
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact がぶりガーデン

住所 :

Higashiyamamachi Oaza Ishiyama, Aizuwakamatsu, 〒965-0813 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://gaburigarden.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
街 : Fukushima

Higashiyamamachi Oaza Ishiyama, Aizuwakamatsu, 〒965-0813 Fukushima,Japan
mamaのあ on Google

I had a sweets making experience with my family. I wrapped the filling in the dough and made an apple pie. The teaching method of the shop staff was also very easy to understand! After baking, I could take it home and of course it was delicious!
ああか on Google

I was allowed to hunt a bell-shaped apple ?❤️ The 1200 yen was very reasonable with a lot of baskets, and the children were delighted with the first experience. All the employees feel good and I would definitely like to stop by.
相澤 on Google

予約もなしできなのに親切に対応してくれました。 菓子づくりもとても楽しくできましたありがとうございます。
Even though I couldn't make a reservation, he kindly responded. Thank you for making sweets very fun.
on Google

先日、桃狩りで伺いました! こちら側の交通トラブルがあったのですが、トラブルに対応していただきました! 女性の方も男性の方も本当に優しく、とても楽しく美味しい桃狩り体験をする事ができました!! また、お持ち帰りで購入した桃も本当に美味しく、また会津若松に来る機会があれば必ずお伺いしたいです! 本当にありがとうございました!!
I visited you the other day for peach hunting! I had a traffic problem on this side, but I had you deal with the problem! Both women and men were really kind, and I had a very enjoyable and delicious peach hunting experience! !! Also, the peaches I bought for takeaway are really delicious, and if I have a chance to come to Aizuwakamatsu, I would definitely like to visit you! I'm really thankful to you! !!
峯令子 on Google

Pie handmade experience. 4 pies for 1100 yen per person. Manju and Daifuku are also experienced.
関若菜 on Google

いちご大福づくりを予約して行きました。 ホントーに親切に、一から教えて下さいました。お餅、あんこ、イチゴなど、既に具材は揃っていましたが、自分の手でお餅を6等分に丸め餅にし、餃子の皮をつくる要領で均等に伸ばすように指導されます。プロのお手本は、簡単そう。実際やったら、これが難しい。。6等分には出来ないし、均等に何てまるーく広がりませぬ。笑いながら何とか伸ばし、餡子に穴を掘ってイチゴを入れる。それをつつむ!!つつめない!うまくお餅伸びない!餡子はみ出るゎ、餅は破けるゎ、、、。でも、とても楽しかったです。 ツレは、苺食べるへびスタイルのいちご大福にしていました。 お店の皆さんは、最後まで優しく教えて下さり、ここで食べたいと言ったらお茶まで用意して下さいました。美味しかったです♪ お持ち帰り用には、パックに自分の名前を書いた帯をしていただき、ちゃんと材料と賞味期限の書いてあるシールを貼ってくれます。 手指衛生にもちゃんと気を遣っており、素敵なお店でした。 10円まんじゅうが名物なのか、何人も箱で買っていく人がいました。私もお土産に買いましたが、15個入りで300円弱!?一口大のまんじゅうとは言え、安すぎる!しかも、店頭で注文すると、しばらくして調理場から出てくるかたち。ほかほかの状態でした。
I made a reservation for the making of strawberry Daifuku. Kindly to Honto, I taught from scratch. Ingredients such as chopsticks, anko, and strawberries are already in order, but you will be instructed to round the chopsticks into 6 equal halves with your own hands and extend them evenly in the same way as making the skin of dumplings. The professional model seems easy. In practice, this is difficult. . It can not be divided into six equal parts, and it does not spread evenly. Stretch out while laughing, dig a hole in the eggplant and put a strawberry. I hate it !! I can not grow well! The dumplings are exposed, the bonds are broken, ... But it was very fun. Tsuru had a strawberry-style strawberry dainty to eat salmon. All the shops taught me gently until the end, and when I said that I wanted to eat here, I prepared tea as well. It was delicious ♪ For take-away, you will have a band with your name written on the pack, and you will be able to put a sticker with the material and expiration date. I was careful about hand hygiene and it was a nice shop. Many people bought it in the box, whether it was a 10 yen steamed bun or a specialty. I bought it as a souvenir, but it's about 300 yen with 15 pieces! It is too cheap, though it is a bite-sized bun. Moreover, when ordering at the store, it will take a while to come out of the kitchen. There were other states.
光樹 on Google

今回はアップルパイを作らせていただきました。果樹園で経営してるお菓子屋さんなんでリンゴのジャムは最高でしたよ?そんなに難しい工程はないので小さいお子さんでも楽しめると思います‼️ ただ焼き上がりまで25分くらいありますが周りで時間潰せる場所があまりないので何か時間潰しを持っていくといいかと(笑)気長に完成を待つのも旅の醍醐味ですかね(o・ω・o)
This time I made an apple pie. The apple jam was the best because it's a candy store run in an orchard ? I think even small children can enjoy it because there is no such difficult process! ️ However, it takes about 25 minutes to bake, but there aren't many places to kill time around, so I thought it would be a good idea to take some time to kill (laughs). Waiting patiently for completion is the real pleasure of the trip (o ・ ω ・ o). )
佐藤 on Google

スタッフの方の対応もよく、いちごも生地もとても美味しく満足でした。子供も大人も楽しめていいと思いますし、デートでもよいと思います!出来上がった後は売り物のように包装(?)までさせて頂きました。 ありがとうございます、とてもよい思い出が出来ました!
The staff were very friendly and the strawberries and dough were very delicious and satisfying. I hope kids and adults can enjoy it, and I think it's okay to have a date! After it was completed, we even wrapped it (?) Like for sale. Thank you, I have very good memories!

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