
2.6/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 浜田クリニック

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
s H on Google

患者の人間性を否定する医師がいます。 病気に対する理解がないように感じます。 医師はみなさんご老人ですし、オススメできません。
There are doctors who deny the humanity of the patient. I feel like I don't understand the illness. All the doctors are old people and I can't recommend them.
ままる on Google

梶原徹医師に指をさしながら見下し、追い詰める事を言われた とても精神科医がする言動ではなかった また、傷病手当と失業手当を混同して認識していた 私の言ってることは正しい、間違っていないと梶原医師は何度も強く主張したが、結局梶原医師の知識は間違っていた 私が間違いを角が立たないよう説明したが、バツが悪そうに話をそらされ、謝罪はなかった 知識不足なら知識不足で認めれば良いのにみっともなかった 受付の方々は凄く優しくしてくれる 梶原医師は女性を見下す言動をする為、女性は行かないほうが良い 梶原医師は知識不足なため、男性も相談は極力しない方が良い
Toru Kajiwara I told my doctor to look down while pointing my finger and to chase him It was not a very psychiatric doctor's behavior Also, they recognized confusion between unemployment benefits and unemployment benefits Kajiwara insisted strongly that Dr. Kajiwara stated that what I am saying is correct and not wrong, but in the end Kojiwara's knowledge was wrong I explained the mistake not to be horrendous, but the cross talked off badly and there was no apology If I lack knowledge I was not sure if I should admit it due to lack of knowledge People at the reception will be very nice Because Kajiwara acts to look down on a woman, women should not go. Because doctor Kajiwara lacks knowledge, it is better for men to not consult as much as possible
masako yamada on Google

I used to ask Professor Hamada a long time ago, but it was a very good teacher. Recently, I happened to meet another patient who attended the clinic here, and told me that the new young teacher was a good teacher, improved his condition, and wrote the documents.
pinkyちょうだい on Google

私の知人が副作用のある薬を、副作用があるのを知らずに飲んでいて自殺未遂をしました。 幸い無事でしたが、病院を変えるように勧めましたね。 みなさんも気をつけてください。
An acquaintance of mine took a drug with side effects without knowing that it had side effects and attempted suicide. Fortunately it was safe, but I advised you to change the hospital. Please be careful, too.
YOHAN on Google

もう何十年も通っています。きちがいだと家族に忌み嫌われ家を追い出された私を笑顔で診察してくれる梶原先生が大好きです。 月に一度お会い出来るとホッとしてしまい、苦しく過ごしたひと月を忘れてしまいます。 処方されるお薬も心を収めてくれますが、梶原先生の笑顔や受付の人達(多分何か資格があると思われ)も私の様子がおかしいと察して優しく対応して下さいます。 追記:確か初診は紹介等がないと受けられないと思います。
I've been going through it for decades. I love Kajiwara-sensei, who sees me with a smile because I was disliked by my family because I was wrong and was driven out. I am relieved to meet once a month and forget about the painful month. The medicines that are prescribed for me will be very helpful, but the smiling faces of Dr. Kajiwara and the people at the reception desk (probably having some qualifications) will also treat me kindly and treat me kindly. Addendum: Certainly, I think that you will not be able to receive the first medical examination without introduction.

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