Hikari Acupuncture - Nerima City

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Contact Hikari Acupuncture

住所 :

北町マンション 1階 1 Chome-24-13 Kitamachi, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0081, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898988
Postal code : 179-0081
Webサイト : https://hikari-sk.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

北町マンション 1階 1 Chome-24-13 Kitamachi, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0081, Japan
C M on Google

首の痛みや手の痺れで困っていた時、知人からの紹介で受診しました。痛みのないソフトな施術でびっくりするくらい楽にしていき、以来定期的にお世話になっています。 首肩腰の不調、捻挫、耳の不調…何かあるたび相談させていただいています。定期的にお世話になるうちに自分の身体の変化に以前よりも敏感になった気がします。 施術前後に正座して背骨の様子を見ていただくんですが、施術後は身体が軽くなって、骨盤の上に自然と頭と背骨が乗る感触があるんです。あれは毎回びっくりするし嬉しくなります。 今後も身体のメンテナンスはこちらにお願いしたいです。
When I was having trouble with neck pain or numbness in my hands, I was referred by an acquaintance. It's a painless and soft treatment that makes it surprisingly easy, and I've been indebted to it regularly ever since. Neck / shoulder / waist upset, sprain, ear upset ... I will consult with you whenever something happens. I feel that I have become more sensitive to changes in my body as I have been taken care of regularly. Before and after the procedure, you sit upright to see what the spine looks like, but after the procedure, your body becomes lighter and you feel that your head and spine naturally rest on your pelvis. That makes me surprised and happy every time. I would like to ask you to continue to maintain your body.
ケイケイ on Google

今までいろいろな整体、整骨、鍼灸、各種試していましたが、今のところここが一番フィットしている感じがします 仕事柄のせいか、往年の蓄積のせいか、基本的には時間が経つとしんどくなり、結局毎週行かないと身体が持たないみたいなことがずっと続いていましたが、ここに通い出してからはそこまでひどい感じではなくなったと思います。 今のところ、3週間に1回のペースではあるものの、それで何とか持っているので、もう少し通いつつ様子を見ていきたいなと感じています。 施術内容は、言葉で書くと意味がわからないですが、触ったり、さすったり、触れなかったり、お灸や針もあったりで、いろいろあります。 ただ、他の整骨のようにボキボキするとかはないですし、他の整体のように強く推す指圧みたいなのもないです。 不思議なことが多いですが、人が認識している事象というのは思議できないことが多いとは思っているので、そんな不思議な施術もあるんだろうなと思っています。
I have tried various manipulative treatments, osteopathy, acupuncture and moxibustion, but for now I feel that this is the best fit. Perhaps because of my work or because of the accumulation of the past years, basically it became difficult as time passed, and after all I had to go every week for a long time, but since I started here I don't think it feels so terrible. So far, it's a pace of once every three weeks, but I've managed to have it, so I'd like to go and see what's going on. I don't understand the meaning of the treatment when I write it in words, but there are various things such as touching, rubbing, not touching, moxibustion and needles. However, it doesn't feel like other osteopathic treatments, and it doesn't have acupressure like other manipulative treatments. There are many mysterious things, but I think that it is often impossible to think of events that people are aware of, so I wonder if there are such mysterious treatments.
J S on Google

口コミ見て利用してみました。 症状は少し腰痛、肩凝り酷く慢性的に全身がだるい 週1回ペースで通ったら3回でかなり楽になりました。今まで体験した施術と全然タイプが違うので最初は戸惑うかも知れません。 身体の楽が続くのでおすすめです。 今後もお世話になると思います。
I tried to use it after seeing the word of mouth. Symptoms are a little low back pain, stiff shoulders, and chronic general fatigue. If I went there once a week, it would be much easier to do it three times. It may be confusing at first because the type is completely different from the treatments I have experienced so far. It is recommended because it keeps your body comfortable. I hope you will continue to take care of me in the future.
yotsubakko on Google

1ヶ月に一回、からだのメンテナンスのために通院しています。 接骨院のイメージ(痛いところをグイグイ揉まれる、曲げる)とはだいぶ異なっていて、先生の不思議な全く痛くない治療を受けると1ヶ月間でたまっていた疲れがとれて、凝り固まったからだが楽になります。 職場の人間関係でストレスがあったときは、心のメンテナンスもしていただき、だいぶ楽になりました。 これもまた不思議な治療でした。 スタッフの方も優しくて、親しみやすい接骨院だと思います。
I go to the hospital once a month for body maintenance. It's quite different from the image of the osteopathic clinic (rubbing and bending the painful part), and when the teacher's mysterious and completely painless treatment is given, the tiredness that had accumulated in one month is removed and it becomes easier. .. When I was stressed by the relationships in the workplace, I was able to maintain my mind, which made it much easier. This was also a mysterious treatment. The staff are also kind and I think it is a friendly osteopathic clinic.
坂井直人 on Google

