. The In 1632, when I opened a kite on New Year's Day, there were two kites and Inaho. The In 1908, a female body company was merged from Hikawa Shrine of the Ageo village general guardian and renamed to Hikawa Rin Shrine. The The -Red stamp: At the company office behind the shrine. The I couldn't give or receive it because of the absence of the writer. The The The
ふくしまげんめい on Google

I have lived in Ageo for 25 years, and although I used to commute to work and live every day, I never prayed. The stench was unimaginable as countless starlings perched on the trees along the old Nakasendo and scattered a large amount of feces on the sidewalk. Now that the starlings have pruned, the starlings have disappeared, and there is nothing to prevent them from praying. I have just set foot in the precincts for the first time, touched on its history, and reviewed it again.
にしかたみずほ on Google

子供の七五三で祈祷をお願いしました。 家族全員拝殿に入れ、子供に玉串を捧げさせてくれたり、神職の方が直接子供にお話してくれたりと、大きな神社では無い丁寧な対応をしてくださいました。 街中にあるからか他のお参りの方も居て、平日に行ったので七五三は私達だけだったのですが、程よく賑やかで良かったです。 最後には、紙風船やピロピロ笛などの懐かしいおもちゃのお土産も頂きました。
I asked for a prayer at the child's Shichigosan. The whole family was put in the hall of worship, and the children were given tamagushi, and the priests talked to the children directly. Because it is in the city, there are other worshipers, so we went there on weekdays, so we were the only ones, but it was nice and lively. At the end, we also received souvenirs of nostalgic toys such as paper balloons and piro-piro whistles.
Quest on Google

小さな神社ですが、元日の未明は初詣の参拝者の列が、上尾駅東口交差点まで伸びていることもあります。 元日の夕方でも境内に収まりきれないほど並んでいます。
Although it is a small shrine, the line of worshipers of the first shrine may extend to the east exit intersection of Ageo Station before dawn on New Year's Day. Even in the evening of New Year's Day, they are lined up so much that they cannot fit in the precincts.
猪口健治 on Google

上尾の駅も近い街中の中心地、ビルに囲まれた境内はさほど広くは無いが、その佇まいは見事に整然として、風格の有る神社である。 参道を進むと右手に聖徳太子をお祀りし、そしてその奥に木花咲耶姫と浅間神社が、正面には朱色も美しいきらびやかな社殿、ここは素戔嗚尊と稲田姫の命、二柱をお祀りする由緒ある 氷川鍬神社、今もこの地に鎮座して多くの信仰を集めます。
The precincts surrounded by buildings are not so large in the center of the city near Ageo station, but the appearance is beautifully orderly and it is a stately shrine. Proceeding along the approach, Prince Shotoku is enshrined on the right, and Konohanasakuya and Asama Shrine are in the back, and the glittering shrine with a beautiful vermilion on the front. It has a long history of worshiping Hikawakuwa Shrine still sits here and gathers a lot of worship.
TAKAY ONE on Google

上尾駅東口を徒歩1分程度南進したところにあります。小さなスペースですが、歴史を感じさせる社殿は町の守り神のような存在です。 2022年に久しぶりに参詣させて頂きました。 例年駅近くまで参列者が並んでいますが、今年は大晦日の夜から冷込みと風が強く元旦の朝8:00頃に参列しましたが、人出は鳥居くらいまでの列でした。 久しぶりだったせいか懐かしさもあって落ち着いた気持ちになれました。 明るい時間に行った事で、写真に載せているような今まで気づかなかった色々なものが目につきました。
It is about a 1-minute walk south from the east exit of Ageo Station. Although it is a small space, the historical shrine is like the guardian deity of the town. I visited in 2022 for the first time in a long time. The attendees are lined up near the station every year, but this year the crowd was up to the torii gate, although it was cold and windy from New Year's Eve and attended around 8:00 on New Year's Day. It's been a long time, so I feel nostalgic and calm. By going to a bright time, I noticed various things that I hadn't noticed before, such as those shown in the photos.

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