サンポ珈琲北越谷店 (サンポカフェ)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンポ珈琲北越谷店 (サンポカフェ)

住所 :

Higashiosawa, Koshigaya, 〒343-0022 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Webサイト : http://www.sampocafe.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Saitama

Higashiosawa, Koshigaya, 〒343-0022 Saitama,Japan
MIKITY 39 on Google

どこで看板を見たのか忘れましたが、ずっと行ってみたかった『サンポ珈琲』 お目当ては【パンケーキ】 時間も時間だったので駐車場が空きなしだったけど、搬入業者の人が「ここどうぞ♪」とちょうどよく帰られたので、一安心♡ 店内はパッと見は満席でしたが、死角になっているところに席があるとのことですぐ座れました♪ 早速【リンゴとカスタードのパンケーキ】とミントティー(アイス)を注文♡ パンケーキは出来上がるまでに30分かかるそうなので、同伴者の勧めもあり【マスカルポーネとチョコのPOPOVER(ポップオーバー※ポップオーバーは、エッグバターで作られる軽く、空洞となっているロールパン)】を追加して、パンケーキができあがるまでこちらを堪能♡ さすがにチョコなので甘々です♡ただ、マスカルポーネホイップとバニラアイスでうまく調和出来ているし、ミントティーでサッパリできたので、パンケーキが来る前に完食♪ 美味しゅうございました♡ で、本命の【リンゴとカスタードのパンケーキ】登場★彡 う~ん、動かすとプルプルしてる♪ パンケーキを中心としてお皿の縁には刻んだフルーツと(たぶん)リンゴソースでおめかし♡ 早速一口いただきます♪ パンケーキの無糖さと煮リンゴもしゃきしゃき感が残っているし、カスタードホイップ+シナモンパウダーの甘さがしつこくなくて食べやすい♡ さっきまで甘々な【POPOVER】を食べていたので、余計にサッパリと感じたのかもしれません。 こちらも食べ始めたら止まらず…気付いたら完食♪笑 美味しゅうございました♡♡ 私は珈琲が飲めないので(苦笑)珈琲の美味しさが気になる方は、是非行ってみてください♪ サイフォン式とフレンチプレス式を選べるようです。(間違ってたらごめんなさいっっ)
I forgot where I saw the signboard, but I always wanted to go to "Sampo Coffee" The aim is [panque] The parking lot was full because it was time, but I was relieved because the person from the importer just returned with "Here you go ♪" ♡ The inside of the store was full at first glance, but I was able to sit down immediately because there was a seat in the blind spot ♪ Immediately order [apple and custard panque] and mint tea (ice) ♡ It seems that it takes 30 minutes to complete the panque, so with the recommendation of the companion, I added [POPOVER of mascarpone and chocolate (popover is a light, hollow roll made of egg butter)] Enjoy this until the panque is ready ♡ It's really chocolate, so it's sweet ♡ However, the mascarpone whipped cream and vanilla ice cream are in harmony, and the mint tea is refreshing, so I'll finish it before the panque comes. It was delicious ♡ Then, the favorite [apple and custard panque] appeared ★ 彡 Hmmm, when you move it, it pulls and pulls ♪ Mainly panques, chopped fruit and (probably) apple sauce on the edge of the plate ♡ I will have a bite immediately ♪ The sugar-free panque and the boiled apples still have a crispy texture, and the sweetness of the custard whipped cream and cinnamon powder is not persistent and easy to eat ♡ I had eaten the sweet [POPOVER] until a while ago, so I may have felt that it was more refreshing. If you start eating this too, it won't stop ... If you notice it, you'll finish it ♪ lol It was delicious ♡♡ I can't drink coffee (bitter smile), so if you are interested in the deliciousness of coffee, please go there ♪ It seems that you can choose between siphon type and French press type. (I'm sorry if I made a mistake)
水樹明菜 on Google

I went around 11 o'clock. The pancakes were delicious. I got a chocolate banana. Vanilla ice cream and low-sweetness whipped cream match very well with the plump pancakes. The popover was crispy and the cream was delicious, and the tuna and eggs weren't too sweet. I made a mistake in my order, but I apologize for many times, and I'm sorry. It's a nice shop that makes you want to go again.
TERUMI on Google

美味しいです。 珈琲もパンケーキも美味しいです。店員さんも、感じが良いです。少しパンケーキが高いなぁと感じます。
Is delicious. Coffee is also delicious pancake. The clerk is also good. I feel that I could go high a little pancake.
ケーイチロー on Google

