
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 澤井

住所 :

Higashinogawa, Komae, 〒201-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashinogawa, Komae, 〒201-0002 Tokyo,Japan
su Kuriyama on Google

I ordered a pork cutlet set meal for lunch. It's supposed to be roasted (maybe ...) but it's soft and delicious. I'm glad that the soup is also a lot of pork soup. It was a reasonable and satisfying lunch, so I would like to come at night this time.
とやけん on Google

ランチとんかつ 税込1012円 コロモがサクサクで美味しかったです。 キャベツ盛が良いので、ヘルシーでした。 全てのバランスが良かった。
Lunch pork cutlet 1012 yen including tax Koromo was crispy and delicious. The cabbage was good, so it was healthy. Everything was well balanced.
斉藤隆太 on Google

普段から車でお店の前を車で通っていて気になっていたとんかつ屋さん。 ひょんな巡り合わせから入ってみました。 隣のお好み焼き屋さんと迷った挙げ句 妻のセレクトで澤井さんに決定! 実食してみたらコレがビックリ‼️ 人生で一番美味いトンカツに出くわした? 私が食べたのは「リブローストンカツ定食」 で¥2,200と値は張りますが、 その額を出しても満足するクオリティと ボリュームですよ❣️ 訪問した日が寒いこともあり 妻は「カツ鍋定食」を注文しましたが、 コチラも美味しい! 定食のお味噌汁も豚汁でカラダ温まるし 旨い? おそらく全てのメニューが美味しそうなので リピート決定です❗️
A pork cutlet shop that I was always curious about when I was driving in front of the shop. I tried to enter from a chance meeting. I was at a loss with the okonomiyaki restaurant next door Mr. Sawai is selected by his wife's selection! I was surprised when I tried it! ️ I came across the most delicious pork cutlet in my life ? I ate "Ribeye pork cutlet set meal" The price is high at ¥ 2,200, but With quality that is satisfying even if you pay that amount It's volume ❣️ Sometimes the day I visited is cold My wife ordered a "cutlet hot pot set meal", This is also delicious! The miso soup of the set meal also warms the body with pork soup Delicious ? Probably all the menus look delicious It is a repeat decision ❗️
Taketo Goto on Google

満足度の高いリピートしたいお店でした。 散歩がてら発見したお店、Googleのレビューでは評価が分かれていたので入るかどうか迷ったけれど、入って正解! 肉が薄いとか、衣が油っぽい、お母さんの愛想が...と言うレビューもあるけど、私が行った時は真逆だった。 お肉も厚みがあり、ロースの油もほんのり甘くて良いお肉(お肉は他の方のレビュー通り、国産の白豚)。衣もサクサクで、お母さんもとても丁寧。あまりにレビューと違うので、普段レビューなんて書かないけどちょっと書いてみる事に。 価格は夜の価格でロース、ヒレ定食共に1,500円 (ランチは、日替わりが800円、とんかつ定食が920円)普段行く「和幸」「さぼてん」「かつくら」と比較しても断然コスパ良いと思います。 ※上記は税抜価格 味噌汁もダシがしっかりとってあって美味しかったですよ。 <追記:2020.2.4 夜再訪問> 相変わらずとても美味しい!衣がサクサクで肉もほんのりピンク色でジューシー。 1500円(税抜)の価格帯のお店では、自分の中ではNo.1トンカツ屋さん。店員のお婆ちゃんニコニコ接客してくれて居心地もいい。 今は黒豚ではなく白豚との事ですが、そんなの気にならないくらいのお味です。特にロースがおススメ。また来ます! <追記:2020.3.22 夜再訪問> またまたリピ。相変わらずいいお肉。 ご馳走さまでした。 <追記:2020.7.13 夜再訪問> 前回追加から、もう何度来たか分からないくらい常連に。他のトンカツ屋さんには行かなくなりました。 通常のメニュー表にない「リブロース(2,000円)」こちらは本当に厚切りの美味しい部位を揚げてくれるので、ジューシーなお肉を沢山食べたい方は是非リブロースで。今日もご馳走様でした。 <追記:2020.8.23 夜再訪問> 夏の暑さが和らいだので再訪(徒歩で行くので真夏はツライ)毎週のように食べたいくらいなので、2週間くらいあくと恋しくなる味。 今日はリブロース(私)とヒレ(妻)、フィレも柔らかくて美味しいけど、ガッツリ食べたい時はやはりリブロース!今日も大満足、ご馳走様でした。
It was a store that I wanted to repeat with high satisfaction. The store I found after taking a walk, the review by Google was divided, so I was wondering whether to enter, but I got in and got the correct answer! There is a review saying that the meat is thin, the clothes are oily, and the mum's affection is ... but when I went, it was the exact opposite. The meat is thick, and the loin oil is slightly sweet (meat is domestic white pork according to other people's reviews). The clothes are crispy and the mother is very polite. It's so different from reviews that I don't usually write reviews, but I'll write a little. The price is 1,500 yen for both loin and fin set meals at night (800 yen for lunch and 920 yen for tonkatsu set meals for lunch) I think it's definitely better than "Wako", "Saboten" and "Katsukura" which you usually go to .. *The above prices do not include tax The miso soup was also delicious because it had a firm dashi stock. Very delicious as usual! The batter is crispy and the meat is slightly pink and juicy. In the price range of 1500 yen (excluding tax), I am the No. 1 ton cutlet shop. The clerk's grandmother is happy to serve me. Right now, it's about white pork, not black pork, but it's a taste that doesn't bother me. Loin is especially recommended. I will come again! See you again. Good meat as usual. It was a feast. It's been a regular since I added it last time, and I don't know how many times it came. I no longer go to other pork cutlet shops. "Rib loin (2,000 yen)" which is not on the regular menu This is a deep-fried delicious part, so if you want to eat a lot of juicy meat, please try rib loin. It was a treat today as well. I revisited because the summer heat was mild (I'm walking on foot so it's hard in the middle of summer) I want to eat it every week so I miss it for about two weeks. Rib loin (me), fins (wife) and fillets are tender and tender today, but if you want to eat it, then rib loin! I was very happy today and it was a treat.
Aina Usui on Google

