Hikari Ramen - Arakawa City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikari Ramen

住所 :

1 Chome-32-16 Minamisenju, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 116-0003

1 Chome-32-16 Minamisenju, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0003, Japan
Y skb on Google

Gentle but firm taste. I always drink soup. Although not shown in the photo, the boiled egg of sakura shrimp is also delicious.
yasuhiro sakamoto on Google

I came to Hikari for the first time in a long time, but the menu changed a little, and I got the impression that there were more customers than before. Even though it's a hideaway shop, I didn't want to have a line (laughs). I tried kelp ramen for the first time and it was really delicious. The soup and noodles with salted plums are exquisite. It's not tedious at all, but it's good that it's not too light. Next time I want to eat tanmen.
1999 acab on Google

野菜たっぷりタンメン:800円 季節、数量限定との事です。 麺はモチモチで食感が良かったです。 具材は豚挽き肉、キャベツ、モヤシ、人参で構成。 豚挽き肉は粗く挽いてあり存在感がありました。 キャベツなどの野菜は熱が十分に加わって食べ易い柔らかさがありました。 野菜の種類は少なめですが総量は350gとボリューム満点!! スープは優しい味わいの塩味。 出汁などの旨味は十分に感じられました。 個人的には野菜が多かったのでもう少し塩分が強めでも良い気がしました。 店内は禁煙でかなり狭いです。 ご馳走様でした。
Tanmen with plenty of vegetables: 800 yen The season and quantity are limited. The noodles were chewy and had a nice texture. The ingredients are minced pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, and carrots. The minced pork was coarsely ground and had a strong presence. Vegetables such as cabbage were soft enough to be eaten with sufficient heat. There are few kinds of vegetables, but the total amount is 350g, which is a perfect score! !! The soup has a gentle salty taste. The umami such as soup stock was fully felt. Personally, I had a lot of vegetables, so I felt that it would be okay if the salt content was a little stronger. The inside of the store is non-smoking and quite small. It was a treat.
ジュン on Google

I ate salt ramen! Light and guilty, no endless food ? The store is small and there are few seats
九石耕一 on Google

マツコ有吉のかりそめ天国でメンマにクローズアップして特集していた企画に出てきて気になったお店。 1回目に伺った時は急な休みで空振り。 本日リベンジ戦です。 メニューは塩ラーメンがメインのようだが他にも家系と味噌がある。 かりそめ天国でも塩ラーメンが出ていたので特製塩ラーメンにメンマトッピングと餃子でオーダー。 特製塩ラーメン1,000円トッピングメンマ110円、餃子6個360円妥当な値段か!? 味はいかにもTHE塩ラーメンで具材は特製塩ラーメンに炙りチャーシュー、桜えび煮玉子、ほうれんそう、白髪ネギ、軟骨入りつくねと言った感じで塩ラーメンの具材として寄せていると言うかピッタリと言うかな感じに+のトッピングメンマだ。 メンマ確かに大きいのだがもっと野太くしっかりしたメンマだと思っていたのがイメージと異なった。
Matsuko Ariyoshi's Karisome Heaven is a shop that I was interested in when I came up with a special feature on Menma. When I visited for the first time, I missed it because of a sudden break. Today is the revenge game. The menu seems to be mainly salt ramen, but there are other families and miso. Shio ramen was also available in Karisome Heaven, so I ordered a special salt ramen with menma toppings and dumplings. Special salt ramen 1,000 yen Topping menma 110 yen, 6 dumplings 360 yen Is it a reasonable price !? The taste is really THE salt ramen, and the ingredients are special salt ramen, roasted charcoal, cherry shrimp boiled egg, spinach, white-haired green onion, and meatballs with cartilage. It's a + topping ramen. Menma It's true that it's big, but it was different from the image that I thought it was a thicker and more solid Menma.
ばからりお on Google

2021.10.24 追記 家系ラーメン醤油味+小ライス。油膜で分離した濃厚そうな見た目のスープ。以外にも焦がし醤油?風味のあっさりだった。混ぜても混ぜても変化なし。セントラルキッチン系をイメージしていると拍子抜けするかも。ここのご飯美味しい? 二連食の二食目は塩ラーメン。他にも家系、こんぶ、味噌あり。しゅうゆはなかったような、、。澄んだスープに旨味たっぷり。最近は歳のせいかこってりよりあっさりのほうがイイナ?トッピングにクコの実、長い1本もののメンマが特徴。チャーシューは仕上げに炙ってました。カウンター5席の狭い店ながら、客は入れ替り繁盛。
2021.10.24 Addendum Family ramen soy sauce flavor + small rice. A rich-looking soup separated by an oil film. Besides, charred soy sauce? The flavor was light. There is no change even if mixed. If you imagine a central kitchen system, you may miss the beat. The rice here is delicious ? The second meal of the two consecutive meals is salt ramen. There are other families, kelp, and miso. It seems that there was no sushi. The clear soup has plenty of umami. Recently, because of my age, it's better to be lighter than thicker ? It features goji toppings, a long menma. The char siu was roasted to finish. Although it is a small shop with 5 seats at the counter, customers are changing and prospering.
たくろーチャンネル on Google

他のクチコミにもありましたがチェーン店っぽい見た目と外観にあるメニューポスターでもONLY ONE店でした? 塩ラーメンが押し?っぽいのですが 醤油をたのみました! 美味い、、想像以上に(こればかりは好みもあるのですが)濃いめの味に少し辛味?? 俺は美味いとおもう!グーグルの口コミもまだ少ない様にまだまだ知られてないお店なのでしょう!
There were other reviews, but was it a ONLY ONE store even with the menu poster that looks and looks like a chain store? Is salt ramen pushed? It looks like I ate soy sauce! It ’s delicious, it ’s a bit spicy with a deeper taste than I imagined (although I have a taste for this)? ?? I think it's delicious! It's probably a shop that isn't known yet, as there aren't many reviews from Google!
Takayuki Nishizawa on Google

店は外見よりもかなり狭くて、座席は4席しかありませんので、待つのは覚悟した方が良いと思います。 特製塩ラーメン(1000円)をいただきました。 噂のピンクゆで卵に焼豚に軟骨入りつくねにほうれん草にネギと評判のメンマがトッピングされていて、細麺に透き通ったスープでした。表現悪いですが、ゆで卵の色はちょっと不気味ですね。? でも味は最高で、トロトロの焼豚に軟骨がコリコリするつくねにエビ風味のゆで卵とシャキっトロっとしたメンマのバランスが良く、甘みのある意外としっかりした味のスープと細麺もうまく絡み合って本当に美味しくて、期待通りでした。 近所だったらちょいちょい寄っちゃうでしょうね。なかなか三ノ輪に来ることはありませんが、この店目的で来るのも良いですね。また是非寄らせてもらいます。?
The store is much smaller than it looks and has only 4 seats, so you should be prepared to wait. I received a special salt ramen (1000 yen). The rumored pink boiled egg, roast pork, cartilage, meatballs, spinach, and menma, which is reputed to be green onion, were topped, and the soup was clear with thin noodles. The expression is bad, but the color of the boiled egg is a little creepy. ? However, the taste is the best, the cartilage is crunchy on the roast pork, the boiled egg with shrimp flavor and the crispy menma are well-balanced, and the sweet and surprisingly firm taste soup and thin noodles are well entwined. It was really delicious and was as expected. If you're in the neighborhood, you'll probably drop by. It's hard to come to Minowa, but it's good to come for this store purpose. I will definitely drop by. ?

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