まんまや 新潟駅前店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まんまや 新潟駅前店

住所 :

Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0087 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88798
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001192568/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–3AM
Sunday 6PM–1AM
Monday 6PM–1AM
Tuesday 6PM–1AM
Wednesday 6PM–1AM
Thursday 6PM–1AM
Friday 6PM–3AM
街 : Niigata

Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0087 Niigata,Japan
中華鍋 on Google

コロナ前にプロジェクトの打ち上げで使わせていただきました。 料理も美味しく、座席も広かったので満足でした。
I used it for the launch of the project before Corona. The food was delicious and the seats were spacious, so I was satisfied.
Long Yamatatu on Google

コースを頂きましたが、サラダは、ひきわり納豆や刺身が入ってて、野菜との相性がよく美味しく、鳥の唐揚げも肉が柔らかく美味しく、蕎麦も喉越しがよく美味く、出てくる料理が全て美味しかった。 人気店なのも納得できました。 食べるのに一生懸命で画像を撮るのを忘れてしまった。
Although I received the course, salad, meal natto and sashimi is they contain, is often delicious compatibility with vegetables, fried bird meat is soft and delicious, buckwheat also throat is well well, coming out cuisine Everything was delicious. I was satisfied with being a popular shop. I forgot to take the image in hard to eat.
春桜 on Google

At the anniversary festival, all-you-can-drink is too cheap, so there are too many customers, and even if it takes time, the edamame sticks out and is boiled. It was so delicious that I had to wait, and everyone smiled. Thank you. Maybe the sashimi is rockfish? it was delicious!
Y S on Google

초대받아 간곳~ 더할수없이 만족스러운곳 니가타에서는 손꼽히는 곳이라는데 어딘지도 모르고 초대받고 간곳 조금은 어려운곳이기에 사진을 막 찍지는 못하고 들어가면서, 자리에 앉기전에 눈치껏 찍은사진이 다이지만~ 대만족 ㅎㅎㅎ
Where you've been invited It is one of the best places in Niigata I was invited without knowing where It's a bit difficult, so I can't just take a picture, All the pictures I took before I sat down ~ Very happy
4K112a N on Google

会社の飲み会で利用。 タバコ吸えない。 入口横に灰皿ありだけど席で吸ってる人いたなぁ。加熱式ならオーケーとかなのかもしれない。未確認ですが。 今キャンペーンで120分飲み放題が1000円かからず利用できるみたい。 飲み放題メニューのお酒も安かろう悪かろうではなくてちゃんとしてて良い感じ!ビールも一番搾りだし!! 料理もインパクトはないけれどどれも美味しい感じでしたが幹事さんが提供が遅いってブウたれてた。確かに着席から酒類の提供、料理提供迄結構間があったけど平日だしコロナだしでスタッフ少ないのかもね。
Used at company drinking parties. I can't smoke. There is an ashtray next to the entrance, but some people smoked at their seats. If it is a heating type, it may be okay. It's unconfirmed. It seems that you can use the 120-minute all-you-can-drink for less than 1000 yen in this campaign. The all-you-can-drink menu isn't cheap or bad, it feels good! Beer is also the most squeezed! !! The food had no impact, but they all tasted good, but the secretary said that the food was late. Certainly there was a long time from sitting down to serving alcoholic beverages and cooking, but it's a weekday and it's a corona so there may be few staff.
miii wata on Google

駅から近くてとても良かった✨ 料理は大皿か別盛りか選べてとてもよかったです! 4500円のコースで食べ応えあり❗ 美味しかったです✨ 店員さんの対応もとてもよかったです!
It was very nice to be close to the station ✨ It was very nice to be able to choose between a platter and a separate serving! There is a response to eating with a course of 4500 yen ❗ It was delicious ✨ The clerk's response was also very good!

女子会で使わせていただきました。 ボリュームありすぎで、大満足です。 定員さんもとても感じよかったです。
I used it at the girls' association. I am very satisfied with the volume. The capacity was also very nice.
餅アングル on Google

行くたび行くたび 「予約でいっぱいです」と言われる店 だったら入り口に本日予約貸切ですみたいな看板出しとけや けやき通り店は不定休で開いてるのか開いてないのかよくわからんし 接客が他の居酒屋よりマシやから気に入ってるけどさ どうなっとんねんこの店
Every time I go A store that is said to be "full of reservations" If so, there is a signboard at the entrance that looks like it's reserved today. I'm not sure if the Keyaki-dori store is open or not on irregular holidays. I like the customer service better than other izakaya. What happened to this shop

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