Hikawa Shrine - Ageo

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikawa Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-27 Asamadai, Ageo, Saitama 362-0073, Japan

Postal code : 362-0073

2 Chome-27 Asamadai, Ageo, Saitama 362-0073, Japan
サンゴク on Google

It will be a great procession on New Year's Eve.
Maa Breaker on Google

It is a good place to be small.

It's a really relaxing place. It is a shrine with a long history.
しょうごひろさわ on Google

I heard that it is a shrine where the deities of the area around the house are dedicated.
小山利勝 on Google

At first, if you wish to have a representative Shinto shrine, you should go by all means and see if there is any
Kazuma Inamura on Google

A shrine where many worshipers come every New Year's Eve. It is usually a quiet shrine and is often used during children's events.
hal k on Google

こじんまりとしていますがいい神社です。 大晦日は参拝に列が出来るほど集まります。甘酒やミカンを振る舞ってくれます。
It is a small but nice shrine. New Year's Eve gathers so that there is a line for worship. He / she acts amazake and mandarin oranges.
Satsumaimo TamanegiTo on Google

北上尾駅西の浅間通り沿いに鎮座している 拝殿内の提灯の銘から浅間台氷川神社と 呼ばれているのが判る 浅間通りの浅間様はこの神社の事で7月に 初山がある 非法人で地元氏子により管理されている神社 だそうだ 由来については境内の竣工記念石碑に記されている 元々は西700m程の場所に鎮座していたそうで 現在の浅間台第四公園のあたりの様だ 現社殿は昭和51年の新築だそうだ 道に面して玉垣があり入口に朱塗りの鳥居がある 参道はコンクリート、左右に幟用のポール 参道右に記念碑、左に手水舎と青面金剛庚申塔 社殿は日吉造りの拝殿と覆い屋を廊下でつなぐ 覆い屋には大正10年に建立した石宮が鎮座 拝殿、廊下は磨かれた板床、壁にはポスターや 賞状他色々掲げられていたり貼られている 末社は特にない 駐車場は無い
Located along Sengen-dori west of Kita-Ageo Station From the inscription of the lantern in the hall of worship, with Asamadai Hikawa Shrine You can see that it is called Asama-sama on Sengen-dori talked about this shrine in July. There is Hatsuyama A non-corporate shrine managed by a local parishioner It seems The origin is written on the completion memorial stone monument in the precincts. Originally, it was settled in a place about 700m west. It looks like the area around the current Asamadai No. 4 Park The current shrine is said to be newly built in 1976. There is a Tamagaki facing the road and a vermilion torii gate at the entrance The approach is concrete, and the poles for the left and right sides A monument on the right side of the approach, a Chozuya and a blue-faced Kongo Koshinto on the left The shrine connects the Hiyoshi-style hall of worship and the cover shop with a corridor. Ishimiya, which was built in the 10th year of the Taisho era, is enshrined in the cover shop. The hall of worship, the corridor has a polished wooden floor, and the walls have posters Certificates and other various items are listed or affixed There is no particular end company There is no parking lot

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