ログハウス造りが目を引く こちらのお店では美味しい料理とパンケーキ&ポップオーバーなどのスイーツに自家焙煎の珈琲がいただけます! こちらの“ふわふわしっとり”パンケーキが お気に入りなので今回も“苺のベリーパンケーキ”を食べてきました。 甘いイチゴに たっぷり生クリームとイチゴソースの相性も良く とっても美味しかったです!! “フレンチドッグセット”で珈琲もたっぷり いただき ゆっくり楽しいランチが出来ました! セットの珈琲が“お替わり自由”(平日のみ)なのは嬉しいサービスですね! 次回はポップオーバーをいただきに伺います。ご馳走様でした~! ちなみに支払いは現金以外も各種対応していてコーヒー豆の販売にTAKE OUTもあります。
At this shop, where the log house is eye-catching, you can enjoy delicious food and sweets such as pancakes and popovers, as well as home-roasted coffee! This "fluffy and moist" pancake Since I like it, I ate "Strawberry Berry Pancake" this time as well. The sweet strawberry, plenty of fresh cream and strawberry sauce go well together and it was very delicious !! Plenty of coffee with "French dog set" We had a relaxing and enjoyable lunch! It's a nice service that the coffee in the set is "free to refill" (weekdays only)! Next time, I'll come to have a popover. It was a treat ~! By the way, we accept various payments other than cash, and there is also TAKE OUT for selling coffee beans.
zap zap on Google

建物はログハウス調、駐車場は12台程度あります。店内もログハウス調です。テラス席も少しありましたデザートの注文、どれも美味しかったです。コーヒーはマイルドな感じ。 今度はランチで来よう
The building is like a log house, and there are about 12 parking lots. The inside of the store is also like a log house. There were a few terrace seats, and the dessert orders were all delicious. Coffee feels mild. Let's come for lunch this time

ポップオーバー(モンブラン)が 美味しかったです! シュークリームみたいなものかな と思いましたが、 とってもボリューミーでした。 栗のペーストも然ることながら、 生地に挟まれたアイスや 添えてあるホイップも すぐに飲み込むのが惜しいくらい。 店内は外観よりも広い様子で、 接客が丁寧なのが好印象でした。
Popover (Mont Blanc) It was delicious! Is it like cream puff? I thought, It was very volumey. As with chestnut paste, Ice cream sandwiched between dough The attached whip It is regrettable to swallow it immediately. The inside of the store looks wider than the exterior, It was a good impression that the customer service was polite.
Hippo on Google

パンケーキはふわふわ。 ポップアップサンドはシュークリームの大きい感じってイメージした方がわかりやすいかもです。 珈琲も美味しかった。 ランチのカレーもお薦めらしいです
The pancakes are fluffy. It may be easier to understand the pop-up sandwich if you imagine it as a big cream puff. The coffee was also delicious. Lunch curry is also recommended
沼山ぬおじろう on Google

美味しいという噂は以前から聞いていただぬ。産業道路を少し入った通りにある、ログハウス風の外観が目印だぬ。 ちなみに店名の「サンポ」は「散歩」ではなく、フィンランドの叙事詩「カレヴァラ」に出てくる幸福をもたらす石臼のようなものらしいだぬよ。 わしらはプレーンパンケーキとオリジナル珈琲とジュースをオーダー。 パンケーキはじっくり焼き上げるので20分かかるだぬ。ふわふわで口中でとろけるだぬ♡ バニラアイスやフルーツカクテル、マスカルポーネが添えられていて、生クリームが苦手な人もさっぱり美味しく頂けますだぬ。 珈琲は自家焙煎なので、香ばしくスッキリして飲みやすかっただぬ。 値段は異なるけど、珈琲の種類やドリップの仕方も選べるだぬ。 ご飯ものは今回オーダーしなかったけど、どれも美味しそうでした。次回チャレンジだぬな…! LINEで友達登録すると、当日から割引してくれるので、会計時に店員さんに確認してみてくださいだぬ。 味も美味しく、店員さんもテキパキとして感じが良かっただぬ。 「幸福の石臼」のとおり、幸せな気分になりましただぬ。 美味しゅうございました。
I've never heard rumors that it's delicious. The log house-like appearance on the street just off the industrial road is not a landmark. By the way, the store name "Sampo" is not a "walk", but it seems to be a stone mill that brings happiness in the Finnish epic "Kalevala". We ordered plain pancakes, original coffee and juice. It takes 20 minutes because the pancakes are baked slowly. It's fluffy and melts in your mouth ♡ It comes with vanilla ice cream, fruit cocktails, and mascarpone, so even people who don't like fresh cream can enjoy it. Coffee is roasted in-house, so it was fragrant, refreshing and easy to drink. The price is different, but you can also choose the type of coffee and the way to drip. I didn't order the rice this time, but they all looked delicious. It's the next challenge ...! If you register as a friend on LINE, you will get a discount from the day, so please check with the clerk at the time of checkout. The taste was delicious, and the clerk also felt good as a fluffy one. As you can see in the "stone mill of happiness," I feel happy. It was delicious.

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