집에서 만든 밥같이 맛있다 런치로 자주 찾는 곳이다 보통 매주 수요일이 휴일이고 브레이크 타임 뒤 저녁 시간은 5시 반부터라서 참고하길 바란다
It tastes like home-made rice A place I frequent for lunch Usually every Wednesday is a holiday after break time Please note that dinner time is from 5:30
Yasu on Google

昭和な雰囲気の店内、外から見るとあまりお客が入ってないように見えるが、中々どうして美味しいとんかつが食べられる。 分厚いカツとソースが美味しい。特にソースはオリジナルの手を加えているのか、サラサラとした感じで、野菜やフルーツの味見が多く感じられる。 とんかつにはレモンが備え付けられてありますが、かけない方がオススメ。ソースの繊細な甘みが吹っ飛びます。味噌汁は煮干しの味が強く、とても具だくさんの家庭的な味。 気軽に入れるトンカツ屋としてはお勧めです。
From the outside, it seems that there aren't many customers inside the store, which has a Showa era atmosphere, but why can you eat delicious tonkatsu? The thick cutlet and sauce are delicious. In particular, the sauce seems to have been modified from the original, and it feels smooth, and you can feel a lot of tasting of vegetables and fruits. Lemon is provided in the pork cutlet, but it is recommended not to sprinkle it. The delicate sweetness of the sauce is blown away. Miso soup has a strong taste of dried sardines and has a very homely taste with plenty of ingredients. It is recommended as a pork cutlet shop that you can easily enter.
miso aji on Google

数量限定リブロース定食 税込2200円 お昼行くとふつうに食べれる。 ごはん、こんもり。 ふっくらやわらか。 たまんない。 野菜、こんもり。 これだけで腹が満たされそうになる。 ドレッシングはなさそう(頼んでる人はいた) みそ汁、具沢山。 普通の人だとここまででお腹いっぱい。 メインのブタちゃん。 200gとの表記あり が、 ブ厚すぎんだろ❤️ 最高のひとこと。 食べ途中でも写真を撮ってしまった。 見栄えが悪くて申し訳ない。 でもこのブ厚さを伝えたい。 想像の2倍くらい? こち亀最後らへんの単行本くらい? とにかくブ厚い。なのに噛み切れちゃう。 ここまで丁寧に処理されているんだろう。 お漬物。 シメにピッタリ。 最後にあったかいお茶をすすって。 ごっそさん。 店主のおばあさんも優しい。 お茶足りますか? 必ず声をかけてくれる。 食べ終わっても「どうだった?お腹いっぱいになったでしょう?」 なんだか実家のような安心感に包まれる。 「すいません」の声がなかなか聞こえないのはご愛嬌。 いつまでも続いてほしい名店。
Limited quantity rib roast set meal 2200 yen including tax You can usually eat it at noon. Rice, thick. Plump and soft. I'm sorry. Vegetables, thick. This alone seems to fill my stomach. There seems to be no dressing (some people asked) Miso soup and lots of ingredients. If you are an ordinary person, you will be full up to this point. The main pig. There is a notation of 200g but, It's too thick ❤️ The best word. I took a picture while I was eating. I'm sorry it doesn't look good. But I want to convey this thickness. About twice as much as you can imagine? Is it about the last book of this turtle? Anyway, it's thick. But I can't bite it. It must have been processed carefully so far. Pickles. Perfect for shime. Sip warm tea at the end. Uncle. The owner's grandmother is also kind. Do you have enough tea? Be sure to call out. Even after eating, "How was it? You're full?" It feels like a family home. It's cute that you can't easily hear the voice of "I'm sorry". A well-known store that I want you to continue forever.
George Watts on Google

A great family run business with a very 80s Japan vibe. Some of the best Katsu I've had. Very simple but freshly made. The owners were very friendly as well! No English menu but I just recommend getting the ro-su katsu teishoku (pork katsu set menu) as shown in the photo.

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