
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社聖徳不動産

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://shotoku-re.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
上京マッスルjingi on Google

最初は初めてのところなので不安でしたが入ってみると、とても親切な女性の方が対応してくれました。 終始楽しい時間で最高な家も決めれて大満足です!
It was my first time at first, so I was worried, but when I entered, a very kind woman responded. I am very happy to decide the best house in a fun time from beginning to end!
naoto ozawa on Google

We had you introduce various properties with polite explanation. I was able to decide on a property that meets the conditions I was looking for. Thank you very much.
kento watanabe on Google

Despite the busy season in March, it was very helpful to have a quick response. I compared it with about 3 real estate agents, but it was the best overall view.
前略ウイング on Google

I visited you a few days ago and did almost the same as the bad evaluation described here. The property that was said to have already been filled was also introduced by another real estate agent.
おとは on Google

I was able to understand the words in a very easy-to-understand manner by explaining the words I didn't understand in detail. I was looking for a property on a sudden schedule this time, but all the staff responded and I was able to find a new house within the deadline. They are very kind to me.
フェライニだお! on Google

先日物件を見学するためにこの不動産を訪れました。訪れる前にネットでの評判を調べたところあまり評判がよくなかったので最初から信用度はあまり高くありませんでした。 まずいくつか近い条件の物件を紹介してもらいました。最近できた不動産ということでこの不動産がもっている物件は相当少ないようです。紹介されたのは全部他社のものでした。 気に入るものが無かったのでとりあえず頼んでいた物件を見せて欲しいと頼みました。この物件はどうのこうの、大家に言われる可能性があるよと色々細かく言われ、何となく物件を見せたくないのかなという印象を受けました。移動は電車とのこと。この時点で少し萎えていました。 不動産を出て移動を始めた時に担当者に電話がかかって来ました。なんと!たった今その物件の契約が決まったとのこと! 実はこうなるかもという不安はありました。似たようなことが他のレビューに書いてあったからです。ハイハイそういう感じねと思い、担当者に別れを告げました。 ちなみに行ったのは1週間ほど前ですが、未だにその物件は物件紹介サイトに載っています。
I visited this real estate the other day to tour the property. When I checked the reputation on the internet before visiting, the reputation was not so good, so the credit rating was not very high from the beginning. First of all, I was introduced to some properties with similar conditions. It seems that there are quite a few properties that this real estate has because it is a real estate that was recently created. All of them were introduced by other companies. I didn't like anything, so I asked him to show me the property I was asking for. I was told in various details that this property might be told by the landlord, and I got the impression that I didn't want to show the property. The movement is by train. At this point it was a little withered. When I left the real estate and started moving, the person in charge was called. What! The contract for the property has just been decided! Actually, I was worried that this might happen. A similar thing was written in another review. I thought it was like that, so I said goodbye to the person in charge. By the way, I went there about a week ago, but the property is still listed on the property introduction site.
Nour Khalil on Google

ある部屋内見の予約でお店に訪問しましたが、その他の物件ばっかり見せられました。無駄な時間の末にいつ部屋の内見ができると聞いたら、外国人なので内見するだけのに日本国籍の保証人が必要だといきなり言われました。オーナーさんの勝手な条件とともかく、その条件ご存知の上に内見当日まで言わないのはおかしいです。その後も担当者に電話しても一回も出ずに、メールで希望の部屋がなくなっただけでの連絡をもらいました。 契約まで進まなくてよかったです、とても信頼できません。
I visited the shop with a reservation for a room preview, but I was shown only other properties. When I heard that I could preview the room at the end of wasted time, I was suddenly told that I needed a guarantor of Japanese nationality just to preview because I was a foreigner. Regardless of the owner's selfish conditions, it is strange not to say until the day of the preview, knowing the conditions. After that, even if I called the person in charge, I never got a call, and I was contacted by e-mail just because the desired room was gone. I'm glad I didn't get to the contract, I can't trust it.
わわ on Google

低評価の口コミの方たちが言いたいことも何となく分かります笑 ただ、不安要素や行き違いもきちんと話をすれば対応していただける不動産屋さんです。 候補を40件以上持ち込みましたが全てレインス?に通して確認していただけましたし、持ち込み以外の物件も細かい条件に合わせて提案していただけました。内見から審査、契約から入居までなかなか思い通りに進んだ訳ではありませんでしたが、、ほぼ毎日のように電話やメールで進捗を聞いていましたが毎回返信も早く、不安な中とても心強かったです。 今回決めた物件は本当に住みたいと思えた所だったので担当の方に感謝です、ありがとうございました!!!!
I somehow understand what the low-rated reviews want to say lol However, it is a real estate agent who can deal with anxiety factors and misunderstandings if you talk properly. I brought in more than 40 candidates, but are they all Rains? I was able to confirm it through, and I was able to propose properties other than those brought in according to detailed conditions. It wasn't quite as I expected from the preview to the examination, the contract to the move-in, but I was listening to the progress by phone or email almost every day, but the reply was quick every time, and it was very encouraging despite my anxiety. .. The property I decided this time was a place I really wanted to live in, so I am grateful to the person in charge, thank you! !! !! !!

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