矢ノ森金山跡 - Ichinoseki

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Contact 矢ノ森金山跡

住所 :

矢ノ森金山跡 字 矢 ノ 森 地内, Higashiyamacho Takozu, Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-0301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 029-0301
Webサイト : http://kotoguide.jp/kinzan/yanomori/index.html

矢ノ森金山跡 字 矢 ノ 森 地内, Higashiyamacho Takozu, Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-0301, Japan
kkよろずや on Google

Sato Kazuya on Google

As it is near from parking lot, it is easy to go to see. Is it related to Mr. Oshu Fujiwara?
菊地修三 on Google

かつて平泉黄金文化を支えた、金を産出したとされる矢ノ森金山坑跡です。 藤壺の滝と同一の場所です。
It is the site of the Yanomori Kanayama mine, which is said to have produced gold, which once supported the Hiraizumi golden culture. It is the same place as Fujitsubo Falls.

矢ノ森地区に、矢ノ森八景と呼ばれる史跡があり、地域の人々に守られ語り継がれてきました。 これらの史跡は、藤原秀平公や義経公と深い関わりがあるといわれています。 ①藤壺の滝 藤原秀衡公ゆかりの金山址で、滝と藤の花の名所となっています。 ②曽我寺址 藤原泰衡の家臣、田河行文が出羽で頼朝軍と戦い討ち死し、    その首を行文の家臣、曽我三郎が葬ったところと伝えられています。 ③八枚 黄金八枚が産したところ、または実りよい黄金色した山田八枚が   あったと伝えられています。 ④湯場 義経公が野駆けの折々に愛用したところでもあり、金堀り人夫や馬などが湯がわりに手足を洗い、身を浸したところと伝えられています。 ⑤九郎森 源九郎判官義経公が野駆けした山、束稲山と共に歴史の名山と伝えられています。 ⑥頼朝の墓 清和源氏の末裔が土着し頼朝公を慕って建てたと伝えられる墓 (慕碑)があります。 脇に市指定文化財の大銀杏があります。 ⑦天皇さま 江戸期の創建で京都八坂より勧進したと伝えられています。 ⑧切支丹処刑場 江戸期の隠れ切支丹信者が処刑されたところとその墓地があります。
In the Yanomori area, there is a historic site called Yanomori Hakkei, which has been protected and handed down by local people. These historic sites are said to have a deep connection with Shuhei Fujiwara and Kosei Yoshitsune. ① Fujian Waterfall It is a famous place for waterfalls and wisteria flowers at the foot of Kanayama, related to Hidehiko Fujiwara. ② Sogaji Temple It is reported that Yasunori Fujiwara's vassal, Yukifumi Tagawa, died in battle with the Yoryo army, and his head was burried by Saburo Soga. ③ 8 sheets It is reported that eight golden pieces were produced or there were fruitful golden eight Yamada pieces. ④ Bathhouse It is also said that Yoshitsune Duke used it regularly every time he ran out of the field, and it was reported that Kanibori's husband and horses washed their limbs while bathing in hot water and soaked themselves. ⑤Kuro Mori It is said that the famous mountain of history along with Mt. ⑥ Yoritomo's Tomb There is a tomb (monument) that is said to have been built by the descendant of Seiwa Genji and built in honor of Yoritomo. There is a large ginkgo, a city-designated cultural property, on the side. ⑦Emperor It is reported that it was promoted from Yasaka Kyoto in the Edo period. Kakikiri Sutan execution site There is a cemetery where the Edo Hidden Kiridan Nobunai was executed.

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