At the end of the year, my ankle was sprained and my wife had seen me before, so I was told that it was very good, so I went to the Hikari Osteopathic Institute. After going several times, my ankles got better and now I am getting treatment for pollen. At this time of year, I already have pollen symptoms and my nose gets clogged when I go to bed at night, but I don't really care because of the treatment. It's a mysterious treatment, but I feel that it really improves. It is a recommended osteopathic clinic.
Junko oi on Google

一昨年暮れから五十肩でお世話になっております。 他の接骨院では行った時は少しだけ楽になるのですが一向に良くならず娘が通っている整体の先生に母が五十肩で困っていると話したらこちらの先生を紹介されました。 半信半疑で通い出したのですが通うたびに痛みが楽になる時間が少しずつ長くなるのに気づいていき数ヶ月後にはすっかり良くなりました。 その後も骨折などで通っているのですが痛みの治療は勿論の事なのですが先生とお話ししていると気持ちもとても楽になります。 そして行く度に心身共に元気になるので痛みに困っている人がいたらおススメします。
I have been indebted to you since the end of last year. When I went to another osteopathic clinic, it was a little easier, but it didn't improve at all, and when I told the manipulative teacher that my daughter was attending that my mother was having trouble with frozen shoulders, I was introduced to this teacher. I went out with half-belief, but every time I went there, I noticed that the time for pain relief gradually increased, and after a few months, it improved completely. After that, I have been going through for fractures, etc., but of course I am treating pain, but talking with my teacher makes me feel very comfortable. And every time I go, I feel better both physically and mentally, so I recommend it to anyone who is having trouble with pain.
るんるん on Google

2,3年こちらに通っているものです。 腰を捻挫した際に、以前からこちらにかかっていた身内の紹介で初めて来院しました。 院長先生は一言で言ってゴッドハンドの持ち主です。 施術する前に院長先生からの指示で、ストレッチのポーズをとってみたり歩いてみたりするのですが、 それを目で見るだけで体のどこが歪んでいるかなどがわかるらしく(すごい!)、施術が始まります。 してもらうことはわたしの痛めた腰の場合 膝の裏を軽くさすられたり頭や足首に触れられたりするもので、ゴキゴキ!とかの痛くて派手なことなどは全くしないのですが、終わった後には不思議なことに患部が驚くほど楽になります。 気功によるものらしいですが、その手のものはあまり詳しくないし、そこまで信用してないわたしでも治るので余計に驚きます。 よくある整骨院や整体などよりお高めですが、 そういったところみたいに何度も通わずとも体が良くなるので、ランニングコストを比較しても損はしていないと思います。 それ以来、体の調子を崩した時は通うようになりました。施術と一緒に家で出来る体を痛めにくくするコツやエクササイズなども教えていただき、いつも助かっています。 ※一度うっかりスカートで来てしまった時にはスウェットを貸していただきましたが、こちらに行かれる際には伸縮性のあるパンツで行くのをおすすめします。
I've been here for a few years. When I sprained my lower back, I visited the hospital for the first time with the introduction of my relatives who had been here for a long time. In a word, the director is the owner of the god hand. Before the treatment, I try to pose for stretching or walk according to the instructions from the director. It seems that you can tell what part of your body is distorted just by looking at it (wow!), And the treatment starts. If it ’s my hurt waist The back of the knee is lightly rubbed or the head or ankle is touched. I don't do anything painful and flashy at all, but mysteriously, the affected area becomes surprisingly easy after it's over. It seems that it is due to Qigong, but I am not very familiar with that kind of thing, and even I who do not trust it so much will be cured, so I am more surprised. It is more expensive than the usual osteopathic clinics and manipulative treatments, I don't have to go to such places many times to get better, so I don't think there is any loss in comparing running costs. Since then, I've been able to go when I'm sick. I am always grateful for the tips and exercises that can be done at home along with the treatment to make it harder to hurt. * If you inadvertently came in a skirt, you lent us a sweatshirt, but when you go here, we recommend that you wear elastic pants.
中山淳子 on Google

At first, I had back pain, and I started going to the hospital with a referral from my husband's friend. The treatment that does not hurt by lightly touching or moving the body & the treatment with the teacher's mysterious movement without touching will improve. After the treatment, you can feel that your body is really light and comfortable. Now, I go to the hospital for maintenance once a month, and I am indebted to the whole family. The teacher is a lot of puns with abundant knowledge and storytelling, but he is very friendly and fun. I have used various types of manipulative treatment, but Hikari Osteopathic Institute is an osteopathic clinic that I can recommend with confidence.

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