まるきん 手作りキムチ・焼肉食材・唐辛子・冷麺

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まるきん 手作りキムチ・焼肉食材・唐辛子・冷麺

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.kimchi-marukin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
佐藤和子 on Google

御徒町でキムチ買うなら一度は行ってみては? 飽きのこないキムチの味。これからの季節、絶対にお勧めのキムチは牡蠣。
If you want to buy kimchi in Okachimachi, why not go there once? A timeless kimchi taste. Oysters are definitely recommended for the coming season.
Toshi O on Google

2021/10/30 夕方。(店からの返答をもらってコメント修正、追加) 少し日本語がカタコトの中年女性の店員さん、お客さんにタメ口、命令口調はダメですよ。レジで隣にいた店長さん(第四出身)、ちゃんと教育してね。グラム売り商品の取り分けの時から、その女性店員のつっけんどんで無礼な態度、言い方、とても失礼で目に余ります。 その中年女性店員(レシートには金明淑と出てますね、韓国現地からの人間ですかね)、言葉がカタコトだと言ってもイントネーションが少しおかしなだけで、日本語会話内容はほぼネイティブ。 だから「日本語が不得意だからと無礼な言い回しになっている」とか、「本人が無意識にそうだ」とかではなく、明らかに『無礼な意識、感性』をもって接客している。 加えて言うなら、韓国と日本は礼節感覚的にとても近しいので、その中年女性店員に『無礼の自覚が無い』とかは、まずあり得ない話で、自らがそういう態度を「意識的に選んで」行っている。 腹の虫の居所が悪いのか、ヒステリー症なのか、他で気にくわない事があったのか、客にそれを当てつけるなんてもってのほか。そういうの全部客に伝わってますよ。接客が嫌なら、そこで働かなければいい。 この女性店員のように、年を重ねても頭の中が稚拙な、慇懃無礼な人はごまんといますから、店長さん、採用した時点で「人としての基礎」を作ってやってください。 今更ながらでも、是非その中年女性店員に礼節や人との接し方、人への話し方等を指導してやってください。
2021/10/30 Evening. (Corrected and added comments after receiving a response from the store) A middle-aged female clerk who speaks a little Japanese, and customers are not good at speaking and commanding. The store manager (from the 4th) who was next to me at the cash register, please educate me properly. From the time of gram-selling products, the female clerk's stubborn and rude attitude, way of saying, and very rude are overwhelming. The middle-aged female clerk (the receipt says Kim Ming-shu, isn't it a person from South Korea?), Even if the language is sloppy, the intonation is a little strange, and the Japanese conversation content is almost native. Therefore, instead of saying "I'm rude because I'm not good at Japanese" or "I'm unconsciously doing so", I clearly serve customers with "rude consciousness and sensibility". In addition, South Korea and Japan are very close to each other in terms of politeness, so it is unlikely that the middle-aged female clerk would be "not aware of rudeness", and she "consciously chose such an attitude." I'm going. Whether the bugs are in a bad place, hysterical, or something else you don't like, it's all about hitting the customer. All of that is transmitted to the customers. If you don't like serving customers, don't work there. There are a lot of people like this female clerk who are childish and rude even as they get older, so please create a "foundation as a person" when you hire the store manager. Even now, please teach the middle-aged female clerk how to be polite, how to interact with people, how to talk to people, etc.
三浦善彦 on Google

今日はお店に行きました 白菜キムチ美味しいですよ?
I went to the store today Chinese cabbage kimchi is delicious ?
美月 on Google

韓国人の彼が、ここのキムチは美味しいと喜んでいました。 私は、冷凍のお餅のソンピョンをいただきましたが、モチモチとしていてとても美味しかったです。 小さなお店ですが、また買いに行こうと思ってます。
He was a Korean and was pleased that the kimchi here was delicious. I had a frozen rice cake, Songpyeon, which was very chewy and delicious. It's a small shop, but I'm thinking of going to buy it again.
y.のら on Google

Kimchi is really delicious! I always buy frozen rib soup and Kanjang Gejang (Is it right? Crab kimchi). There is also meat that looks delicious in the shop. I wanted Kobukuro, but I was disappointed that I didn't have it. I hope you can buy Kobukuro next time!
Tommy Hana on Google

小さいお店ですが、韓国食材がいろいろ揃っています。 キムチ等はビニール袋に入れられている物もありますが、「白菜1/4くらい」と言えば計り売りもしてくれます。 他にも味付けサキイカやエゴマの葉の醤油漬け等おかずになるものがあります。 スープ類もユッケジャンやソルロンタン他、1人分ずつインスタントで手軽に作れる物も便利なのでよく買います。
Although it is a small shop, it has a wide variety of Korean ingredients. Some kimchi etc. are put in a plastic bag, but if you say "about 1/4 of Chinese cabbage", they will sell it by measure. There are other side dishes such as seasoned squid and perilla leaves pickled in soy sauce. As for soups, I often buy Yukgaejang, Seolleongtang, and other soups that can be easily made instantly for each person.
Harmony Khanapina on Google

I like
Alif Kaf on Google

Great selection of naengmyeon and kimchi.

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