Higashinada Library - Kobe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Higashinada Library

住所 :

2 Chome-3-40 Sumiyoshi Higashimachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888877
Postal code : 658-0052
Webサイト : http://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/information/institution/institution/library/facilities/index.html

2 Chome-3-40 Sumiyoshi Higashimachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0052, Japan
福島志穂子 on Google

This is my healing spot. Chairs are placed with a space to prevent spread. It is a place where both adults and children can relax.
シウバダビ度 on Google

The building is fashionable, the inside is beautiful, there is a parking lot and a bicycle parking lot, which is convenient, and there is also a Danjiri Museum.
藤谷豊子 on Google

住吉川の側にあり車の駐車場や自転車置き場もあり、建物も綺麗で広さも十分ですね? ただ、置いてある本が少し古い年代物が多いかな?日曜日などはお年寄りから子供まで多くの方が利用されていました?皆椅子に座って好きな本を読まれてます、 入り口にはだんじり資料館もあり だんじりが展示されており圧巻ですよ? 暑くなる季節は人が多く1日過ごされる方も多いですね?
There is car parking lot and bicycle storage on the side of Sumiyoshi River, and the building is beautiful and the area is also enough ? However, many people from old people to children are used, such as Sundays, etc. There are many old books in the books that are put in place. There is also a Danjiri Museum at the entrance. Danjiri is exhibited and is a masterpiece. There are many people who spend one day during the hot season
Born The. on Google

自習室利用のため来館したが、自分の座高と合っていないためか背中が痛くなり1時間ほどで退館。 椅子が高さを調節できるものではなかったので身長が普通より低いもしくは高い方は長時間の自習は難しいかもしれない。
I came to the library to use the self-study room, but my back hurt probably because it didn't match my sitting height, so I left the library in about an hour. Since the chair was not adjustable in height, it may be difficult for people who are shorter or taller than usual to study for a long time.
sky high on Google

2011年10月に岡本にあった時に この東灘図書館に初めて入り ました。当時は館内が狭くて、 職員達の声が丸聞こえ。その頃、 新しい若い男性職員がこの図書館で 勤務し始めて、私にとても親切に してくれました。ところが他の 女性職員達がその新入りの若い 男性職員を集団で無視したり 罵ったりしていじめまくって、 退職に追い込んでいました。 あの男性職員がかわいそうで なりません。正規職員のおじさんは その新入りの男性職員からの挨拶を 毎回無視していました。
When I was in Okamoto in October 2011 Entered this Higashinada Library for the first time I did. At that time, the hall was small, I can hear the voices of the staff. at that time, A new young male employee at this library Being very kind to me since I started working Did it. However, other Female staff are the new young Ignore male staff as a group I was bullied and bullied, I was forced to retire. I feel sorry for that male employee It will not be. The uncle of a regular employee Greetings from the new male staff I ignored it every time.
森山直子 on Google

2021/10/08 いつも利用している灘図書館の児童書があまりにもボロボロで、本の修理を頼むのにも疲れてきたし、ボロボロの本ばかり触れさせるのは3歳の息子の教育にも悪いと思いこちらを利用。 結果、東灘図書館の児童書も見事にボロボロでした(笑) まず図書館側の対策としては、児童書(絵本)に限り返却された本は一回預かって中を全てチェックした方がいいと思います。 親御さんの対策としては、本を破いてしまう可能性のある幼児に本を渡すときは(読み聞かせるときは)目を離さない。 返却時に破損がないか中を確認する。 破損があるときは黙って返却しないで申し出る(セロテープを使ってご自身で修理されてる方いますが、セロテープは劣化が早いですし、綺麗になおすためにもプロに任せたほうがいいです)。 私の息子も、1歳くらいまではよく家の本を破いてましたので、図書館の本は私が読み聞かせるときだけ見せて、後は手の届かないところに置いてました。 もうすぐ3歳になる今は、破くことはなくなったので手の届くところに置いてますが、貸出時と返却時には中を確認するようにしています。 本がボロボロ以外は、お話し室や親子読書コーナーなどありゆっくり本を読み聞かせることができますし、 走り回る私の息子(追いかけて注意しても逃げて走っていた(^^;))には、司書さんがちゃんと注意してくれたので、図書館のルールやマナーをちゃんと教育してくれる良い図書館だと思います(マナー悪い子を放置の図書館もありますので…)。
2021/10/08 The children's books in the Nada Library that I use all the time are so tattered that I'm tired of asking for book repairs, and I think it's bad for my 3-year-old son's education to just touch the tattered books, so I use this .. As a result, the children's books at the Higashinada Library were also splendidly tattered (laughs). First of all, as a measure on the library side, I think it is better to keep the returned books only for children's books (picture books) once and check all the inside. As a parent's measure, keep an eye on (read aloud) when handing a book to an infant who may break the book. Check the inside for damage when returning. If there is any damage, do not silently return it (some people repair it by themselves using cellophane tape, but cellophane tape deteriorates quickly and it is better to leave it to a professional to fix it cleanly). My son used to tear books at home until he was about one year old, so I showed the books in the library only when I read them aloud, and kept them out of reach. Now that I'm about 3 years old, I can't tear it anymore, so I keep it within reach, but I try to check the inside when lending and returning. Except for the books being tattered, there is a talk room and a parent-child reading corner where you can read the books slowly. The librarian paid attention to my son who was running around (I was running away even if I chased and was careful (^^;)), so it is a good library that properly educates the rules and manners of the library. I think (because some libraries leave children with bad manners ...).
motoya jiyama on Google

2022年4月 コロナ禍で12席に減っているが無線LAN席あり。新しい図書館でとてもきれい。
Y Kawai on Google

a branch of Kobe municipal library. not full scale but cozy environment for casual book and magazine hunt.

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